Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Help With Getting Over a Relationship

By Jackie Howie

Your heart is broken, the steps to get over an ex.

It is difficult to see the wood for the trees when your head is "fried" and you literally feel your heart breaking, they say the heart is just an organ, but any one who has to cope with a relationship being over, will testify that your heart does feel the pain.

The question you need answered when a relationship is over, How will you cope. This will keep you focused so write this down. Please take note, because it is difficult to make good decisions when your heart is broken.

A sure fire way to change the way you are feeling if you are truly missing them and thinking of them fondly, think of all the times they annoyed you, all the times they let you down. Get rid of the rose tinted glassed, they were not that perfect. Think of all they times they took you for granted or treated you like dirt. Ask your self "Is this what I deserve " "Am I a door mat".

The relationship is over for whatever reason, put your self in their shoes, they are moving. Keep your dignity and self respect. Let them move on, do not keep ringing or sending text messages. Allow your self to move on too.

Each time you think of your ex, think of the time your ex made you feel like dirt, this really works, and change your focus on to something positive, call a friend ask them how they are. Focus on something positive that will enhance your life. Getting over a relationship can seem impossible but you WILL.

You are the only one who has power over your thoughts. You are the only one who can make you feel happier. Believe that things will turn out for the best in the long run. Try and remember a situation which you thought would never work out but it DID and worked out for the best in the end.

Focus on the NOW, get out of your own life for a while, help someone else, the is one of the most powerful tools to get over a relationship. Helping someone else will allow you to take the focus off your problems and give you the feel good factor. This really will make you feel happier. Be positive.

Do not keep living in the past, thinking about your ex lover. The relationship is now over, history. This is a new beginning. You deserve the best and now you can live life to the full, thank your luck stars the relationship is over.

Positive thinking, you do not need your ex, make a decision, I CONTROL MY THOUGHTS. You are the only one with the power of you. You can make your self happy or you can make your self sad. The relation is over, for a reason you can not see clearly yet, but you will in time.

You do not need them, you are a powerful strong person, you have to make a conscious decision to be positive, life goes on, this relationship is over. This happened for a reason you cannot see yet.

Get rid of the misery and pain. Respect your self, value your self, when you feel good about your self others will see the positive and happy new person, and want to be around you.

The only person you can ever need is you, when you feel positive, happy, attractive and fulfilled, you will attract positive happy people and this is what you deserve.

When you feel better, feel positive, strong and happy, You might realize that you are deserve the best. You cannot predict the future, when you are this new positive person. Your ex might want to be around you and back in your life. Then you can decide with a clear head whether you would like them back of whether you are far too good for them and deserve so much more than they can offer.

You never know what the future will hold, be positive and excited not knowing what will happen. But what ever does happen you have the power to control how you deal with life. - 15437

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