Sunday, January 4, 2009

MySpace - King of The Social Networking World

By Marenda

Unless you have spent the last five years or so living off the grid in a remote location, it is a virtual certainty that you are aware of the popular social networking website MySpace. It seems that just about everyone everywhere is on the site, it's been around for a few years now, but the site seemed as if it took over the world overnight. It is now one of the most popular sites in the world.

To join this social networking phenomenon, all you need to do is to sign up for an account, which is free and can be done in very short order. While you can look at a lot of different MySpace pages without creating an account, it is a good idea to go ahead and sign up, some pages are viewable by members only; and of course, you can then enjoy all of the features that the network offers.

When you have set up your account, the next thing to do is to build your profile. MySpace has profile templates available for your use and other design tools to customize your page. There are background graphics and font sets which you can choose from for your profile page and if you happen to know a little HTML, you can even build your own designs.

One thing you'll see on most MySpace users' profile pages is a section listing some information about themselves, including their likes and dislikes. You can add any categories to these that you like; many users also choose to post music or video clips on their MySpace pages. MySpace dcoes place some limitations on what you can post on your page, all of this is spelled out in their terms of use agreement.

Once you have a MySpace page, you can search for other users by using keywords or names in the built in search engine featured on the sire. You can look by location (for instance, if you want to see who else in your city is on MySpace), or you could search by hobby and so on. You can then invite these users to join your friends network; you may also be invited by others to join their network.

MySpace has received a lot of press, not all of it so welcome. This social networking giant has become a concern for many parents, who fear for the privacy and safety of their children. Parents can choose to set their child's MySpace profile to a non-public one, so that only those who have been invited may view their profiles. There are a number of other features which MySpace offers for security and privacy.

MySpace offers much more than older social networking websites like Friendster. MySpace can boast of including music videos, instant messaging, quizzes, chat rooms and many more. But to use all of these features, you'll have to make a MySpace page first! You can sign up for your free page today at - 15437

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