Friday, December 5, 2008

Going Home After Tubal Reversal

By Sandra Wilson

Do you have questions about what happens after tubal reversal surgery? This may be especially true if you are flying to another location to have the tubal reanastomosis. Below you will find four commonly asked questions and their answers.

If you have decided to have your tubal reanastomosis done by a premiere surgeon such as Dr. Gary Berger of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, your first question will be about the flight home. How soon after the surgery can you leave? Now, if you are questioning why you would fly somewhere else to get this operation done, you should check out the author's other articles on selecting a tubal reversal doctor or check the resources listed below.

While you may want to get back home right away, if you live outside the US where it may take you more than a few hours to get home, you might want to wait another day or two before heading out. Since you could become pregnant before you know it, take a chance of having a little time to yourself before it is gone even if it is only another day or two. If you live in the contiguous states, you can go home the day after the surgery.

Now you know when you are leaving, your next thought may be about the trip home itself and what you should do to be more comfortable. You will find that a small pillow will come in handy to lay across your stomach area to provide bracing. It helps if your companion likes to keep you laughing, too.

After tubal reversal surgery, you should be given some pain medication. Take this for the flight home. If the doctor allows, you might even add some ibuprofen to the mix. Discuss this with your doctor especially if the flight home is a long one or there might be some rough weather you will be traveling through.

If it is available, a direct flight is the best way to go. Tell the gate attendant that you just had surgery and need to board before the other passengers. Contact the appropriate person to have a wheel chair or cart waiting to get you around the airport. If you must change flights en route, this will be very helpful.

You might want to know if you will need to get an appointment with your doctor when you get home. Dr. Berger answers this by determining whether you doctor referred you or not. If he did, then you will want to check in with him when you get home. If you are self-referred, then it is not necessary unless you want.

This leads to one more question about what you should do for any questions or concerns you may have after tubal reversal. If you have chosen Dr. Berger for your surgeon, not only is there email and a 24 hour telephone number, there is also a moderated message board available for your questions and to connect with other tubal reanastomosis patients. You will want to make sure your surgeon has some similar ways of contacting him or his staff and quickly and easily getting your questions answered. - 15437

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