Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Taking the Right Herbs for Arthritis

By Kaye Fretz

Herbs for arthritis are readily available. Like synthetic relief counterparts, these natural remedies cannot banish arthritis from your life. They are good options though to help diminish the symptoms of arthritis. When taken correctly, herbs help relieve pain and swelling. Here are some of them.

-Nettle Leaves- Stinging nettle is believed to be the natural counterpart of NSAIDs. The anti-inflammatory components of this herb reduce arthritis swelling. The herb also has boron which is a recommended nutrient for those with arthritis. Nettle can be eaten or used for tea.

-Devil's Claw- The claw-like shape of this herb's fruits is the reason behind its unusual name. The herb originates from Africa and is good relief for pain and arthritis swelling. There is also some experiential evidence that the herb can assist in promoting greater joint movement.

-Ginger- This common herb is also good relief for inflammation and pain. The best thing about it is that it apparently has no side effects. Ginger is easily available and can be drunk as tea or eaten mixed with food or dish sauce.

-Celery- Another ingredient found in the kitchen that can be used for arthritis relief is celery. Early European settlers introduced this herb to the North American continent. The herb has anti-inflammatory substances and potassium which is beneficial for arthritis patients.

-Red Pepper- Lists of herbs for arthritis can't do without cayenne or red pepper. Nearly everyone knows that red pepper is a good pain reliever even for those who suffer from pain not associated with arthritis. The substance in cayenne that is popularly known to relieve pain is capsaicin. This substance blocks the perception of pain and facilitates the release of more endorphins or the body's own natural pain relievers. Cayenne also has salicylate which is an ingredient in aspirin.

-Alfalfa- The major contribution of this herb to arthritis relief is its nourishing nutrient content. It also serves to minimize the retention of fluid. It is recommended that arthritic patients take this herb in tea form. Alfalfa powder may increase arthritis symptoms.

-Angelica- Among the Chinese, the more popular species is the dong quai. Angelica tea can be taken to relieve pain and inflammation.

There are more herbs that can be used as arthritis pain and inflammation relief. People who have been taking a variety of herbs have had a lot of positive experiences. It is still very crucial though to remember to be cautious with taking herbs. A couple of herbs or a combination of herbs may promote negative reactions when taken with some prescription medications.

Another danger to herbs is the lack of dosage standards. Various people suggest different ways and quantities of taking herbs. There is always a danger that you could take too much or too little of herbs.

If you truly wan to take herbs for arthritis, then consult your doctor. He could give you some advice on which herbs are safe to take considering your condition and current medications. - 15437

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