Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weight Loss, Obesity and Why Counting Calories is Not Enough

By Ricardo d Argence

It can be so frustrating when the scale just won't budge. You are dieting, counting calories, and cutting back the way you are supposed to. To make matters worse your best friend is nice and slim and it seems like she eats all the time.

Maybe you think you are just destined to be curvy, or you have the wrong genes to be thin. While those ideas may be a remote possibility, a more likely explanation is that you are eating the wrong combination of foods.

Whether you are thin or overweight,the amount of daily calories you consume is not what decides. Burn the fat as energy before it accumulates on to your things and feed your body with required nutrients for it to function smoothly.

It's necessary to understand why a well-balanced diet is important and why eating food from every group is necessary. After we understand our bodies' nutritional needs, we can design a diet that helps us lose weight permanently.

There are basically 3 types of calories that we need to eat every day. These are protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Your body requires all 3 types of calories, but not all in the same proportions at each meal. Believe it or not, some fat calories can actually accelerate weight loss, while some of the fat free foods you consume can cause weight gain if eaten too often.

Sugar is commonly found in fat free foods. If you have too much sugar in your diet, your body won't be able to use many of the sugar calories, and this will result in excess calories being stored as fat.

It's a common belief that fat-free foods are safe because eating fat is a bad thing. When you consume fat calories they do not turn directly into fat on your body,the truth is that. When you eat fat free foods, you will not automatically lose weight either. Become receptive to a different way of dieting and to lose weight you must understand this fact.

In many cases rather rapidly,once you understand which foods have fat burning properties and keep your blood sugar at a stable level all day you will begin to lose weight. Eating foods with lots of sugar will give you a burst of energy, but you'll crash back to Earth shortly thereafter. This crash occurs when the blood sugar level drops too low, leaving you tired and hungry once again. Blood sugar level has a relation as in how it drops or rises after spike or meals. Obese people experience highs and lows in their level of energy,this is reason.

Keep in mind that you and your body need calories from all the food groups in order to properly feed and fuel yourself. Any calories that are consumed and not used for fuel will be stored as fat. The body doesn't care where it got calories from (protein, carbohydrates, or fat) -- if you don't use them, they'll be stored.

For the body to function at its' peak performance, it's necessary to eat the right calories in the correct combination and when they can best be applied. Anyone can benefit from the body's natural fat burning process, as long as he or she provides the body with proper nutrition. - 15437

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