Saturday, December 27, 2008

Using Natural Treatments To Cure Yeast Infections

By Gray Rollins

If you haven't heard, Candida is more than just a comedy written by George Bernard Shaw. It's a natural yeast infection, and if you've never heard of it, this is a great time to find out. It can make both your waking and sleeping hours unpleasant, and put you in very uncomfortable situations. You could find yourself needing to scratch yourself in front of people you hardly know. Or imagine your spouse refusing touch the dinner you prepared because you've been scratching at your infection all day. Don't want to deal with these situations? Follow the tips we provide here. More people are learning about Candida every day, so why don't you?

Though the prescription antidote is suggested, many are uncertain or uncomfortable with the quick fix. Recently, more and more infected individuals have begun seeking natural remedies. The main drive to find an alternative to the over-the-counter cure is the uneasiness of experiencing the side effects that often come with artificial medicines.

However, before you think of the cure, it is more advisable to give a thought to the ways of preventing this yeast infection. And if you are wondering how to gather this precious information then do not worry we will provide you with all the information that you need to know. You need to have a very good sense and habit of self-hygiene and care.

If you are an alcoholic then you need to avoid all sorts of alcohol containing food and drink. Remember, that alcohol encourages the growth of yeast and that obviously is only going to aggravate the situation.

The other food items which you need to avoid are- caffeine, margarine, milk products etc. and also all sorts of junk food. This means that you will have to cut down or may have to totally abstain from indulging in those unhealthy delicious fried stuff of the caf.

Try not to use a public bathroom, or for that matter even a common swimming pool. Swimming pools are to be avoided very particularly since the common water of the pool can bring other people's disease to your skin making your infection worse.

Another important matter in preventing the infection from erupting is to be selective about the protection you use. Some condoms contain a spermicidal chemical called nonoxynol-9, which has been shown to cause yeast infections to act up. This isn't a reason to have unsafe sex, though. Just make sure the condom or spermicidal fluid you use doesn't contain the troublesome chemical.

If you use perfumes very frequently then you must cut down on its usage. Any scented thing should be avoided. So try to cut down on scented sanitary pads, tampons, etc. The reason behind this advice is that the bacteria which kills the yeast is destroyed by the scent of these above mentioned artificially scented stuff.

The best remedy for you is to drink a lot of water. Also remember to add garlic and yogurt in your diet. Apart from these, applying tea tree oil or products containing tree tea oil is a good idea if you want to you get rid of yeast infection naturally. - 15437

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