Thursday, January 15, 2009

Small Weddings - What Are The Benefits

By Jim Carpenter

There are several reasons why couples may choose to have small weddings rather than a much more elaborate and large one. The problem with a large wedding is that often the couple may find themselves still paying for the event years after it has taken place.

For many years now because of celebrity weddings being shown on TV, elaborate and expensive ones have proved to be very popular. Yet now people are starting to see the smaller wedding as being more acceptable and are coming back into vogue. For those who are looking for a wedding that is more intimate and personal then this is the best type of wedding for them.

But although your wedding may be small it does not mean it has to be informal, simple or cheap. Certainly a small wedding will not be as expensive as a large wedding because guest's numbers are much less but you can still make it lavish if you want.

When we talk about small weddings we are not talking about the location, or how much the food etc., costs we are talking about the number of guests that the bride and groom invite. These kinds of weddings are often restricted to close family members and friends of the couple who are getting married.

Because the guest numbers are much smaller with this wedding the bride and groom are able to focus more of their time and energy into the areas of their wedding that they consider to be important. Certainly this may well mean that they are able to actually have their wedding and honeymoon abroad rather than at home.

There are lots of destinations around the world where people are now choosing to get married when they have a small wedding. The Caribbean is an extremely popular destination with many couples these days and for some a little more unique, couples are heading to Las Vegas. Whilst others who are looking for something a little more intimate and romantic are choosing the route of having theirs at a castle or in a mountain lodge.

For those who are on a tight budget and travelling is out of the question you can still make a small wedding on limited funds a very special day. Often a major cost of a wedding goes into hiring a room or booking a hotel for their reception, instead why not hold this at a family members home or at the bride and grooms favorite restaurant.

Small weddings can be as simple or as elaborate as the couple getting married want them to be. But what kind of small wedding they choose will depend on how much they are willing to spend on it. What they should remember however is that at the end of the day this is their special event and should be one that they and their guests will enjoy and remember with fondest in the future. - 15437

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