Thursday, January 29, 2009

How To Get Ex Back If They Aren't That Into You

By John Laney

A common problem in relationships is that over time one mate loses interest in the other. This causes perhaps a majority of break ups the world over. Your ex just isnt that into you anymore.

When this happens, can you get them back? They want to move on, since they have figured out you aren't "the one" for them anymore.

Your ex isn't really angry at you, they are probably still friendly, they just aren't that into you anymore. They think the thrill is gone and its time to move on.

This is a tough type of break up to recover from. Once one person feels that the relationship has lost its thrill and magic, they back away emotionally from the other person. This can be hard to overcome.

The first thing you need to do to have a chance of getting your ex back is some detective work. You must find out why they aren't that into you anymore. Does your ex feel like the sex has become stale or mechanical? Is it loss of passion? Is it money, did you lose some income? Is it lack of communication?

Once you find out why they arent that into you, then you have some chance of getting them back. If they arent into you because you dont communicate and share yourself with them, that is a useful thing to know. Or if the sex has gotten boring, that is worth knowing.

The next step is to ask yourself: do you want to change this for them? For example, if they feel you have lost sexual interest and have gained too much weight, do you want to try to change this about yourself? If you do, then you might be able to get them back.

You then promise them to make a change in yourself. You convince them that you want the relationship to work and that you want to make them happy by being more playful or earning more money or sharing more, whatever their issue with you was. Ask them to help you be more sexually adventurous, for example. It won't always work, but it can be a place to start to get your ex back. - 15437

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