Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sleep Aid Tips for Shift Workers

By Veronika Namesse

Because of irregular sleeping patterns, most of those who work on shifts suffer with insomnia and other sleeping problems. A significant part of this group is seeking professional advice to help them resolve sleeping issues. Working on shifts sometimes has a negative impact on a person's system. But when unpleasant incidents occur due to insomnia, the matter becomes a concern that needs immediate attention aside from the usual solution involving a sleep aid.

Shift jobs and your Body Clock

Those who work on shifting jobs are more likely to experience fatigue and sleep loss than those on regular schedules. This is a natural reaction after your body clock is disrupted. There is no concrete solution yet to the problem of getting adequate sleep for people who are working on shifts, aside from relying on a sleep aid. However, it is suggested that the best way to deal with a system that has gone out of sync is to help the body clock to become aligned again. While a sleep aid can help you get a good sleep, the following ways are considered effective in normalizing the body's system and in turn help you sleep soundly:

- As much as possible, try to adjust to your new schedule right away. Time your activities in such a way that it matches your new timetable.

- You can also take the gentle way of changing your sleeping pattern. Try to change your sleeping habits by making small improvements every 3 or 4 days.

- Keep a low carb and high protein diet for breakfast and lunch. For your dinner, it is suggested that you eat foods low in protein and high in carbohydrates.

- Exercise to help you restructure you body rhythms. Gentle workouts, like jogging a couple of hours before midnight, can help you start your new "day."

- Take short naps in breaks during your shift to improve a shift worker's performance later in the shift.

- Ensure that when you tuck in for the night during the daytime, you get good quality sleep. This is possible by making sure that your room has good ventilation and is not too hot.

- Light can psychologically energize your mind and body especially after a good sleep. When you are still trying to get the hang of your new sleeping pattern, use a bright light, like a visor or a light box, as soon as you awake.

- Do not drink coffee a few hours before you go to sleep. Milk, which is considered by some as a sleep aid, is a better alternative as it helps you fall asleep.

- Develop good sleep hygiene.

If all else fails, consult with your doctor. If you really have trouble going to sleep, ask him if you can be prescribed with a sleep aid. Your doctor will be able to provide you with the right medications, aside from a sleep aid, that will enable you to go to sleep already and stop counting sheep. - 15437

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