Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Best Way to Lose Weight After Being Pregnant

By Ricardo d Argence

It is not unusual to want to return to your previous weight after giving birth. to do it? Considering that you are in the process of adjusting your life to breast-feeding and the schedule of a new baby. It can be a difficult time, so what are the best ways to lose that pregnancy weight after the baby is born?

Breastfeeding is not only the healthiest way of feeding your baby, in fact, it can help you a lot to achieve your weight loss goals. Breast feeding burns up to 500 extra calories per day! Gaining weight during pregnancy is vital to prepare the body for breast-feeding, which requires a great deal of calories to perform.

Of course, if you are breast feeding you will need to carefully consider your diet and not lose any nutritional content the baby may need. You can decrease your caloric intake just be sure to keep whole grains, fruit, vegetables, vitamins and minerals on the table.

Weight loss after a pregnancy is no different than any normal time. And losing weight comes with a list of foods to be avoided, like sugar in large amounts, fatty and fast food - one famous value meal packs nearly 1000 calories.

You can try with healthy food like: fruits of all kinds, vegetables (especially leafy green ones), whole grain bread, water and milk (particularly for breast feeding mom's).

Water is essential to properly function your body, and thus, should stay in one of your major food groups. If your body does not get adequate water supply for excretion of metabolic products, you suffer from dehydration and in case if you are feeding milk to your child, its production is likely to be affected.

Drinking 8 glasses of water per day will be enough to do the job. You will find that this can raise your metabolism and keep your body running well. Studies have shown that 500 ml of water a day can increase metabolic rate by 30%.

Water will also keep you from feeling hungry all the time. Many times what you mistake for hunger is actually the body requesting water. In addition, you will feel fuller longer after meals.

Also, there's no better way to achieve the look you want without exercise. Since your body has just undergone a major trial, you should consult a doctor before you begin any type of strenuous work out.

If you are not quite ready for a full workout, you can begin slowly by adding walking to your daily routine. Get a carriage and take baby for a walk around the neighborhood, use the stairs instead of the elevator or simply park further from the door at the supermarket, anything that gets you moving and raises your heart rate.

Exercise is vital due to the fact that it increases your heart rate, which therefore raises your metabolism. Things like heart disease risk goes down significantly with regular exercise. - 15437

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