Monday, December 8, 2008

Finding Cure to Hemorrhoids

By Sandy Rowde

Hemorrhoids can be cured in various ways. With the advent of new technologies and state-of-the-art medical equipment, a thing such as hemorrhoids can be subjected right away to proper medical treatment. Finding centers to cure hemorrhoids are also not a stressful thing to do nowadays since there are already many medical centers right now that specialize in treating hemorrhoids.

The right method to cure your hemorrhoids depends on the kind of hemorrhoids that you have and the degree the condition is in. For those who do not have much budget to undergo certain sophisticated medical procedures to cure hemorrhoids, there are still available natural methods which one can do at home.

The You-Can-Do-It-At-Home Treatments and Relievers of Hemorrhoids:

- Sitz baths. This popular hemorrhoids treatment method is found by many to be very effective. Sitz baths are done by sitting in a tub half-filled with lukewarm water. The water should be as hot as you can sustain it. Sitting in the said water for ten to twenty (10-20) minutes several times a day can soothe pain, itchiness and burning sensation brought by hemorrhoids.

- Having clean and proper hygiene is also one preventive and curative method for treating hemorrhoids. It should be noted, though, that over rubber and too much cleaning can also be a bad thing for the hemorrhoids. The technique here is not to overdo it. Too much rubbing might further cause irritation and swelling of the hemorrhoids. Also see to it that after cleaning the affected area, it should be pat dry with a clean cloth. Applying hemorrhoids cream or ointment after can also be a good cure for hemorrhoids.

- Dabbing ice packs or cold compress to the affected area can also ease the pain of hemorrhoids.

- Maintain fibrous diet to prevent and cure hemorrhoids. This includes eating green leafy vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, cereals, whole grains, and other foods that are rich in fiber. Fibers can help for easy and smooth bowel movement. It helps the prevention of constipation. Accordingly, constipation is not a good thing among those with hemorrhoids because the too much strain brought by it can put extra pressure to the hemorrhoids tissue, causing it to bleed with pain. Also, the inclusion of water intake can also help in relieving from hemorrhoids. It is advisable to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Some hemorrhoids, however, may be in more severe conditions and can not be treated by the above-mentioned methods anymore. These are hemorrhoids that are said to be on its final stages. Ways to cure hemorrhoids such as these involve the use of medical equipment and expertise of the physician.

Rubber Band Ligation is a non-surgical treatment for more severe, inflamed hemorrhoids which involves tying a rubber ban around the affected area. This is to control the blood circulation on the hemorrhoids, causing it to shrink and eventually heal. Another popular medical treatment, which is deemed by many as the most effective way among complicated and huge-sized hemorrhoids, is the hemorroidectomy. It is the scraping off of hemorrhoids tissue through surgical procedures. - 15437

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