Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Simple Way Keep Allergic Asthma Manifestations Away

By Carrie Woodhouse

Allergic asthma usually starts as a simple allergy. Then it evolves, the symptoms worsen, especially the respiratory ones, until one day you find yourself in difficulty to breathe. This is not a joke, but a serious disease, so you should consider it as such and go for a medical check as soon as possible.

When you are diagnosed with allergic asthma, it is very important that you keep yourself away from getting in touch with the substances which trigger your respiratory allergic reaction. These substances, called allergens, can be anything from dust to feathers, latex gloves or even foods.

An efficient prevention requires that you know precisely what are the allergens your body's immune system reacts to. There are standard tests such as the Rast and the Eliza, which indicate accurately enough the most active allergens for your situation. Tests are not painful and they are rather cheap. Check with your doctor and maybe he'll tell you more about that.

Airborne allergies, like the allergy to birch pollen are dangerous especially during spring time, when all trees and flowers blossom and their pollen spreads in the air. You can prevent your respiratory symptoms by staying indoors and by taking antihistamines for at least a few weeks. ASk your doctor for advice in this respect.

Allergy to food is easy to keep under control: read the labels carefully and do not buy any product which contains the foods that cause you allergy symptoms. There are cases of people who got almost killed by peanut traces in chocolate.

Don't give away your dog or your cat when you find out that you are allergic to animals. Keep them in the house, but maintain a very strict hygiene, with daily vacuming and steam cleaning. Throw away your carpets and do not clean the pet yourself. Somebody else should do this. Do not kiss your lovely pet and try not to pet it too often. Just enjoy its presence and that's all. - 15437

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