Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Getting Rid Of Body Acne

By Lucy Collins

Finding the right body acne treatment for you is as easy as snapping your fingers.

Many people only recognize acne as pimples that display on the face, but it is almost as common on other parts of the body. Pores on other parts of the body can become clogged, infected and inflamed just like those on the face, and some people are more susceptible to body acne than facial acne. There are great treatments out there, you just need to look!

Unlike facial acne, body acne is often caused by the clothes you wear or even the deodorant you use and in many instances, changing to clothes made from a different material will be all it takes to rid yourself from this acne. Likewise, you may also need to change deodorant as some brands can aggravate sensitive skin. Additionally, because the skin on our bodies is tougher than our facial skin, you'll more than likely have to opt for a soap which is stronger than that which you use on your face.

Wearing a lot of tight clothing that is constricting to the skin can cause body acne in some cases, so rid yourself of clothing that can't breathe properly. Wear clothes that are made of natural fibers as well, because they breathe the best and can keep your skin moist.

If you find that you are breaking out a lot and you have increased the amount of exercise you might be doing, try taking a shower as soon as you are finished working out. This will help to get all of that sweat and moisture off of your body before it gets to your pores and creates acne. By rinsing and cleaning yourself off, you will be preventing yourself from getting anymore future breakouts!

There are many ways to treat body acne, and one that is becoming more popular is the body acne spray. They can be extremely effective and are generally cheap. Talk to a doctor about which ones are the newest and most effective and which may work for you.

If you've changed your style of dress and deodorant, then I would seriously recommend a form of topical treatment, either in lotion form or as an antibiotic. Here again, the average drugstore has a huge variety and most, if not all, are available over the counter without prescription. For the most part, these topical treatments are highly effective so don't be afraid of trying one or two of them.

I'm afraid to say, if you're one of the unfortunate few which have not achieved satisfactory results from any of the preliminary measures I mentioned here then you should consider consulting a doctor or dermatologist. They can in turn give you an examination and then prescribe some form of stronger prescription medication.

The correct treatment is out there for you. You just need to look a little to find it, and try out some body acne treatments. Even the doctor cannot tell what might work for you in most cases, so it is just a case of trial and error. - 15437

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