Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to Win Your Ex Back

By Johnny Will

Having a positive attitude will help you in getting your ex back. But 95% of the freshly broken up couples leave this point They do things perfectly the other way it has to be carried out.Thats actually because you are in a state of emotional turmoil immediately after the break up. You can win back your ex, if you follow these 3 steps.

Take a break: Yeah, you need a source of relaxation after your break up. Your break up being fresh, do not take any decision regarding your future or your love life because these decisions will only put you in trouble. Stop thinking about all those love and feelings now. Unwind yourself Divert your mind other things like hobbies, games, work, friends etc. Seriously you need a break.

Don't contact your ex:

Most of them think that the best way to get back with their ex is to ring them up a numerous time and tell them I can't live without you and love you a lot. But this is the most ineffective way for you to win your ex back. If you initiate the contact with themthen you lose your prestige before your lover This will make you less precious for them to accept you in to their life. Dont be desperate. When you are desperate for things, its for sure not going to turn up easily.

Steps to focus:

Now examine the reasons which had made your relationship to fail. Develop the areas where yourex needed you to improve. This surely impresses them a lot because action speaks better than words.. First concentrate on the changes, and this will surely make your ex love you.

After making sure that you have transformed yourself completely and quit all those bad habits, you can call your ex now. By this time you must not be desperate on your lover. If still you are a bit nervous contact them after some time.

Speak to them like a friend during the first meeting after break up and take them to the place where they liked you to be with them. Avoid talking about your previous love story Discuss with them about otherissues. If your ex feels comfortable with this sort of relation then you can talk about your intention to start a new life with them These steps gives the solution for the puzzle Can I win my ex back? - 15437

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