Saturday, December 27, 2008

Top Possible Plastic Surgery Risks

By Trina Rowde

The field of cosmetology and plastic surgery has definitely improved through the recent years. Unfortunately, the issue of risks remain the same. Know the risks before deciding to undergo any procedure.


This is a plastic surgery risk that is not procedure specific and may be the result of unattended bleeding. Once a person bleeds from an incision, some of the blood may collect under the skin and will soon begin to look like a bruise. Patients normally experience this to some extent but the bruised look will gradually disappear as healing kicks in. If the blood pool does not diminish however, it could cut proper blood circulation. You might need to return to your doctor to have the area drained.

Damaged Organ

Procedures involved in plastic surgery may also pose the risk of damaging the organs. Patients who undergo abdominal liposuction however are most cautioned against this plastic surgery risk. Your surgeon may not be fully aware or sensitive of the movement of a liposuction cannula. He could accidentally puncture your intestines. This is a particularly difficult plastic surgery risk to remedy since you may need an operation if the damage is extensive.

Reaction to Anesthesia

Some deaths may actually be associated with this indirect plastic surgery risk instead of actual direct surgical procedure risks. There can be numerous kinds of negative anesthesia reactions but one common plastic surgery risk is when a patient drowns in incorrectly administered amounts of anesthetic fluid. Nerve functions may also be affected by improper anesthesia administration.

Capsular Contracture

The Capsular Contracture is one risk that is usually a result of breast augmentation implant. As healing progresses, breast implants usually acquire a capsule made of natural scar tissues. Sometimes the tissues may increase and begin to squeeze the implant. Patients who experience this may begin to feel breast pain and hardening.

Thinning Septum

A thinning septum is the risk associated with nose lifts. Although surgery may be conducted to correct a damaged or deviated septum, a cosmetic nose job may also result in the thinning of the septum. Very thin septum resulting from perhaps succeeding nose jobs and can result in nose holes.

Nerve Damage

Although this is most commonly noticeable in people who have undergone facelifts, plastic surgery can also result to damaged nerves. Typical surgical nerve damage signs such as numbness and changes in sensation may eventually heal after a few months or years. Permanent nerve damage however may also happen. In this case, the affected area may no longer be unable to move as is noticeable in some patients who end up with seemingly immobile facial muscles.


One result that any plastic surgery procedure can't avoid is scarring. As incisions are stitched, scar tissue will normally begin to form. For a few weeks or even months, your scar may begin to look worse and even lumpy. It will however normally begin to heal itself and fade after a year or two. Your scar however will never completely disappear. You would be lucky if your doctor was skillful enough in hiding the scar. Scars may be hidden under the breast crease in breast augmentation for example or near the hairline for facelifts. A badly hidden scar may have to be disguised by make up for life. - 15437

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