Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Here's How You Can Catch a Cheating Spouse!

By Glen Pearson

Whether it's a figment of your imagination or reality, suspecting your partner of cheating on you can result in a significant amount of heartache and stress. The method I outline in this article will let you find out if your partner is cheating on you.

Instead of beating around the bush, I'll just get straight to the point. In order for this method to even be possible you'll need to get a hold of your partners mobile phone for at least five to ten minutes without them realizing it.

You need to wait for a suitable opportunity which will allow you enough time to complete your task. For example, you could wait for them to nip out to the shops in the hope they will forget their phone, or even take advantage of the time they spend in the shower. You should need about 15 minutes.

As soon as you have their phone, scroll through the menu until you find the call registry. You want to find the entire list of outgoing and incoming calls. Next, quickly write down all the numbers you don't recognize from those calls which have been made or received.

This is really the hardest part so once you've achieved this, simply return the phone without them knowing and then you are free to relax again!

With the most demanding part behind you, its time to be an investigator and get onto the internet in order to perform a reverse search on all those numbers you have. This type of search tells you exactly who owns a certain phone number. Unlike a regular search which gives you the number of a person, a reverse search will tell you who a number belongs to.

The reason we are doing this is so that we can establish who the owners are of all the numbers on your spouse's mobile. Not only will a reverse search give you the name and address of each number's owner, but it will often provide a considerable amount of additional background information as well.

The internet now has a number of companies offering this type of service. These companies acquire vast amounts of personal information regarding phone numbers - including unlisted numbers and mobile numbers. Acquired from both private and government sources, this information is then stored in their databases where it is maintained and regularly updated.

You should expect to pay a fee for using these services but the cost is inexpensive. My personal advice is to use a company which only charges a single sign-up fee which then lets you conduct as many searches as you want without having to pay again. Another word of advice is that you choose a company that has a full moneyback guarantee so that you can get your moneyback if you don't get the information you need.

Once you have completed all the reverse searches, it's time to sift your way through the results and pay attention to anything that looks out of place. The chances are, if there is anything fishy going on, the guilty party's details will stick out like a sore thumb.

This is a great way to find out if your partner is sneaking around on your. It's an easy to get to the truth and put your suspiscions at ease. - 15437

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