Wednesday, December 10, 2008

List Building Can Be So Easy When You No How

By Zeze Mensah

Internet marketing is defined as a generic term used to describe techniques that leverage the Internet for driving traffic and customers to one's business. Internet marketing is more than just search engine marketing. It is the promotion of products and services online or through the internet.

Internet marketing takes getting used to and demands that you take your time, prepare and be slick about what you do. Let's face it, if this lucrative transaction is going to work for you, you definately have to put your time into it. You can't just slap on salamy, cheese, and some mushrooms and call it a pizza, you gotta heat the crust just right and get that perfert sizzle. That's internet marketing! First, you need a product.

Let's say you decided to become an internet marketer to offset today's economic recession, so now what? The first step in your internet marketing journey is to either create a good product to sell online or if you are totally new, find a good affiliate program. Affiliate programs allow you to sell someone else's products and get a certain percentage of the sales in return.

The goal is to find a good product that sells like cotton candy. Successful affiliate internet marketing is almost impossible to achieve without finding the right product. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Also, keep in mind that when looking for a product search for one that you would be willing to spend your money on. Now let's talk traffic and Listbuilding.

Great, we have the product that we want to sell, now what? In order to be successful online visitors have to be able to find you on the Internet. Success as an entrepreneur is about being passionate, giving wholly of yourself, busting your butt, falling flat on your face and getting right back up to do it all over again. However,you get to dance in the thrill of complete and total victory at the end of it all.

When visitors come to your site try to convince them to leave their contact with you. This my friend, is the key to building a successful list. Why do we need a list?...because these are repeat customers you will buy into another opportunity you are promoting. Internet marketing takes work, no scratch that, lot's of work. But the payouts are incredible high. Now there are a number of traffic pulling techniques you can use to build your opt-in list and you can take a look at you-tube or checkout Google to get more detailed explanations of these.

Traffic Exchanges (quickest and easiest way to get traffic)

YouTube- (I sure hope you are not camera shy)

Safelists - (use them wisely)

Article submissions- (man, these are HOT!)

And much much more?

Be creative and you just might invent your own unique way which others would pay you BIG BUCKS to use!

Be sure to pay attention to the number of Unique visitors, Number of visits and Hits.

Okay, so now show me the money!

Depending on the program you sell you could make anywhere between %25-%75 profit and %100 if you have your own product. So note to self, create your own product or learn how to. Folks, you could seriously be on your way to retirement if internet marketing and list building become a passion in your life. I just hope your spouse doesn't get jealous - hehe! Okay, so what's next....

Like all things in life young grasshopper you need to have a strategy. Go hard and don't stop until you make enough money to go on vacation...for life. Yet still, how do we accomplish that goal. Well, like a wise man once said to me,"Zeze, the secret to your success is in your daily routine. " How true that is. The place you are in life right now is a result of what you did or did not do yesterday. And that my friend is a fact! So have a millionaire strategy...mine works pretty good for me. Well young grasshopper, it's time to get to work making those millions.

Cheers to your Success! - 15437

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