Friday, December 5, 2008

Human Anatomy - Giving Up Your Appendix & Still Surviving

By Michelle Taylor

With the furtherance of todays engineering science in both practice of medicine and scientific discipline, its not stunning to hear that we can survive and operate rather comfortably without several of our organs. Personally I prefer to remain all of mine. There are instances though that removal of an organ can actually save a life, for instance, if the organ is inflammatory. Many individuals ask so if you can survive and work without so many of the organs why did we have them in the first place? What Is More, they have their own arenas in our body.

Some organ removals are rather common and some of us have already known this. There is the tonsil and adenoid removal that seems to be a childhood occurrence rather than in adulthood. The purpose of the tonsils is to assist to prevent the intrusion of bacteria from getting in through the mouth and nose, where it can then go on to do harm to different parts of the body. The adenoids assist to prevent it from coming in the nose. Sometimes these organs get so full, and became weak from being forever inflamed so they cannot do their job correctly. So the most feasible solution was to merely get rid of them. In todays practice of medicine this is not finished so freely as it at one time was. The human anatomy is being looked at much closer by many scientists.

The appendix is some other organ that appears to be commonly removed. If you were to talk to an individual who has had a binge of appendicitis ,before getting the appendix removed, they will tell you they do not miss it all. Acute appendicitis is very very bad. The task of the appendix for many years was never clear. After all they were part of the human anatomy and thats all that appeared to matter. Now in recent studies medical scientists consider they may have discovered the very cause and function of the appendix.

They now believe that it is the appendix job to manufacture good bacteria that must be found in the gut. This good bacteria is very important to keeping absolute health and body procedures. There are instances when the gut gets exposed of the good bacteria, possibly through unwellness or disease. This is where the appendix gets in, to multiply the good bacterial so in re enters the gut and gets it back performing normally once again.

Another ordinary organ removal, amongst women is the removal of the womb. Sometimes in this process, the ovaries which are a section of this may be remain. Then on the other hand, at times the ovaries are removed and the womb left. We all know that these are productive organs and formerly they have serviced their aim, its no problem removing of them. This is not in reality totally true. This organ play a significant role when it gets to female internal secretions, and affects the menopause stage a woman gets through.

So you can see that these are numerous of the more standard organs that can be quite well removed and our bodies still operate without them. Then likewise you can learn that they all do serve a very fundamental role. This raises an interesting question. Although we are good without them, would be all that more in even better wellness, if we still had them? - 15437

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