Thursday, December 11, 2008

Immigration Process And Setbacks

By Chris Channing

The various processes that a person can take to immigrate into the United States is increasing every year. Some people will risk coming through the desert and dying from starvation or lack of water. Other individuals will risk their lives in water that is shark infested without the proper necessities to remain alive afloat a raft for such a long period of time.

More money is wasted every year to install fences to keep illegal immigrants out. The problem is that the fences do not spread across the entire borderline causing more trouble than it is worth to keep up. Immigrants will either climb the fences or dig under reinforced fences. They can even walk an extra day or two to get around the fence if they were incapable of climbing or digging through. It makes the fences a very inefficient idea.

Many immigrants just want to come to the United States for work opportunities. They do not know that you can make many, many more times the amount they make at the minimum hourly wages or even less than that sometimes by getting properly educated and correct immigration legality.

If you cannot provide the legal documents that allow you to stay in this country while being an immigrant, you have the chance of being deported to your home land, if you are unlucky, you will be deported somewhere else because of racial profiling. This can really make matters worse for you if you are in a new place without a way to reach family that you left behind in the United States.

Many times security is called into question when keeping illegal immigrants out of the country. The increase in security measures is due to the fact that terrorist attacks made it a possible threat that future attacks were possible, making it even more difficult for immigrants to come in.

Informing yourself and others about how to stay in the United States legally can really help those who need to stay within the United States. Actively spreading knowledge about the proper methods to remain in the country for work and school purposes can really make a difference in people's lives.

Closing Comments

Immigration is one of the things that are watched closely by the people that feel that they own the United States. Until they realize that many of their ancestors were immigrants, or forced here by deportation of their countries, they will truly not understand how hard it must be for these individuals to live their lives. - 15437

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