Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tips for Meeting a Casting Company

By Amy Nutt

The acting life is one that requires constant readiness and the ability to go with the flow. You`ll need to be prepared for anything that could come up, if you really want to work. Meeting with a casting agency is one of the most valuable things you can do in your career as an actor and it`s important to make a good impression. So, what should you do? We`ve put together a few tips to help you out.

What to Wear

Perhaps one of the most stressful parts of preparing for an open casting call is figuring out what to wear, since it`s not specific. Keep in mind that they are going to be looking at who you are, so keep it simple.

Stick to dark, flattering colors and avoid patterns. You don`t want to distract the casting directors with loud clothing.

Go for neat, but not too formal. Nice, dark jeans and a simple tank top or wife beater work very well.

Keep it fitted. Opting for fitted clothes will let the casting directors see what your body type is and this will help them decide if you are right for their casting agency.

Be decent and avoid plunging necklines or super short skirts since this could give the wrong impression. It`s fine to play up your sexiness a bit, but don`t go too far overboard.

Bring along a few extras, such as ponytail holders, a jacket, etc. These can be useful for changing your look if needed. Often casting directors will ask you to change your look slightly if they have a particular role in mind.

Makeup and Hair

In general, you should do your hair like you normally would. For men, this could mean a little gel or even just plain. For women, a ponytail or loose is optimal. Be prepared to change it if needed, putting your hair up, etc. so your face can be seen easier.

Makeup should be kept to a minimum. Remember that the casting company is interested in you, not your makeup skills, so either wear nothing at all, or keep it very natural . . . a little blush, eye shadow and some lip gloss.

Other Things to Remember

To make sure that your meeting with the casting company is a success, there are a few other things to keep in mind.

First of all, getting to the call early is vital. There will likely be a lot of competition if it`s an open call and you`ll need to be among the first to make a good impression. Arriving early will also make sure that you get in quickly, and won`t have to wait so long.

For waiting, be sure to bring something to do that will relax you. Many people find that a book or newspaper to read is ideal. Being calm and relaxed will let you make a better impression in the casting room, which is always a bonus. Otherwise, you can work on your monologue or prepare mentally for meeting the casting company.

Remember that the casting company is more interested in who you are as a person, not your makeup or wardrobe, so keep things simple and strive to be yourself. You`ll have a far better chance of being chosen this way.

Casting calls don`t have to be a huge stress. As long as you are properly prepared, you should be able to be relatively stress free when going in to meet with the casting company. - 15437

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