Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Female Genital Wart: Your Dirty Little Secret Revealed

By Rashel Dan

Often acquired as a sexually transmitted disease, the female genital wart is caused by a sub-type of the human papillomavirus. It is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact during oral, genital, or anal sex with an infected partner. The more you know about female genital wart, the better you can take action to prevent infection, or see to your treatment.

The warts themselves may spread out in large masses over your entire genital area but it often in clusters. They occur both on the outside and inside of the vagina. They may commonly appear at the opening to the womb (the cervix), or around the anus.

Warts can actually come in different type. The female genital wart is only one of them. They differ in shape and what body part they may have affected, as well as the type of human papillomavirus (HPV). A few types of warts are:

The Common Wart

The common wart can be very prominent often found on hands and knees. It can have a roughened surface. This type of wart is usually common among kids and teens.

The Plantar Wart

Usually hard and painful, the plantar wart contains several tiny dots converging together at the center of the mass. This type may be found mostly on the feet.

Genital or Anal Wart

This is also known as a venereal wart, this type is the most easily recognized sign of genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Most women who acquire female genital wart tend to recover from it rapidly. However, people may transmit the virus to others even if they have the external physical symptoms of female genital wart infection. And it's a good thing that in majority of female genital wart cases, this is not a cause for concern if proper tests are made. When in doubt, make an appointment for a cervical Pap smear test. This test is often used to detect for any female genital wart infection, especially if you don't see any external physical presence, or symptoms.

The treatments for female genital wart is vast and varied. Visit your doctor for advice, before trying any of these treatments:

- A topical immune response cream applied to the affected area - A 20% podophyllin anti-mitotic solution applied to the affected area and later washed off - A 0.5% podofilox solution applied to the affected area but not to be washed off - Pulsed dye laser - Liquid nitrogen cryosurgery - Electric or laser cauterization

Do not use both the 20% podophyllin and 0.5% podofilox solutions at all if you are pregnant of if you are expecting pregnancy. They will be absorbed into the skin of the affected and may potentially cause birth defects in your developing fetus. The smaller-sized female genital wart may be removed using cryosurgery, or cauterization/ laser treatment. But a surgical procedure may be required to remove larger warts, especially those that do not respond to any of the treatments mentioned above.

One must keep in mind though that although these treatments can remove the female genital wart, they do not remove the HPV virus that causes it. They may disappear without treatment, or eventually develop into a lump or wart growth. And then there is the risk of their growing back. The possibility of the wart returning is high. The HPVvirus stays in the body between six to 14 months before your body's immune system can flush it out. There is the possibility that it may stay put for good. To reduce the risk, read up on the kinds of preventive measures for recurring warts. A few of these are:

- Ask your partner to wear a condom. While this may reduce the risk of contracting female genital wart, it's not 100 percent sure.

- Always keep the affected area dry and clean. Wear only clean and dry clothing.

- Do not share clothes, towels, or other articles of clothing with people that you may be in contact with to avoid spreading the infection on to them, or on your own body and worsening your own condition.

- Avoid shaving over areas where there are warts in order to avoid spreading the virus.

- A female genital wart can become very itchy especially in the groin area. Do not scratch or pick at the warts. This may only spread the virus over a larger area. Arming yourself with information about female genital wart is the best thing you can do at the moment. But in this day and age of modern medicine, it's always better to make an appointment with you doctor to confirm your condition, and get the appropriate treatment. - 15437

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