Thursday, January 29, 2009

Create an Intimate Atmosphere w/ Candle & Elegant Wedding Favors

By Aaron H.

Wedding favors are a relatively new tradition in the planning of a wedding. They are given as "Thank you" gifts to the guests at the wedding for attending and contributing to the happiness and perfection of the couple's wedding. Favors offer thanks in a clearer and louder voice than the old habit of sending out "Thank you" cards to the guests after the wedding.

One aspect of wedding favors that has aided in their growing popularity is the fact that there are so many different varieties on the market at low prices. Couples generally choose wedding favors that are a match with the theme of decorations chosen for the wedding and reception venues. Making the correct choice of wedding favors makes a big difference in the atmosphere of the wedding. Couples can create an intimate atmosphere for the wedding and reception with candle or elegant wedding favors.

Giving candle wedding favors and having candle centerpieces and lowered lights can create a romantic air of intimacy at a wedding reception. Because weddings are romantic by nature, there is already a mood of romance set during the ceremony that candles can help carry over into the reception. Giving candles as favors can help the guests remember this wedding and the happiness shared with their guests while offering a practical gift that guests may find useful later.

There is also a certain elegance associated with weddings that makes elegant wedding favors another item that helps to create an intimate atmosphere. Silver and glass crystal are two materials used in many of the most elegant of decoration items and wedding favors. These items may sound cold, but the years of having them as a traditional element of weddings have given them a warm intimacy that is unmatched by any other substances or types of favors.

Most silver and glass elegant wedding favors lend themselves to personalization with ease, adding to the intimate feelings they bring to the minds of the guests. Personalized items always form an intimate bond between the couple and the wedding and the guests that makes these items more valuable and unique.

Elegant wedding favors add a symbol of the solemnity of the occasion that does not make the whole affair feel more distant and cold. Elegance has a surprising effect on the atmosphere of the wedding that makes the whole affair seem classier while drawing people into the embrace of a loving and happy circle.

Combining elegance and candlelight can create an atmosphere of quiet intimacy that will make the guests remember attending this wedding more fondly than they might other weddings they attend in their lives because of the warm feelings inspired by the decorations and the candle or elegant wedding favors that are present at the reception.

Including candle and elegant wedding favors in the proceedings draws the guests into a warm and intimate circle that few elements can match to help make this day more special for everyone involved, as well as the bride and groom. - 15437

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