Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How Do Radar Laser Detector Units Work

By Todd j Scott

The radar laser detector equipment that policemen employ to catch speeding vehicles makes use of radio waves that are transmitted to the vehicle, which then bounces back information about the speed of the car to the equipment. This is much the same as the way a flashlight is used to see something in the dark; when the flashlight shines on an object, the light is reflected back to you allowing you to see what it is hitting. If you have equipped your vehicle with a radar detector, then the signal can be intercepted and you will be alerted before you are caught speeding.

Radar guns work with a laser light that projects from the gun and then bounces off any moving object, in this case a car. When a radar gun targets a group of cars, a good radar laser detector can sense a threat and warn you.

While the detector cannot help you if the officer that is using the radar gun is behind you and has already detected your speeding, it can be helpful if you are passing or approaching the radar gun. However, there is one radar detector you may want to consider, and that is the Cobra XRS, which can give you 360 degree of scanning capabilities.

The law does not differentiate between safe speeders and unsafe speeders. That is the main reason to get the best radar detector you can, such as the Cobra XRS.

There are 49 states in the union that allow radar detectors to be used. Only in the states of Virginia and Washington D.C. are they not allowed. The authorities still get a lot of ticket revenue from the ones who do not use a radar detector and the small percentage of users who are still caught speeding.

Radar laser detectors serve a purpose in life. There are people who say you do not need one if you do not speed. However, everyone will go over the speed limit at one time or another.

While most of us consider ourselves safe drivers and do not constantly go over the speed limit, most of us do speed from time to time. There are also times when you might not realize that you are speeding, because of distractions or not paying attention. These are the times that it might be helpful to have a detector radar system in the car. Not paying attention isn't a good reason to get a ticket. - 15437

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