Friday, October 31, 2008

Real Alternative Osteoarthritis Treatments

By Mark John

Osteoarthritis is known to be amongst the most debilitating of diseases, and is clearly the most common type of arthritis. Our population has become riddled with this terrible affliction, with millions of new cases reported annually. The overall cost to society could be nearing $100 billion. While Osteoarthritis is not linked directly to sex, it is apparent that the disease is far more common in women.

In addition to age, risk factors for osteoarthritis include joint injury and being overweight (especially for knee and hip osteoarthritis). Symptoms are most often prevalent in the hands, knees, hips, back, and neck.

The shoulder joint seems to shrug off OA, (excuse the pun), it's not true to say that one can not have OA in one's shoulder, its just not that common. More often than not symptoms of painful OA in the shoulder will normally be as a result of a past trauma or maybe even a previous operation. The reasons for being afflicted with OA are hard to pinpoint, however one's occupation, weight, and family history may all play a part.

It is unclear whether excess weight influences OA or whether OA contributes to obesity, either way it is clear that losing excess weight can only help one's osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is unfortunately an on going condition

OA is not normally thought of as being an inflammatory arthritis condition, having said that, recent studies have indicated that arthritics who suffer with osteoarthritis do carry a greater level of cells which cause the inflammation of the joint area.

Osteoarthritis is one of the most prevalent and disabling chronic conditions affecting older adults and a significant public health problem among adults of working age. Although the incidence of osteoarthritis increases with age, the condition is not a normal part of the ageing process.

Osteoarthritis is a variable disease, as there are many different types, affecting different joints, and is considered a progressive disease that worsens over time. Patients can develop other symptoms such as loss of movement, stiffness and swelling in the hip and snapping of the hip.

Joint Deterioration

OA will eventually begin to destroy the cartilage, which can cause the area around the affected joint to become inflamed, the inflammation in some cases might resemble rheumatoid arthritis.

The inflammation is usually brought on by broken cartilage fragments drifting in to the synovial space. Excessive swelling of the joint can cause problems and restrict movement.

The effects of osteoarthritis are normally felt at their worst in the morning or last thing at night. With a progressive condition such as OA, surgery is usually the inevitable end result especially in older arthritics, younger patients will normally only be offered joint replacement in exceptional circumstances.

Hip and knee surgery is the most common type of joint replacement carried out today, most operations are successful, however in the long term the replaced joint will only have around an 85% chance of still being intact, around 15 years is often mentioned as the average life-span of these join replacements. Joint replacement is the last resort.

Exercise can Help

Low impact exercising is not thought to be damaging to those suffering with OA, In most cases simple exercising is encouraged as a way of re-gaining some mobility in an effected joint, an ongoing exercise program can also help to strengthen the area around the joint, which aids support. Exercising on a regular basis is known to be beneficial for numerous reasons, apart from OA.

Remember one should always talk to a physician about what types of exercise would appropriate for one's particular condition. A health care professional will be able to recommend an appropriate exercise program.

Only use FDA Regulated Arthritis Supplements

Don't be tempted in to taking supplements that promise the earth, yes they just might work for you, however unless they are governed by the FDA (Food and Drug administration) who knows what your taking, you may end up with a container full of capsules containing nothing more than, ground rock and chalk. Only use FDA approved products.

Treating Your Arthritis Without Drugs

In many cases arthritis drugs carry so many side effects, and occasionally make the condition worse, not better. Many old and indeed new alternative treatments exist which have been shown to relieve arthritis, I believe they work by tackling the underlying elements of the condition (even in OA)

Flush the Body of All it's Poisonous Debris - And Watch Your Health Improve!

Drinking large amounts of water daily is a great and easy way of flushing out the damaging debris and toxins which build up in the body. Removing these trapped toxins can have a fantastic effect on most forms of arthritis, including OA. Try to drink filtered or mineral water as opposed to tap water, this is mainly due to the fact that ordinary tap water tends to contain heavy metal.

Fresh fruit is known to be a great natural anti-oxidant, especially apples and fresh berries, (avoid citrus fruits).Foods which are known to be beneficial to those suffering with OA might include, Fish that typically contain the highest levels of vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Natural alternatives to treating one's arthritis, whichever type you have, do exist and may be far more effective than the aggressive prescribed drugs used to treat the condition. Alternative treatments or approaches tackle the underlying problems associated with arthritis, not just the symptoms. Why not try a natural approach to your condition, most only involve simple life changes, it has to be better than the harsh drugs your doctor's prescribed. - 15437

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Steps to Achieve a Healthy Fast Weight Loss Diet

By Ricardo d Argence

If you have been dieting for a special event like a wedding, a reunion or job interview or big date, those last few days can make a big difference. The next few days will require dedication and hard work but they will pay off.

It is not a pill or type of food that will burn fat in a rapid weight loss program. To get a drastic reduction of calories try to combine it with exercise. To assist you in finding an estimate of the number of calories you burn each day, you can utilize the Daily Calorie Needs Calculator.

Everyday you should consume 500 calories less than you burn off in order to lose a pound a week. If you want faster results, try consuming 1,000 fewer calories than you use; this ought to amount to about two pounds every week.

Avoid foods that cause temporary water gain and bloating. Salty foods will cause water retention, so skip fried foods and salty foods, such as what is frequently found in pizza sauce or take out.

Don't forget to eat smaller frequent meals instead of three large meals per day. Eating less calories more frequently will allow your body to better utilize the calories you provide without storing them as fat. To avoid hunger, eat snacks between meals and drink plenty of water.

You should be aware that the risks of rapid weight loss increase the longer you stay on the diet. A diet that excludes protein is an unhealthy choice.

Starving yourself is certainly not a good idea, but if you're otherwise healthy, a brief period of extreme calorie restriction isn't likely to hurt you. You should tell your doctor what you're doing, and be sure to include protein in your diet.

You should also know that crash diets rarely help the dieter achieve a healthy and easily sustained weight. A majorit of people just gain the weight back immediately.

People that are trying to lose weight quickly usually do it on their own. Often goals are for a quick fix to fit in a new outfit for a special occasion or with the approaching of summer to look better in a little less clothing.

With so many marketing rapid weight loss, it's hard to see through the clutter. Their claims are frequently made with little research or proof behind their product's abilities. Ensure that you have obtained as many details about a diet and have consulted with your doctor prior to starting the diet. - 15437

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To Pilot A Homebuilt Hovercraft Is Fun And Easy

By Rashel Dan

Hovercrafts are designed using the principles of an aircraft. Most of its benefits are attributed to air dynamics. Although it looks like it's floating on water as how a boat would, it's actually floating. When it starts moving, the correct term is gliding just as a plane would glide through the air. Hence, whether it's a homebuilt hovercraft or a commercial hovercraft vessel, the person steering the wheel is appropriately called a pilot.

A hovercraft is piloted in the same manner as one pilots a helicopter. The engine is usually controlled by a throttle. To maneuver, a handle that works similarly as how a joystick work is used for the rudder. This simple mechanism allows you to pilot the hovercraft with ease. At first attempt, expect it to be a little bit challenging to do.

Hovercrafts move via air cushion. Therefore, there is no contact to the water or ground surface below. Thus there is much less friction involved. Imagine how it feels driving on ice. It's almost like that. Piloting your homebuilt hovercraft requires a little bit of self training and skills. It also requires you to stay focused on the machine.

Here are a few of the benefits that should motivate you and help you learn to pilot a hovercraft:

- Island hopping - Yes you can do this without having to spending anything more than fuel or energy for your homebuilt hovercraft. Since this vehicle can practically fly on water surface, visiting neighboring islands won't be any hassle.

- You don't need a pilot's license to steer the hovercraft. Although there may be a license for owning a boat or vehicle of this type. It is best to consult about this.

- Your homebuilt hovercraft can practically go to water paths that are not accessible if you go by boat. Its mobility is more useful in this case. Examples of these paths are shallow bodies of water.

- It is affordable. It doesn't require you to spend so much. Unlike commercial versions, this is homebuilt and you can always improvise.

- You can go fishing with a hovercraft. In winter time when you want to go fishing above thin ice, the hovercraft is a good base to sit on.

- The homebuilt hovercraft is the best alternative means of transportation when you need to carry and move heavy cargoes or loads on flat but difficult surfaces such as mud and swamps,

There could be a lot more. Many hovercraft models have even appeared on major movies. The best part about this vehicle, apart from its versatility is that it comes with design kits. You can build your own homebuilt hovercraft just by this package. No need to study physics or air dynamics. Simply enjoy building and piloting it.

Piloting a hovercraft is easy once you get the feel of how the machine moves. You should be ready to enjoy gliding over smooth surfaces where it's best suited for. Hovercrafts can fly over frozen lakes, snow fields, and in almost all water surfaces. It is also advisable to use the hovercraft in marshes or swamp areas and muddy grounds. - 15437

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If You Think Your Spouse Might Be Cheating,Here's How To Find Out

By Phil Burnett

Recently we have been receiving a number of emails from people wondering how they can find out if their spouse is cheating on them. There's actually an easy way to do this - if you have any suspicious, you owe it to yourself to find out the truth about your relationship.

There are more and more people that are hiring private investigators to "spy" on their spouse. However, you don't need to go to such an extreme! Whenever we get an email from someone who is considering using a private investigator to see if anything "fishy" is going on, we always recommend using the following method first.

You will be happy to know that this "detective's trick" is fast, very easy and hardly costs a dime. You will need to follow three steps for it to work - let's look at each one.

Step #1 - Is Your Spouse Cheating On You?

Ready to play detective?!? In this first step you are going to need to get a hold of your spouse's cell phone for around 15 minutes. Make sure you have enough time to look at it without worrying about getting "caught".

Make sure you pick a good time! Your spouse might have just jumped in the shower or is out with friends without their phone. Just make sure you have about 15 minutes to yourself.

When you have their phone you are going to write down every phone number that appears on both their incoming and outgoing call history lists. Most phones will keep track of the last 100 calls - write them all down.

When you are making your list, you can leave off any phone number that you know you recognize. You just want to make sure that you are writing down each and every phone number that doesn't look familiar to you.

Once you have your list complete, it's time to put back the phone and go on to the next step.

Step #2 - Is Your Spouse Cheating On You?

Now it's time to find out exactly who your spouse has been chatting with. There's a way that you can find out someone's full name, address and background information by having nothing but their phone number.

There are businesses that put together massive databases of every phone number out there (including unlisted and cell phone numbers). They purchase access to these phone records, build their databases and then let anyone run a search on any phone number.

This type of service is available online to the general public. It's called a "reverse phone search" and will instantly how you the person's name and details right on your computer screen.

You can try a free sample search by using the link that we have included at the bottom of this article. This will show you exactly how it works.

There is a fee for using this type of service, but it isn't expensive. Make sure you look for a company that offers unlimited searches for a one-time only fee. Your list will most likely have more than one or two phone numbers so you don't want to have to pay for each individual search you use.

Now you need to go through the list of phone numbers you have and run a reverse phone search for each one. Write down the information you discover for each one on your sheet of paper next to the number.

Once you are done this step, you can move on to the last step.

Step #3 - Is Your Spouse Cheating On You?

Now you have a list of all the people that your partner has been chatting with (and how often). This information makes it easy to spot any suspicious patterns about whether or not your spouse is cheating.

Look over your sheet of paper and all the names that are on it. Many people that think their spouse is cheating on them have a person in mind that they think they might be cheating with. If this is the case, do you see this name on your list?

When you know who your spouse has been communicating with, it's easy to see if there is reason to think that they might be cheating. This easy "detective's trick" gives you a simple way to discover if your spouse is being unfaithful and see if you are being treated with the respect you deserve. - 15437

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State Marriage Records California

By Dave Porter

California Marriage Records contain data on names, licenses and counties for marriage applications. All public marriage records in the state of California are kept by the California Department of Public Health Office of Vital Records. Individual counties issue confidential records pertaining to licenses that were issued out of their office. The same is true for divorce records. They will be found only in the county of which the Superior Court ordered the divorce decree. California's law - The California Public Records Act - mandates that all public records and copies are made available to anyone.

Websites by government agencies provide adequate marriage records free of charge if you are just looking for general information. The same can be accomplished by searching the database on-site at the respective county offices. However, for formal proceedings, you would need professionally packaged official marriage records. The Office of Vital Records is the authorized department to provide official marriage records in California. It can also release divorce Certificates of Record. For both, there is a fee involved when requesting certified copies.

So, we therefore have the choice of going it ourselves in gathering California Marriage Records or hire professional help to perform the task for us. It's an individual thing and each has its own merits and setbacks. Obviously, marriage records from free sources save money but their standards inevitably won't match up to those from fee-based ones. Often too, circumstances demand that such information is obtained through certified bodies thus ruling out the DIY (do-it-yourself) option.

In California, all public records can be viewed at Public Health county offices. They can also be requested via email. The California Department of Public Health Office of Vital Records lists all of the pamphlets, forms and fees necessary to obtain official copies of marriage and divorce records. Unfortunately, obtaining marriage records on your own can sometimes be a lengthy and onerous process. The California Office of Vital Statistics estimates a backlog of six months when processing requests for public marriage records of California and recommends that people go directly to the concerned county offices to view records and request copies of them. Respective counties have different forms, fees and processes to retrieve this information.

Several companies can help you expedite the process of accessing and viewing state public records. They can surely help you order and receive certified copies of marriage records in a much more expeditious manner than people generally can on their own. With information that you supply, these companies can directly fill out forms and make requests for you straight from different counties as their network and infrastructure are in place for it.

The public records business is demanding and competitive. Industry leaders are highly professional and have extensive experience in getting public records from county offices. In order to survive in the game, they have to charge affordable rates also. They will get the forms, enquire the fees and advise on applicable state laws. Many of them have in-house databases of marriage and divorce records for existing or potential customers, completely circumventing the need to wait on government agencies to produce those records.

With over 36 million residents living in California today, on top of the hundreds of millions in years past, there are quite a bit of California marriage records on file and archive. Finding just the ones spot-on is potentially daunting and error-prone for the amateur. In all practicality, it will be worth the cost to hire professionals for the task. After all, the subject of marriage records is hardly ever a trivial matter. - 15437

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Photo Greeting Cards

By David Peters

Have you ever received a digital photo card for a special event such as a holiday and thought that you yourself would like to send the same greeting out to family and friends? Adding that personalized touch is as simple as choosing that favorite photo or photos to get started. With only a few simple steps, you can send a customized and fun digital photo card to everyone you know for any occasion.

Digital photos are shown off in a new way through printable greeting cards and help keep family and friends close. Customized photo card are offered by most online digital photo services allowing you to fashion your own photo greeting card for wedding announcements, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and whatever else might happen in your life.

Creating Printable Photo Greeting Cards:

Photo cards are easy and enjoyable to make. Top-quality custom made photo cards can be designed in a snap, complete with your own digital images and personalized message inside through online photo services such as Shutterfly and Ofoto. Photo greeting cards are printed usually on 5x7 card stock with either a glossy or matte finish. All you have to do is upload you digital photo/photos to the photo service of choice, select a layout and greeting, and add your personal message to finish your card. Photo cards typically come in sets of 20, complete with envelopes for mailing.

For the ultimate in convenience, Shutterfly will even let you import your addresses from Outlook or your Palm device and mail your photo greeting cards for you. All you have to do is choose a design and the rest is left to them - no trip to the mailbox!

Software for Photo Greeting Cards:

You can also make your own printable greeting cards using digital photo software. There are several great programs with photo card templates for a variety of occasions. They make it easy to design your own customized Valentine Day and Easter photo cards or other holiday photo cards. Our two favorite programs for making our own printable greeting cards are FotoFinish and Adobe Photoshop Album. They both have templates for a variety of photo greeting cards including Valentine, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Christmas photo cards and other holiday photo cards.

There are many fun ways to use your digital camera. Get creative and enjoy! - 15437

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Finding An Affordable Notary Service In Austin Texas

By Chris Channing

There are plenty of notary services in the Austin Texas area, and it may seem a bit daunting trying to find one that you can trust, or one that isn't a scam artist. The Austin Mobile notary is one of the more increasingly popular notary services available in the Austin area. Online directories are able to provide you will information on finding a great Austin Texas notary

If you were to search notary directories for Austin Texas you would find plenty of them. There are websites out there designed to help you find the best notaries that offer the best pricing options. Links will also be able to give you phone numbers, addresses, and business operating hours.

In case of an urgent emergency, you should find an Austin Texas notary that lives near your location to fulfill your needs directly. The Austin mobile notary service is increasingly popular because the notary can drive to your location. Most of the time he or she can be notified on a short notice, and be able to reach your location rather quickly.

A notary in Austin Texas is authorized to sign and stamp legal documents, such as wills, house titles, car titles, and many other important legal documents. It is required by law that the above documents are stamped by someone who is legally allowed to verify the piece of paper. Conveniently, a mobile notary can perform these actions at your home or office, or any private area that you choose.

Austin mobile notaries are particularly useful because they can meet you on any private properties where a legal document would need to notarized. Whether it is a home you just purchased, or a vehicle, or any number of things. You can get the title signed over to you 100% legally and without waiting or trying to get it notarized somewhere else. Austin Texas notaries offer secure notarization of legal documents that need verification or validation. Its important that certain legal documents are notarized, so that they can correspond with United States laws.

In the event that you are unable to go into public or move about, an Austin Texas mobile notary will be at your service without you having to leave your area. If you have a loved one who is incapable of being transported to any destination, an Austin mobile notary will be able to come to your location and sign the document. These services are so useful, especially when other notaries may not be willing or capable of making a trip to your home.

Closing Comments

Whatever the reason for you needing to hire an Austin notary, keep all of your options open. Austin Mobile notaries are especially good for those who are entirely incapable of traveling to a formal destination, yet they are in need of getting a letter or legal document notarized. - 15437

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Used Digital Cameras

By Gary Pearson

Digital photography is very popular, but buying a quality digital can be a very expensive endeavor. My first digital was very cheap, and it didn?t work well at all. It was good for taking snapshots outside in the bright sunlight, but that was about it. I took it to a concert once and never bothered to take it again. The pictures were horrible. I know have a better camera, but it did cost me a lot of money. If you want something that works well, but you don?t have a lot of cash to spare, you might consider getting a used digital camera.

One place where you can search for used digital camera in the internet is eBay. They have many different kinds of models there and you may just find what you are looking for. However you might have to attend a few auctions before you are given the model of your choice at the price that you have quoted. Even if you get outbid, you are sure to find one that is priced reasonably enough to enable you to purchase it. There are a number of models that are available and you would definitely find the one that you are looking for.

You should check the used digital camera before you bid on it. It is good to read everything that the seller has listed about the camera. You should know what the reason is for the seller selling the camera at such cheap prices.

When you read the description the seller has given, you would find what the problem with the camera is. If it is that you can get the problem fixed at a low cost then you can go ahead and buy it but if it is that you are not too keen to spend any money in fixing the problem, you should stay away from it.

It is good to pay for your purchase through Paypal or credit card because this would help you to get back the money if the product is not as it is given in the description, or has problems that were not told to you by the seller. If you research well enough and make your purchase you would definitely find a good quality used camera for yourself. Just be patient and calm and you would very soon come across the right model. - 15437

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

How To Have A Night Of Tarot Card Reading At Your Next Party

By Jack Levine

If you are planning to have a party and are stuck for something original and fun for your guests. Consider hiring a tarot card reader for some lively entertainment for everyone at your party. It's a great way to spark some interesting conversation and ensure that everyone has a wonderful time.

The first thing that you will need is a list of the psychics that are in your area. This might be a bit difficult, since they probably don?t list in the yellow pages. The best place to find a great tarot card reader is with the recommendations of friends who have had readings.

Word of mouth is one of the best methods of advertising for psychics and tarot card readers. If someone has a good experience with a reader, they are very likely to share the information with their friends. Find out if any of your friends have been to see a psychic lately.

When you have a good sized list, you can start calling the tarot card readers and finding out the details for your party. You should ask how much they will charge you for your party first and how they will calculate the cost. Some might charge you a per guest rate or others may charge you a flat rate for the night.

Make sure that you have a good idea of how many guests you plan to have at the party. This will help the psychic tarot card reader give you the most accurate estimate of the cost to work at your party. Find out if you can get any special discount for having such a large captive audience for the psychic, you might just get yourself a free reading.

Make sure that you call all the psychics on the list that you have put together before you make a decision. You might find one further down on your list that gives you a better deal. You will also want to consider the way that they prefer to charge, a flat rate or a per guest rate.

You should also consider the personality of the psychics that you spoke with. Did they put you at ease on the phone and make you feel comfortable talking to them? This is what you want for your party guests.

Determine the level of comfort that you felt while you were discussing the party on the phone. Some people are very good at making you feel comfortable and this is a key attribute for a tarot card reader. They will have to be able to talk to your guests in a way that makes them feel comfortable.

If your party is going to be centered on the psychic reading, you should decorate for the party in the same theme. Stars and moons would be appropriate as well as any other psychic related decoration. Make sure that there is a private place where each guest can receive his or her reading. At the end of the party your guests will have had a fun and revealing evening. - 15437

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10 Rules to know When Choosing Online Distance Education Colleges

By Mary Jackson

Check to ensure the college is accredited by a legitimate accrediting agency. Accreditation means the college and its programs meet certain set educational quality and standards. This also means courses and credits acquired can be easily transferred to another accredited institution, whether online or brick and mortar college. You will stand a better chance of securing employment or promotion at work if you have an accredited degree.

Be on the look-out for unaccredited online distance education colleges otherwise known as "degree mills". There are many fake institutions granting "accreditation" to any organization willing to pay some money for it. Before you pick your college, make sure you research that it is accredited by a legit body. If you are not sure the college you wish to attend has a legitimate accreditation, consult with the United States Department of Education or CHEA to confirm.

To ensure that the degree program your are considering is aligned with your long-term educational goals, especially if you think you'll need to advance your degree (for example from bachelors to MBA), it'll benefit you to check if the online distance education institution you'd want to attend for your MBA accepts transfer credits from another online institution.

Just like in a traditional classroom, class size is important. You want to be in a class where your voice can be heard. So check the class size of the college you're considering.

It good to know more about the instructors of the programs you are interested in. Are they qualified to teach that class? Do they have experience in their field or specialization? Have they taught online classes before? How long have they been teaching? Get the answers to these questions. It is more reassuring if more instructors hold degrees from the college that you're planning to enroll.

Support is very important to your success of online distance education program. Make sure you find if any and what level of support you will get from instructors, faculty and technical staff should you have problems with your classes or experience technical difficulties. Select a college that meets your standards of expectations.

One of the great things about online distance education programs is that you can begin almost anytime. Thus you shouldn't let anyone rush you into starting your program until you feel ready to put the time and effort it will require for you to succeed.

Verify whether during the course of your program, there are classes that will require residency or if you will be able to complete the entire program online. This will help you prepare in advance.

Most online colleges offer financial aid and tuition assistance. You'll be pleased to discover how much financial help you have available inform of loans, scholarships, financial aid and other federal loans. Some institutions even have tuition payment plans and employer-reimbursement programs. Find out if your college of interest offers such programs.

Take your time to research your best degree option and college out there. Don't settle for less than you deserve. Unlike there before when online programs were limited, now there are enormous options and colleges to choose from as most traditional colleges are already offering some programs online. - 15437

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Why Home Inspections Are Important In Your Homes Safety

By Chris Channing

For anyone who has their own home, you know how important it is to protect it, prior to being built and even years after. A home is a prized possession, a place of comfort, safety, and warmth. When things go wrong, many people do not notice, and let those problems fester. Its hard to know every little thing that could be wrong in your house, but with proper home inspections and a thermal imaging inspection, you can.

There are different types of home inspections, but the kind that everyone is most familiar with is the home inspection during a homes construction. There are several inspections that need to be made as the construction progresses closer to completion. These home inspections are so important for your safety, especially to make sure the homes foundation is strong and durable.

Wooden framed homes need to be thoroughly and routinely treated for pests, such as termites. Termites can be a hazard to your neighbors, and your homes structure. It is important to get an initial treatment prior to completion of the home. A home inspector may not pass the inspection if it is not properly treated, and if you do not provide proof of treatment.

The wiring and electric systems of a home are probably the most important thing to have inspected. These inspections are commonly grouped with a full home inspection, but that varies. When your electric and pipe system is inspected, the inspector will use something called thermal imaging. Thermal imaging shows where radiation is being emitted, through heat. Infrared thermal imaging is a unique process that can identify where things are overheating and becoming dangerous. This allows the problem to be fixed immediately, before any serious problems occur.

Home inspections and thermal imaging processes can ensure that your home lasts a long time, and keeps you and your family safe. Over the life of a building it can become unsafe, due to weak flooring, overheating wires, and other chemicals that can build up. A home inspector is trained to identify these problems before they get too terrible.

A question that many people seem to ask is, how do I know when to contact someone to perform a home inspection? Different locations have different laws and requirements for their inspections, so its best to ask a city planner to find out.

Closing Comments

Home inspections can make the difference between the safety of your home and the amount of time that it remains in good shape. Infrared thermal imaging is another important way to maintain the safety of your electrical systems and pipes. - 15437

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How To Spot An Untruthful Psychic

By Jack Levine

The first thing that you will want to know about psychics is whether it is real or even possible. There certainly seems to be some people who are able to divine information and knowledge that they should not possess. In these people the normal intuition that everyone has is more finely tuned. They also have the ability to understand the language of the subconscious. This is something that we all have within us, but we do not cultivate the talent or attempt to bring it out. Psychics understand that the subconscious already knows the answers to all of our questions if we only learn how to interpret the language.

This understanding of the subconscious is something that everyone can do, but most of us don't take the time to listen to our inner voice. Psychics do listen to the inner voice and they can interpret the sometimes difficult to understand messages that the subconscious gives us everyday. The little voice in your head, or the feeling in the pit of your stomach, is your subconscious trying to tell you something and you should pay attention to it.

When you go to your local psychic there are some things that you can look for to see if you are dealing with the genuine article. A true psychic understands that the future is never set in stone and will not be overly boastful about their predictions. Psychics will tell you the possibilities that are in store for you and let you know that you always have the ability to change things.

A psychic will give you the information that they see according to the path that you are currently traveling down. If the news is not good from the tarot card reader or psychic, you have it in your power to change this possible future. Knowing what the future holds for you can give you the incentive to make positive changes in your life.

These people who are trying to fake you out are very good at what they do. It might just seem like polite conversation, but is in actuality a fishing expedition. Keep your lips zipped and listen to what they have to tell you and not what you have to tell them.

When you visit with the psychic, sit back and listen to what they have to tell you or what the cards are showing you. Don't engage in a great deal of conversation with the psychic, they should be doing a majority of the talking. It is possible to be pleasant and still keep your information to yourself.

There are also psychics that will tell you that you must come back to them so that they can help you rid yourself of the curse or demon that is surrounding you. These people work by scaring you into believing that someone has cursed you and they are the only ones who can help. They prey on those who are the most vulnerable, so you should arm yourself with information and watch out for these scammers.

True psychics possess a wonderful gift that may be able to help you in life. However be wary not to fall prey to those who simply manipulate you by giving you untruths or scaring you with worrisome revelations. Have fun and enjoy your session and make an effort to pay attention, listening more than talking. - 15437

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How Online Bargains Work To Save You Hundreds Of Dollars

By Chris Channing

The world is in a money crunch, and more and more people are searching for ways to save more money, and to make their dollars stretch even farther. It may not seem like a dollar can get you much, but if you know where to look and how to buy properly, you can make $100 stretch quite far.

With online shops and non-profit websites offering incredible discounts, its no wonder more people are not taking advantage of those opportunities. These coupons can come in two varieties, codes that you enter through an online checkout process, or printable coupons to redeem in store. Both are great, and when combined to get the best possible prices; you can save tons and even get some things free. The holiday season is a great time to look for clearance bargains online from your favorite stores websites. These can have much better pricing than physical shops!

Printing a coupon may seem like a hassle, but with so many buy one get one offers across the internet, they are hard to pass up. Not to mention the coupons for all of the things your kids like most, such as toaster strudels, or even fast food! Things that seem like a luxury can be made affordable by printing off a simple coupon. It is important that you only print coupons from the stores website, or from reputable coupon sources. Many people make imitation coupons, or fake coupon offers.

Online bargains are also a great thing to look into. More often than not, bidding websites, and wholesalers will have products you want for much cheaper than a physical location. You can look around and do price comparisons. The benefits are obvious, you can find the best prices, without driving around wasting gas. Online bargain hunting is great for holiday shopping, especially to avoid lines and parking dilemmas. Who knows, you might get a coupon to use with your "bargain" priced item.

While shipping is something you need to look out for, its not as bad as you might thing. Shipping costs are typically much cheaper than driving to a destination, or public transportation to get somewhere. An increasing amount of companies are also offering discount shipping, or in many cases, free shipping. Free shipping offers are usually given to first time customers, or after you meet a certain purchase minimum. Shipping falls under another great online bargain option. Plus, some places also offer online coupons for those that subscribe to the shops website!

Whether you are using online coupons, online bargain shopping, or coupons for online shipping services, you can use them to your benefit to maximize how much you save per shopping trip. When combined the previous things can all save you a considerable amount of cash! Just don't buy what you don't need, that can completely get rid of the effort you put into saving!

Closing Comments

Online coupons are an overall effective way to save the most money possible. Look around for the best ones, and use them for things that you need. - 15437

About the Author:

Getting The Best Wrongful Death Attorney For Your Money

By Chris Channing

Any type of unprepared for death that is due to the neglect of another individual falls under the category of wrongful deaths. These are usually caused by people who purposefully killed another human being, not because of the deceased persons. Wrongful deaths can be taken to a civil claims court, and you will probably need a wrongful death attorney to represent your case.

Wrongful death attorneys should be hired by an immediate family member that is afflicted by the death of his or her loved one. These attorneys will be able to represent the family member in court, but the case will usually require serious evidence.

It is important when you search for a wrongful death attorney to represent your case, that you check any resources available to examine his or her reputation. It is important to find one that is both honest and willing to do what it takes to help your case win. It is impossible to stress enough how important it is to find a legitimate and honest wrongful death attorney.

A wrongful death attorney should be concerned with helping your case, and doing whatever is in his power to help you win. Many wrongful death attorneys do not attempt to prove the clients case, only to hinder it.

The way the case is determined won or lost is by preponderance of the evidence, or burden of proof. Whoever was the cause of the wrongful death, must have intentionally killed the deceased individual.

Prior to hiring any wrongful death attorney, start your search by checking with the bar association. There is one in most countries, as well as one for each state in the united states. These will be able to provide you with important information about any attorney that you need to hire, as well as referrals to some of the best in your area. You should hire a wrongful death attorney that has a good history and reputation, as well as one that has good prices for hiring him or her.

Closing Comments

If you are in need of hiring a wrongful death attorney, then it is always important to check the attorneys reputation and go from there. Ask around your city for recommendations as well as other bits of important information. - 15437

About the Author:

Can stress cause hives like chemicals can?

By Dr. T. Johnson

Caution. Be advised that some cases of hives will cause shallowness of breath. If this happens or you've had them for over a week, see a doctor immediatly.

Hives are bumpy, red, itchy patches that go away in less than a day usually. They are raised bumps because histamine, a chemical in the body, squeezes fluid out of blood vessels and it collects under the skin. It is said that they feel like there is a bunch of bees having a raucous party under the skin, hence the name.

Frequently, their cause is easy to find. You eat a raspberry and end up looking like one.

Some causes of hives are hard to pinpoint. Some skins react to hot or cold air with an itchy rash. Everyday chemicals are sometimes the culprits. Even some pets may trigger an attack or that little growth on the tree next door.

Our skin is the largest organ we have so, although it is very forgiving about many chemicals but, it is totally at the mercy of hormonal changes. Stress changes body chemistry so yes, stress causes some people to break out in hives.

No one knows for sure what triggers an outbreak but, it is thought to be a combination of a chemical produced in the gut, adrenaline and another hormone released as part of the 'fight or flight" phenomenon. Get all these together in overabundance and you could get real itchy, real fast. Some people get hives as one of the symptoms of anxiety attacks.

If your skin is allergic to the chemicals caused by stress, it will likely keep having hives for longer than 6 weeks which is the clinical requirement for chronic hives. Unless you can get rifd of what is bothering you, the bumps will persist.

Remember, chronic hives are not always caused by stress. Sometimes even experts in the field cannot find the cause. Luckily, there are many fine, effective treatments available today.

What to do when the bumps start? Take a cool shower. Hot water will trigger faster production of histamines which will turn you into an itchy bump factory.

For stress-caused hives, doctors often prescribes Doxepin, a combination of antihistamine and antidepressant medication. It's often a tremendous benefit both to treat the hives and to help people relax. Some doctors view these symptoms as the manifestation of the first signs of clinical depression.

When they arrive, try to determine what caused the hives. They look the same whether they were caused by a toxin in your surroundings or stress. Sometimes it is really hard to come to a firm conclusion.

Sometimes finding the cause of hives involves some detective work. Doctors suggest keeping an accurate diary of everything when an episode begins. It is important to note everything from the time of day, the food that's in front of you, the location, the mood you're in, the situation itself and how stressful it might be and also how long the episode lasts.

Hives have many causes. Sometimes they are the symptoms of other illnesses so it is very important to have your doctor check you out for any other problems which might be lurking behind the outbreak. - 15437

About the Author:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Different Topics Of Ash Depending On The Industry

By William Robertson

In looking online for the search word ash I'm finding all kinds of interesting pages and websites. Some of them are for trees, others for characters of books and movies and some are organizations and a new one I just found is the American Coal Ash Association.

Other things named ash online include large organizations that fight against smoking and promote health. There are also blood related organizations and of course the oak tree. Don't forget about Ash the band where you can watch videos, views photos and more.

Volcanic ash is another ash with a lot of information online. It can fill the gutters on a building and clog the downspouts and travel through the air to be an annoyance by covering roads. Volcanic dust covering the roads can create a loss of traction. Volcanic ash in the air can be abrasive to planes flying through it and cars driving through it.

So many other kinds of information that pertain to ash include Trans-Ash, which is a total management company to clean up your dirty filmy mess and landfill management. The company was founded in 1970. There's even the Ash Street Inn Bed & Breakfast in New Hampshire and the Ashe County Schools in North Carolina.

How do we know what kind of data to expect from the major engines when we do a search for some phrase? It seems that the search engines have a way to determine whether ash is meant to turn up information on ash the rock band or cigar ash. I guess it isn't that hard once you develop a way to see the other words on the page to tell the difference. Nonetheless, it seems that with 127 million results for ash the engines have found a way to keep their customers happy.

There is one organization that seems to be a very do good kind of group called teh Action on Smoking Health (ASH). They've been around for like 39 years and focus on helping promote health and avoid the negative effects of smoking. Other organizations that are very beneficial for the public use the acronym ash as well and a quick search will pull those up for you.

Another major organization using the phrase ASH is the American Society of Hematology focusing on conquering blood diseases. They provide training and information among doctors to share information. They host the annual ASH meeting, which this year was in Seattle, Washington.

With so many pages on the Internet using, or displaying, the word ash it creates a broad amount of information to widdle through. The fact that ash is an interesting enough term that millions of websites have that word written on their pages. To wrap up, ash is related to smoking and health, hematology organization, ash the rock band, the Pokemon character and the dark character on Evil Dead 2. - 15437

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Chasing Dinosaurs: Where To Look For Fossils

By Amy Nutt

Dinosaurs have long been a source of fascination and the inspiration for many stories and scientific explorations. Fossilized dinosaur bones have been discovered in different parts of the world for centuries, with the first scientifically recorded specimen called Megalosaurus unearthed near Oxford in 1824 by William Buckland.

Since then paleontologists and dinosaur experts have been coordinating digs worldwide with many stunning skeletons now on display in national museum collections.

Where Are Most Dinosaur Fossils Found?

North America is the number one place to look when it comes to these prehistoric creatures. China and Mongolia come in second with 'dragon' bones (as the locals called them), having been uncovered for thousands of years.

In the US more kinds of dinosaurs have been found than anywhere else in the world and Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta, Canada has yielded the highest numbers of species found, with 37 different kinds unearthed.

Everything from the Tyrannosaurus to the Brachiosaurus has been carefully removed piece by piece from the North American landscape and then painstakingly put back together.

Recent discoveries include the bizarre Therizinosaurid dinosaur in Utah (which has a combination of bird-like features and large claws) and a four-ton mummified Hardrosaur nicknamed Dakota. Dakota was unearthed in North Dakota and is an extremely well preserved, rare find that has paleontologists around the world excited.

Why Is North America So Conducive To Finding Dinosaur Bones?

For animals to become fossilized certain conditions must be present at the time of death. The body has to be in a place where it can be buried right away so that decomposition and disintegration of the bones can't take place. Along with this entombment certain minerals need to infiltrate the bones to make them resistant to crushing, a process called permineralization (this is an extremely slow process that is integral to the formation of fossils and petrified remains). Usually floodplains, river systems or the complete opposite, dry, arid deserts allow for this to happen.

In the fluvial settings (places where flowing water is present) dinosaurs were immediately buried in the river channels or covered up by sediment from floodwaters. During this process the scavengers and bacteria had no time to destroy the carcass and the mineral rich water could permeate the bones making them almost like stone. Entombed and preserved in this sediment they become fossilized.

Dinosaurs dying in the desert were also preserved due to a lack of organisms present in the arid environment that could break down the body. Scavengers were less attracted to the desiccated carcasses and so the sand buried the intact remains. During wet seasons rainfall infused the bones with minerals and fossilization took place.

These fluvial and desert environments were present across North America during the time of the dinosaurs and allowed the bones to be preserved, waiting for discovery.


For dinosaur bones to be discovered certain conditions must also be present in the current environment. Long buried fossils become exposed when geologic uplifting (the process that forces land upwards) brings the old sedimentary layers close to the earth's surface. Erosion then exposes these sedimentary layers and consequently any fossilized creations. Through careful excavation and specialized tools we can then finish the job nature started.

Prime regions for finding dinosaur bones are deserts with bluffs, buttes and cliffs, canyons, riverbanks and flood plains, mountainous zones and eroded hillsides. These places also need to be open and unpopulated areas where the bare earth is available for paleontologists to dig for remains.

This is why, geographically, North America has the perfect environment for digging up the past. - 15437

About the Author:

The Largest Dinosaurs to Roam the Earth

By Amy Nutt

It's relatively unclear and practically impossible to judge exactly which species of dinosaur was the largest, due to the fact that many of the fossil remains discovered to date aren't totally complete. Partial fossils have been discovered relatively recently that allude to the fact that there may have been dinosaurs that were much larger than what scientists had perceived to have been the largest, but trying to judge based on the incomplete evidence that exists is a difficult task.

Despite the information and evidence that has already been unearthed, and what is discovered in the near and the distant future, there will probably always be questions when it comes to determining which dinosaur was the largest or which was the fastest, which could fly or which were adept in the water. Regardless of what exactly is discovered, scientists will probably never be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt what exactly went on sixty five million years ago, or that we will have enough information to make any truly conclusive decisions.

The best that we can do is judge based on the most complete evidence that we currently have available to us, which may only be an infantile percentage of what the age of the dinosaurs really has to offer.

Judgment based on complete evidence

With a relatively complete skeleton to go by and enough information to make a reasonable judgment as to overall size, the largest dinosaur discovered seems to be the Brachiosaurus.

The Brachiosaurus most likely lived at the end of the Jurassic period or at the beginning of the Cretaceous period.

How big did it get?

It should come as no surprise to anyone who has some familiarity with dinosaurs that the biggest of all the dinosaurs was beyond what could be considered massive. The Brachiosaurus could have gotten to in excess of eighty feet in length, and with a body type similar to that of a giraffe, it could very well have been able to raise its head nearly forty feet in the air.

Though it can be pretty difficult for scientists to accurately estimate the weight of any dinosaur, the estimates on this giant herbivore range in the neighborhood of thirty tons on the low end, all the way up to forty tons at the other end of the spectrum.

Safety in Numbers (numbers of pounds, that is.)

Brachiosaurus was an herbivore, dining exclusively on plant material. Many herbivores were particularly susceptible to predators, most likely because they posed less of a threat to their attackers. Quite a few known dinosaur herbivores had extra protection like armor plating or extra tough, spiny skin, but not the Brachiosaurus. It's speculated that the brachiosaurus wasn't too threatened by even some of the larger predators in the dinosaur world, simply because they were so large in stature.


Because of the unique distinction of being the biggest prehistoric dinosaur to ever roam the earth, the brachiosaurus has gained some notoriety in the popular media. We've seen the brachiosaurus in some major motion pictures as well as on television; in fact, the brachiosaurus has become popular almost to the point that it rivals the tyrannosaurus as the most popular of all known species of dinosaur.

It's probably pretty likely that, in the not too distant future, another nearly complete fossilized skeleton will be unearthed and put back together like an enormous jigsaw puzzle, to show the world a dinosaur that is even more immense than the brachiosaurus. If in fact this does happen, it certainly won't change the fact that the brachiosaurus was one of the most impressive animals to ever walk the earth and it probably won't change the fact that the brachiosaurus is also one of the most popular species of dinosaur to have ever existed. - 15437

About the Author:

Here's What I Found About Depression And Treatment

By Don Pedro

Many people are not readily aware when they become depressed; however as soon as you are able to identify the syndrome, you should look for a way out immediately. The best way is to think deeply and try to identify why you are depressed. As soon as you know that, solve the problem.

Depression sometimes gets to the point of psychosis. When such symptoms hit you, they indicate that you have gotten to an especially severe point of the illness. Even sessions with a shrink alone might not suffice to cure you; you might need to be committed, at least for a while. At such moments, only YOU can help you by working to steer your mind, deliberately, from negative thoughts to positive and more empowering thoughts. Trust me, it works!

A depressed person could sometimes have trouble looking themselves in the mirror. To them the mirror appears to reflect ugliness and repulsion. Scratch the surface and you could find that they are perhaps kicking themselves for some trivial thing that they would have passed up.

Depression gets bad when it is neglected. Ordinarily when there are rough times and something bad happens you could feel sad, and if you stayed that way long enough, you become depressed. However, you have to snap out of it too, otherwise it could destroy you.

Depression is an illness that may come on slowly, especially in younger folks. Many are not even aware that it is happening to them. People who are older sometimes expect it, but the younger they never see it coming. They could have had it for years before they ever get to know it.

A sufferer from depression often sees themselves as being phony or guilty of having deceived others in one way or another. However, a conversation could reveal that no such thing has happened. That's when their mind begins to play tricks on them. Yes, it's all always the mind playing games with us. If this happens to you, fight it. Don't allow your mind to take you over, instead take it over and dictate the pace.

Depression hits you in a way that makes your work no longer adequate to distract or occupy you. But that is only the smallest part of it. In essence, even their pleasure trips, and activities that used to bring them pleasure are no longer good for it. In simple terms, depression is more than hell on earth; it's hell living in your heart. Don't let it. Drive it out NOW!

Some famous men have worked on depression and issues pertaining to it over the years. Sigmund Freud is one, the Austrian physician, neurologist, and first psychoanalyst. American psychiatrist Aaron Beck was another. And then you have names like Carl Jung, Max Weitheimer, and a host of others. Thankfully their works have helped many modern day psychologists make headway in dealing with depression. - 15437

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Photographs Made Better!

By David Peters

The digital revolution has made photography easier than ever before. Not only is the process of taking a picture much simpler, we now have the option of correcting and improving our photographs through digital image editing. Almost any mistake behind the lens can be a simple fix with software programs available today. And whether it is family heirloom photos from generations past or modern digital photos, retouching and enhancing can be done quickly and easily be anyone whose goal is a better photo.

One of the best digital imaging software used in improving photographs is Adobe Photoshop. It is the software most used by graphic designers, photographers and artists. But you don't have to be a professional in improving photographs and images in order to master this program. All you need is a desire to enhance your photos and a good tutorial to master the basics of this software.

Here are a few problems almost always seen in pictures:

Blemishes and Wrinkles - Everyone wants to be picture perfect in front of the camera. Of course this would include looking young and good in photos. Sadly, point and shoot cameras frequently magnify the flaws in our faces. But thanks to Photoshop improving photographs by removing blemishes, uneven skin tones and wrinkles can be done easily and quickly. No one will argue when their picture makes them appear 10 years younger.

Closed or half-closed eyes. Some people just have a problem with flashes. They can't time it right for their eyes to open at the right time. Long ago, improving photographs of this kind were futile, but not anymore. Closed or half-closed eyes can be opened with Photoshop. A good tutorial will be able to teach you step by step guide to open those gorgeous eyes in a flash.

Unwanted People or Objects - This has happened to everyone, right as you snap the picture someone appears out of nowhere. Don't get mad, get rid of them! You can simply erase them out of the photograph with only a few tools Photoshop has to offer. With the right tutorial, this will be quick and easy to do.

Exposure Problems - Too much exposure in a photo and you lose detail. Under exposure and photos become too dark. Improving photographs with these issues are a little more complex to do particularly if the exposures are extreme, but it can be done. With the right tutorial, you can greatly improve your pictures by bringing out the details in it.

Photographs capture our life's greatest moments from birth to death. It is what people years from now will see in order to get to know us and see a glimpse of our life without ever meeting us. Improving photographs now will ensure not only our enjoyment at looking at them but it is also for future generations to appreciate. - 15437

About the Author:

Divorcing? Don't Get Taken Advantage Of! CLICK HERE!

By Jon D. Alexander, Esq.

I am an orange county, California divorce lawyer and this article is one in a series that explains and details the divorce process. Subscribe to my newest newsletter today, which is linked below, and you will have access to all of my articles. This information is not intended as and should not be relied upon as legal advice or the creation of an attorney-client relationship. However, please feel free to contact me at Jon@OC-family to set up a free, confidential half-hour consultation. Thank you for reading.

Divorce sometimes comes as a surprise in but more often than this result of a conflict that's been building up over a long period of time.

irregardless of how it actually occurs, it's important you take steps to protect yourself and your children and your finances. And please note that there is a wrong way and a right way to do this. If you follow the steps outlined below you will protect your interests in a manner that is both fair and reasonable.

Sadly, in divorce one spouse is often at a disadvantage and suffers detriment due to unequal bargaining power. If you follow these steps, however, you will not be disadvantaged. In a perfect world, you and your spouse would be able to workout all of your problems and reach a compromise in a reasonable fashion. Unfortunately, things often become adversarial. Follow the steps outlined below to protect your interests. Be aware, though, that you should make a good-faith effort to reach a compromise with your spouse before acting rashly.

To protect your children, if you have them, you must immediately: (1) : obtain a TRO; (2) not allow your spouse to take your children and leave; (3) not leave the family home; and (4) insist upon a 50-50 split for child custody. Get a temporary restraining order immediately. Make sure that specifically prevents your spouse for taking the children out of state. You do not want a multi-state custody battle. doing this also prevents number two above the TRO will prevent your spouse from leaving with the children. Third, do not move out of the family home because if you do this may seriously impair your ability to obtain custody.

if you already moved out, however, move back in today. While this may cause additional stress you will be safeguarding your custody rights. Fourth, do not agree to less than 50% custody. Your spouse doesn't have a better right or greater right to custody and you do. Furthermore, if you agree to less than 50% custody you will be setting a precedent for the future. Insist upon a 50% split.

Next, to protect your finances and yourself: Visit my site linked below to find out how to protect yourself and your finances. This article is contained in its entirety at my website and while you're there please sign up for my newsletter! Thank you. Very truly yours, Jon D. Alexander, Esq. - 15437

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The Basics Everyone Must Know About Colon Cancer Drugs

By Don Pedro

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in North America and the rest of the Western world. Breast cancer wins as number one, and lung cancer can easily be considered as the third. It does imply that you ought to be careful about watching out for the condition.

The second most common cause of death in the UK is colon cancer, that is among other types of cancers. Lung cancer kills more people, yes, but colon cancer is absolutely worthy of note when talking about cancers that kill lots of people. It's death toll goes into the tens of thousands each year.

Most people don't look forward to treating colorectal cancer, least of all, you, the sufferer. First you need a colonoscopy to learn the extent of the disease. This done, you need a surgery to begin the treatment. A lot of the time, it is finished off by chemotherapy.

Colon cancer can only be treated through something of a lengthy, difficult and painful process. It often ends with a number of sessions of chemo, but that is often after you have endured quite a bit of discomfort with colonoscopy and surgery. As I said, it's quite a difficult process, but if started in good time, there are lots of chances that you might survive it.

The greater majority of colorectal cancer cases are often curable. The actual figure of possible cures lies somewhere north of eighty percent. This implies that a diagnosis is not necessarily the end of your life. You can be cured.

Your large intestine is the lower portion of your intestinal tract. It consists of the colon and rectum, and also includes your appendix. A cancer of this part of your body goes by many names. One is colon cancer, another is colorectal cancer, and the easiest one to remember is the large bowel cancer.

You can cure colorectal cancer if you catch it early enough. There are many ways by which you can catch it on time. However, you must get to a doctor before the disease has the chance to advance. Once it does, you might have a lot more trouble dealing with it.

A lot of people don't seem to know much about colon cancer, at least not as many people are there are that know about and dread breast cancer. However, the numbers of newly recorded cases of the condition continue to rise each year. So also does the number of deaths. - 15437

About the Author:

In The Land Of Giants: Biggest Dinosaurs to Ever Exist

By Amy Nutt

Patagonia has become synonymous with 'giant' discoveries of the prehistoric world. Dinosaurs that dwarf their contemporaries are found here frequently and paleontologists are flocking to the region to unearth them.

Giganotosaurus, the largest carnivorous dinosaur at 45-feet-long, was dug up in this region along with a number of other massive Sauropods and Titanosaurs (herbivorous dinosaurs).

What Is The Largest Dinosaur Ever Found?

At the moment there are three dinosaurs, which are contenders for the largest dinosaur ever found. Incredibly all three were found in the Patagonian region sparking revelations that the Titanosaurids roamed the earth for a lot longer than previously thought.

Titanosaurs are the largest recorded creatures to have ever walked the earth.

Belonging to a branch of the Sauropod family these giants were large, long-necked plant eaters that walked on four feet and flourished in the southern latitudes. They had relatively small heads compared to other Sauropods and their backbones were not hollowed out like the rest of this family. Many paleontologists believe this species moved in herds and fossilized remains show an armored, scaled skin covering their bodies. All of the largest dinosaurs on record belong to this species.

Before the relatively recent discoveries in South America scientists had believed this species died out before the mass extinction of their smaller counterparts. Now they have evidence that this large family group survived in Patagonia up until the end of the Cretaceous period. They were the most widely distributed dinosaurs on the planet.


The first of the big three to be discovered, the 115 feet long, 100 ton Argentinosaurus was a heavy hitter in the Cretaceous period about 85 million years ago. An herbivorous animal it survived on plants and used its extraordinarily long neck to reach juicy foliage.

Pieces of Argentinosaurus were first unearthed in 1988 by a farmer named Guillermo Heredia in Argentina. All in all, about 10 percent of the skeleton was recovered, the vertebra being the largest ever found at 5 feet high.


In 2001 excavation began on the fossilized remains of another giant Titanosaur discovered by fossil hunters Pablo Puerta and Santiago Reuil in Argentina's Santa Cruz Province. This dinosaur was 115-131 feet long and weighed an astonishing 88-110 tons. About 70 million years old, the neck, back and tailbones were found with large fossilized logs, suggesting this region was a vast forest in prehistoric days.

Paleontologist Fernando Novas announced this important find on July 21st 2006.


An incredible discovery, Futalognkosaurus dukei, is the most complete Titanosaur skeleton ever found. Scientists believe this dinosaur is a completely new species of Titanosaur, its unique neck structure having never been seen before.

This giant measures about 105 feet long with the neck stretching a whopping 56 feet. It lived some 88 million years ago, with the bones first unearthed in 2000 at Lake Barreales in Argentina.


All three of these giants belong to the same family and lived during the same time period. Scientists are unable to determine which dinosaur may have been the biggest as bones discovered from the creatures weren't all the same. For Puertasaurus only a few vertebrae were found and no limb bones were discovered at the Futalognkosaurus site. So unless further fossils are unearthed they will never be able to measure with any degree of accuracy, which is the biggest fossil of them all.

When it comes to species, though, there is a clear and definite answer as to who is the largest. The Titanosaurs named after the mythological Greek Titans are number one. - 15437

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A Dummies Guide On Automobile Accident Lawyers

By Don Pedro

Car accident lawyers deal especially in cases that involve auto accidents. It might seem simple enough to you at first, but when the law gets involved, I guarantee you will not be able to handle it yourself. Hence the need for a car accident lawyer.

Anywhere you find yourself in the United States, even if it is not your home state, you can always secure the services of a lawyer - even a car accident lawyer if you need to be very specific. Almost every legal firm has a department that deals with these issues these days.

The great thing about the American system is that there are specialists ad professionals for everything. Say, you get in to an auto car crash, for example. You could simply call a car crash lawyer and they would do the legalities for you. I wouldn't try to weather these waters without one.

You could be involved in an auto accident anytime, no matter how careful you are. It is nice to have a lawyer you can call when this happens. Otherwise, you could leaf through the yellow pages for a car accident lawyer. For a small retainer, they'll wade you through any legal trouble that may come your way from the accident.

When you finally decide to hire a specialist car accident lawyer, please do it the right way. If you don't have access to the internet, pick up the telephone directory. And if that does not work, surely you have a friend who has been in an accident before. Give them a call. Certainly they'd be sure to help out in finding a good lawyer for you.

An accident lawyer is the one who will make your day right after a car crash. Most times, you find thecops are all over the place, taking notes and making trouble. They naturally want to put the blame on somebody in a hurry. You are sitting duck without your car accident attorney,

Experienced lawyers are available any and everywhere. Even if you did not have one on your payroll already, you could get them by searching on the Internet or in the directory. A car accident is bad enough, but dealing with one without a lawyer is totally foolhardy.

In increasing numbers, car accidents happen all over the United States. Car accident lawyers have their hands full half the time. And the other half of the time, they are getting someone off an indictment. But they always have the time for you. Just call when you get caught in a crash. They'll be there. - 15437

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The Best Way to Begin Dieting

By Ricardo d Argence

When applying proper diet and training techniques the process of fat burning can be very easy. A weight loss goal of a pound a week is what experts say you should aim for. Planning your weight loss program is free much like the other best things in life.

The first step to weight loss is setting a realistic goal. To reach your goal safely, plan to lose weight gradually. A weight loss of one-half to two pounds a week is usually safe.

Then, to burn fat you will need to modify your current diet. This requires cutting back on the number of calories you eat by eating smaller amounts of foods and choosing foods lower in calories.

You should consider setting limits on your portion sizes, primarily those of high-calorie foods. Keep your intake of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol as low as possible. By choosing fruits,veggies and lequmes you will get your fiber naturally. The high fiber contents found in many of these foods are there to help you feel full with fewer calories.

A diet is not sufficient, lifestyle changes must also be made. It means being more physically active. Not enough exercise causes metabolism to slow down, and take it from me, slowing down your metabolism is not what you'd want.

Most health experts recommend a combination of a reduced-calorie diet and increased physical activity for weight loss. Exercise does not have to be strenuous to be beneficial. Some studies show that short sessions of exercise several times a day are just as effective at burning calories and improving health as one long session.

To lose weight and to maintain a healthy weight after weight loss, many people need to do more than 30 minutes of moderate to intensive physical activity daily. Walking is an excellent form of physical activity that almost everyone can do.

Setting attainable goals increases your ability to reach those goals which will make it easier to lose the weight and keep it off. The best method of achieving permanent weight loss is to embrace a way of life defined by nutritious food consumption and consistent exercise.

Take this advice, and you'll see what natural weight loss dieting is all about. I hope these preparatory tips are beneficial to you. - 15437

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Do You Know This Much About Car Insurance Policy?

By Don Pedro

You are not safe driving a car if the car is not insured, and I'm not talking just about you hitting someone. What if you got hit by someone; what if you got robbed? Then you'll be all by yourself indeed, with a fat bill to pay.

Even if your policy got signed today, you are eligible for indemnity once your car gets scratched by anything. And that is the beauty of car insurance; you never again have to worry about exorbitant bills.

When you neglect to get your car insured, you have no one else to blame but yourself when strange things begin to happen. You could get the car stolen or you could get it crashed, and then you have to pay to repair it, or you are back to nothing. If only you had been smart enough to take the policy when it was offered. But again, if you don't have car insurance right now, it's not too late. You can still get one right away.

The amount of coverage you can get with your automobile insurance is all weighted on the premium you are paying. Sometimes all you are getting is the repair to the car of the other person, and not yours. Sometimes all you get is the medical bill paid for. But if you can afford it, then you can have all of it.

Hospital bills are high enough in the United States; it is not very easy for one average person to pay their own bills. When you have to pay for two or three people involved in an accident, you might have a bit of an issue in your hands. But that is exactly what you are letting yourself in for when you don't have auto insurance, or when your insurance package is too cheap.

In the United States, there are way too many accidents; more, it seems, than people have funds to make amends with. As such, more and more states are making it mandatory for drivers and car owners to obtain auto insurance by law. If you flout this law, you pay.

When a lot of people are hurt in a car crash, somebody has to pay. Without good car insurance, you could be that poor sitting duck. Armed with the right car insurance, even though you might be responsible for the accident, you could have your insurance firm take care of the bills. But first you need the insurance.

The high premiums charged by many insurance companies for auto insurance in the United States acts in no small way as a deterrent to many drivers. True, few people fail to see the importance of the package, but at the prices charged, many choose to take their chances. - 15437

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Cleanse The Colon Naturally With Food

By Ann Triune

What we eat greatly affects our health. However, how much we eat is just as important as what we eat. A dirty colon has been connected with various health conditions. And the stresses, air pollution, and junk foods of the modern day aren't helping either. This is probably why we need to be more careful these days of what we eat, and when we eat. Cleansing the colon naturally with a good diet is just one great way in counteracting the effects of a dirty colon.

Most of the food we eat today cause mucosal plaque accumulation. We now consume more and more processed foods rather than veggies and fresh fruit, which contain the natural fibers and nutrients our bodies need. Our digestive system basically functions on natural fibers that naturally sweeps out wastes and toxins that make you sick, literally. When we do not consume the right foods there will likely be an accumulation of mucosal plaque in your colon . Mucosal plaque is basically not good for your health at all. So we need to counteract this build-up with a healthy diet.

Foods To Eat

Try to consume more veggies and fresh raw fruits. It is recommended that vegetables be lightly steamed and incorporated with seeds, nuts and whole grains. All these foods are rich in fiber that could help flush out unwanted wastes and toxins in your body. If you like grains, it is better to consume whole grains such as basmati rice, amaranth and quinoa. However, be reminded that grains are quite slow in cleansing and therefore should not be consumed too often if you want better results.

Foods To Eat After Cleansing

A one-time colon cleansing is not enough. You'll need to make some overall lifestyle changes. It takes some maintenance to prevent your colon from getting dirty once again. You will also need to maintain a healthy diet to avoid experiencing other health conditions linked to a dirty colon. The number one rule to a healthier colon is more and more fiber. Although it has been evident that fiber improves our health, many of us still don't get enough of it everyday.

Try to consume more nuts and whole grains. Try almonds, chestnuts and walnuts. Also try eating more barley, rye, kichadi, wild rice and legumes to get sufficient amounts of whole grains.

Fiber Intake - There are two kinds of fiber, and these are soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber aids in increasing the number of good bacteria, which aids in eliminating bad bacteria in our bodies. Great sources include oats, barley, rice, legumes, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, strawberries and flaxseed. On the other hand, insoluble fiber prevents constipation, and you can get a lot of this fiber from carrots, beets, brussel spouts, brown rice, barley and whole wheat.

Foods To Avoid

You will need to avoid certain foods to cleanse your colon. Foods to avoid include sugar, caffeine and white flour. If you can't completely cut them out, consume no more than once a day and in small portions only.


Colon Cleansers - If some requirements are just too tough, like leaving out coffee from your daily diet, get help from herbal colon cleansers. While having a colon-cleansing diet is great, additional colon cleansers can speed up results. Herbal colon cleansers are also great because you know exactly how much is getting into your body-by eating healthy foods alone, you just never know how many nutrients your are taking and what these nutrients are. You may also try fasting at least once a year for a healthier lifestyle in the long run. And of course, for a good balance and to further flush away toxins, drink lots of water. - 15437

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Dinosaur Extinction: One Giant Mystery

By Amy Nutt

Many different species in the history of life on this planet have simply ceased to be. Gone but not forgotten these strange animals leave evidence of their existence entombed in the sedimentary layers of the earth's crust. As fascinating as these fossilized discoveries are, what's even more fascinating is the mystery of what happened to them.

The dinosaur's story is certainly the most compelling of all the extinction records. Giants that reigned over the earth their disappearance is both perplexing and intriguing.

New theories are formulated as new scientific discoveries are made but even the experts in the field cannot agree on the facts behind the end of the dinosaur era.

Buried deep in the past, the only clues remaining, point to a number of different theories.

Asteroids Or Volcanoes?

Approximately 65.5 million years ago an event occurred that caused the mass extinction of about 70% of the earth's animal and plant species in a relatively short geological time period. It is called the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event or the K-T extinction event. A thin band, a geological signature called the K-T boundary, identifies this.

Around the world dinosaur remains (of the non-avian variety) have only been discovered below this K-T boundary. This points to the conclusion that dinosaurs became extinct either right before the event or because of it.

Luis and Walter Alvarez, along with scientists from the University of California during the late seventies were studying closely the K-T boundary in Gubbio, Italy when they made an interesting discovery. In a clay layer at the boundary point they found 30 times the normal level of a rare element called Iridium. Such high levels of Iridium, it has been theorized, could have only come from two sources: either asteroids or violent volcanic activity.

The Asteroid

Many in the scientific community have postulated this impact event theory. The theory suggests that a large asteroid fell to earth and created a cloud of dust and other aerosols that blocked the sun's rays for up to a year. This reduction in sunlight radically affected plant and animal life causing a change to the atmosphere. At the time of impact a pulse of intense radiation killed many species and the resulting climate change and global firestorms decimated the rest.Dinosaurs, because of their size, were the first to succumb.

Volcanic Activity

The Deccan Traps, located in western India, formed at the end of the Cretaceous period, the same time the dinosaurs disappeared from earth. The Traps are a bi-product of violent volcanic eruptions. This theory postulates that the volcanic activity at the time would have released massive amounts of sulfuric aerosols and ash into the atmosphere again causing a major shift in the earth's climate. A shift that the dinosaurs were not equipped to survive.

Ice Age

Another theory relies on the idea of a major drop in temperature that caused the dinosaurs to die out while allowing the warm-blooded, more insulated mammals to survive. In this case all the plant, animal and marine life that could not adapt to the plummeting temperatures became extinct. A number of scientists pair this theory with the asteroid theory, claiming it was the asteroid that triggered the deep freeze.

There are many plausible explanations and scientific theories regarding the extinction of dinosaurs. New scientific evidence is discovered all the time, which supports one hypothesis or another, however, the truth is that we really don't know what ended the reign of these giants of the prehistoric world.

It is a mystery that may remain until the moment of our extinction. - 15437

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