Thursday, January 22, 2009

Getting Rid Of Your Acne

By Lucy Collins

Solving your acne problems may not be as hard as you might think. You just might not have tried the right solutions yet.

Acne is just one of those simple annoyances that we have to deal with throughout our lives. Fortunately getting rid of acne is not as touch as everyone makes it out to be, you just have to find the right way to treat your acne, and then how to prevent it from ever coming back!

Here are some acne fighting tips. First of all, when you have acne on your body your first reaction may be to touch the area or pop the pimples. Do not do it! It will only make the area more irritated and susceptible to infection. Leave it alone, and let your body heal itself.

Along with leaving that nasty pimple alone, do not squeeze or pop that pimple! If you continue to pick and play around with that pimple, all of that grease is going to spread like wildfire, and instead of just one annoying pimple, you could end up with two or three more annoying pimples.

Proper hygiene is necessary in the treatment of acne. You would be surprised at the number of people with acne who simply do not have god enough hygiene to combat their acne. Washing your face with a good acne cleanser (soap can sometimes be too harsh an irritate acne) can sometimes do wonders for oily, acne prone skin.

For those sufferers who are adamant that they require some form of over the counter medication, I would recommend something such as Benzoyl Peroxide. The reason this does help is simply because it assists in removing dead skin cells which in turn makes it easier to remove dirt and grease from your skin pores. More often than not you'll find some acne treatment lotions contain Benzoyl Peroxide and these lotions can be applied to your face at least once each day.

Avoid oily type products that you would normally apply to your face such as makeup. Certain makeup contains a lot of oil and can clog of your pores and cause some serious outbreaks. Try looking for oil free makeup at the store, and using that from now it, it could be the best decision you ever make!

They say a person's body is only as good as the food that person eats and this is especially true for acne sufferers. In fact, if your diet consists largely of fast foods or other greasy foods with a high fat content, then that could well be the reason you have acne in the first place. Be kind to your skin as well as the rest of your body by eating healthy foods.

As with all treatments, some work for you and some don't. However, if you follow the advice I have mentioned in this article, you will without doubt, notice an improvement and in most cases, a total cure. To sum it all up, leave those pimples alone, keep your face clean and cut back as much as possible of all that junk food. - 15437

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