Saturday, January 31, 2009

Diabetes Diet Natural Treatment

By Marcus Clarkson

Today there are a number of different ways in which the different types of diabetes that people now suffer from can be treated. With the most common types known as Type 1 and 2 there are certain things, which can be done in order to manage the condition more effectively. Mostly a person with diabetes will be required to take tablets and insulin supplements in order to control the condition, and also will need to make changes to their dietary habits. Certainly a diabetes diet is a natural treatment for this condition and is less likely to cause any untoward side effects to the sufferer.

The first thing that a person should do when they have been diagnosed with diabetes is to devise a diet with their doctor that can help them to control the condition effectively. But along with their doctor helping them to devise such a diet the internet is a great place to get advice and information as well.

But normally when a person has been first diagnosed with having diabetes their doctor will actually come up with a dietary plan for them. This is because initially actually being able to regulate the diabetics blood sugar levels can be very difficult to do.

In order to devise the right kind of diet for a diabetic a doctor will need to know about their current dietary habits and the kind of lifestyle that they lead. Then once the diet has been devised the patient will then need to remain in regular contact with their doctor to make sure that the diet is working properly and to deal with any problems should they occur.

It is also crucial that during the first few months of you using a diabetes diet you should keep a food journal. When completing this journal on a daily basis you need to record not only the kinds of foods that you have eaten. But you also need to write down how much, when they were eaten and what effect if any they had on your blood sugar levels. Also include any other information that your doctor wants and which they feel is essential.

However, when it comes to using such a diet a person who has diabetes does not need to stick rigidly to it. What they should in fact being doing it is using it as a guideline to ensure that they eat sufficient quantities of those foods, which are good for them. Below are a couple of tips that can help with when it comes to planning a good diet for a person with diabetes.

1. It is important that you include with your dietary requirements a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables. If you can make sure that, you eat sufficient amounts of apples, bananas, oranges, beans, carrots and red cabbage. Also, eat those vegetables, which contain high amounts of fiber in them, but have low levels of starch.

2. Secondly along with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables their diet should consist of whole grain foods rather than processed ones. So when making a Spaghetti Bolognese or Chilli Con Carne, use brown rice and whole grain spaghetti instead.

If you keep the above in mind when it comes to controlling this condition the diabetes diet natural treatment will actually help you in many ways. It will not only help to control the condition, but will also help to make sure that your blood sugar levels remain constant throughout the day. - 15437

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A Look At the Enemy: What Does A Termite Look Like?

By Don Pellis

Kids shouldn't be the only ones who should wonder what a termite looks like. You should ask yourself the same question. Asking what a termite looks like can help save you a lot of trouble.

What Does a Termite Look Like?

Understanding some basic facts on termite would lead us to identifying it. There are surprisingly more than 2000 species of termites all over the world. Fortunately, the U.S. only has a fraction of that number at about 41-55 species. Most other species live in tropical regions which is probably the reason why there are only a few species in America. It is believed though that cold weather does not really kill termites but only causes them to reduce their speed of activity. Nonetheless, they can still cause a lot of damage to residential areas.

Termites are actually social insects. This means that they live in colonies with a queen, king, soldiers and workers. In this sense, they are much like ants. In nature and the ecology, these insects actually play an important role. Although we may think of termites as enemies, they help in nature's natural process of recycling. As plants and trees rot, termites help them become dust and humus.

Caste System

Identifying what a termite looks like would depend greatly on what species a termite belongs to. Termites can come from different species may have slightly different physical traits. It also depends however on what group a termite belongs to in a colony. The answer to the question, what does a termite look like can be answered by looking at a termite's role.

The reproductive termites are also called swarmers. Depending on the species, a swarmer may be brown, yellow brown, dark brown or grayish brown. Some may have shorter legs while others may have long ones. One distinctive feature of a swarmer however, is that it has four wings that are of the same length but are longer than the body. Unlike ants with wings, these termites do not have bent antennae and no constriction in the abdomen area. These termites are responsible for spreading the termite race.

A termite from the soldier group would look different. Just like soldier ants, soldier termites are big with large heads and crushing mandibles. They may come in a yellowish brown color. These large insects defend the colony from other insects and invaders.

The termites from the worker group also looks different. Workers are definitely smaller than soldiers and slightly smaller than swarmers too. Most termites that we worry over are creamy white and translucent. These insects are actually blind and do not have wings but they can be the most destructive group from the human point of view. These members of the colony are primarily responsible for eating wood.

They also serve as food gatherers, nest builders, egg gatherers, egg care givers and feeders. Except for the wings, they are similar to swarmers since they do not have narrow waists and they have antennae that point outward. - 15437

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How To Build Hovercraft Models For A Science Project

By Rashel Dan

Most schools hold science fairs that require the students to make science project. The objective of science projects is to be able to clearly display the principles of a particular branch in this course. So you came up with an idea to build hovercraft models using the applications of physics.

One major branch of science is Physics. From engineering to simple daily occurrences, this is one of the favorite discussions in a science class. The hovercraft, although not commonly used in urban transportation means, is a perfect example. And so you're off to a good start.

What you need is to know the materials you could use. Understanding how to build hovercraft vehicles is the same with any vessel of this type. To come up with one for your project is simply improvising the materials and bringing the applied science to its miniature version. As mentioned, the objective is to show the principles.

Here are the basic things you will need:

1. Platform - You can use a wooden disk about the size of a manhole cover. You want a science project that is portable and easy to carry. So keep the size handy. This is probably the biggest in your hovercraft project.

2. A vacuum cleaner or a leaf blower - Use the blower to supply air flow into your platform. You may use any other gadget as long as you can put the air flow in reverse but this is the easiest to find. Your build hovercraft model must follow the air cushion system of the actual hovercraft.

3. Bendable plastic sheet - This will act as your craft's improvised skirt. The skirt is supposed to trap air below your platform. When doing so, it builds pressure and thus creates a cushion of air. Because of the plastic sheet's elastic properties, it will only allow limited air to disperse out of its contained space.

4. Fasteners - You have all the basic components to build hovercraft miniature model. What you need to do next is to have some fasteners such bolts and nuts to fasten them together.

5. A sketch or design of your science project hovercraft - To do this, you need to check on other hovercraft kits. Learn the principles. The components should be similar to the materials you have. For example, the fanning system in actual hovercrafts is represented by your leaf blower. The hovercraft hull is you platform disk and so on.

Once you have all the materials you need, building your project shouldn't be hard. Your hovercraft project should be able to carry a real person. Of course you can't guarantee it could carry anyone who is heavier than you. Use your weight as a basis. That is why the platform is suggested to be the size of a manhole cover for this purpose. Last but not least, remember to always pay attention to you science teacher in class. - 15437

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What is Female Hair Loss and What Causes It?

By Irina Thorton

Women suffer from female hair loss, too. Old men are not the only ones who are plagued with depleted scalps, think again. Female hair loss is very much a reality.

Female Pattern Baldness

Female pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia is the medical term for female hair loss. Surprisingly it has been discovered that in America, the ratio of women who have it those who don't is 1:4. Although female hair loss can't kill in itself as a condition, it can be troubling.

Beauty magazines and the society in general always portray women as the gender with full heads and flowing beautiful hair. A woman who has a condition of female hair loss would therefore be seen as unusual.

Normal Hair Cycle

In a normal hair cycle, the growth is characterized by hair resting and growing phases. In the anagen or growing phase, the hair develops healthily for a couple of years. After this, it will enter the telogen phase in which it will begin to rest for a number of months before falling off. Normally, 80%-90% of the hair is in the anagen phase, leaving only a comparatively small fraction in the telogen and shedding phase.

Among women who have female hair loss, it is obvious that a lot more than 10% of their hair strands are in the telogen phase. In female hair loss, something disturbs the normal cycle.

Cause of Female Hair Loss

- Female Hormones - Hormones play a big part in female hair loss. As some of us already know, both men and women have testosterone, a hormone which men normally have more of. In androgenetic alopecia, this hormone is acted upon by enzymes in the scalp that convert it into dihydrotestosteron (DHT).

It is this DHT that causes the hair follicles to shrink, resulting in the loss of hair and the inability to grow new strands. In women, the action of DHT is regulated by the hormone estrogen. Female hair loss therefore normally occurs when a woman is in a state of hormonal imbalance. This can happen when a woman is in the menopausal stage or when she has just given birth. The condition can also strike when a woman is receiving hormonal treatment for an illness.

Pattern of Hair Loss

Although there is a similarity in the reason behind male and female hair loss conditions, there is a marked difference in appearance. Men usually develop bald spots. We are very much familiar with men eventually losing all hair strands on a particular area such as the top of the scalp. Female hair loss however is different. Women usually only have diffuse balding. This means that there is an observed general thinning of the hair strands resulting in some parts of the scalp becoming more noticeable through the remaining strands. A woman who develops bald spots like men may have a more serious condition that deserves medical attention.

Hair Loss Solution

Female hair loss treatment products are now available. Now that you know what causes the condition, the best solution is to find a product that can provide extra nutritional support to the female scalp and hair. Nutrients that have been discovered to be good for female hair loss are vitamin B6, biotin and magnesium. Of course, it also makes sense to take care of your health through proper diet and good lifestyle habits. - 15437

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Bronchiectasis - how to manage it well

By Jason Croller

Bronchiectasis is a rare disease, which causes the airtubes in your lungs (bronchi) to become permanently misshapen. The airways are inflammed and collapse really easily. This makes it difficult for air to flow throught the tubes into your lungs. As a result you will feel breathless. You might also find it difficult to clear your secretions, so you cough more. Because the secretions don't drain properly, they become infected and so your cough tends to become productive. Your sputum is often greenish, but can become blood stained.

Bronchiectasis can be due to a plethora of causes. The most common is an infection, such an an obstructed pneumonia or whooping cough. Younger people are sometimes affected by a genetic condition, such as cystic fibrosis, which results in them suffering with bronchiectasis. Babies can even be born with it, if their lungs don't form properly in utero.

Before, when there weren't any immunisations or antibiotics it used to be much more common. Although it is probably under reported, the estimates suggest that only about 100 000 Americans have this condition at any one time.

The symptoms that you would have if you were unfortunate enough to have bronchiectasis would be a long history of a daily cough. You would probably be coughing up green muck from your chest. You may even have coughed up some blood.

Sometimes patients have less specific symptoms. They may present with difficulty breathing or sharp chest pain. They may wheeze. Some might simply be increasingly tired and losing weight.

Hopefully, your doctor will be suspecting this condition as a possibility. To help them work out what is wrong with you they will need to undertake some investigations. They may ask for some blood tests. They could organise for your sputum to be analysed by the microbiologist to see whether there is an infection there or not. They are likely to organise a chest x-ray and may well consider a chest CT scan.

Typically, bronchiectasis is a progressive condition. If it is allowed to progressed unchecked, it will result in worsening lung function, which may then lead to your heart being put under excess and perhaps excessive strain.

The goals of therapy are to improve your symptoms, diminish the chances of complications and manage any exacerbations.

Antibiotics and physiotherapy are the two mainstays of therapy. You also need to avoid tobacco smoke, improve your nutrition and diminish the chances of you developing additional investigations by getting immunised against influenza, pneumococcus, measles, german measles and whooping cough.

Sometimes your doctor may use inhalers, steroids and oxygen to help your lungs cope better. If you had an infection, your lung disease would get worse and so you should be admitted under a chest physician or pulmonologist for intravenous antibiotics.

Occaisionally, surgery is necessary, particularly if only part of your lung is affected by the disease. By cutting out the diseased portion of lung, it may be possible for you to feel and be better than by continually rescuing your diseased lung from flare up after flare up.

Sadly, bronchiectasis can not be cured, but it can be controlled. It requires the patient to carefully adhere to all of the therapy and work closely with the medical team - but it is possible to live well with bronchiectasis.

For more detailed advice you should contact your local respiratory unit - 15437

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Why You Should Consider Taking Control of TMJ

By Rashel Dan

Majority of us immediately seek medical help when experiencing some pain or discomfort. There is nothing wrong with this really. In fact, going to the doctor promptly may even save your life. There are some conditions however, like TMJ pain that may be solved without the use of invasive medical procedures. Before thinking of serious TMJ treatment, think first of taking control of TMJ yourself.

Different Doctors Different Solutions

There are plenty of reasons why you might want to take control of your TMJ first before seeking medical attention. One major reason though is that there is no specific certified medical area of concentration for TMJ. Experts in TMJ treatment are therefore not specifically licensed for TMJ treatment alone. This means that different kinds of doctors like oral surgeons, dentists and orthodontists may be legally allowed to look for ways to treat you. As most of us know, different doctors have different methods of doing things depending on their training and field of expertise. How would you or anyone know which treatment is best for you?

Different Conditions

The fact is that doctors still really know best and sometimes taking control of TMJ may not be the best idea if your problem is severe. You should know though that there is no one single cause for TMJ problems. This means that the specific medical solution for one person may not work for another. You would be lucky if you had an extremely good doctor who could zero in on your real problem. There are some however who might miss the mark on your specific condition.

You Might Suffer More

There have been cases where patients complain about their doctors' prescription being ineffective. Mouth guards and splints for example may be effective for some but may make things worse for others. It would be okay if you simply had to get rid of a mouth guard if it doesn't work. It would be a different story if you have had surgery or have taken strong medication for TMJ.

Another way of taking control of TMJ is to try non-invasive forms of treatment first before resorting to surgery. The effects of intensive medical solutions may be irreversible and may pose some serious risks to your health.

You Might Have a Different Problem

Another reason why you might want to look into the problem first is that there is always that possibility that your condition is simply a result of another, preventable or curable condition. It is true that TMJ may be caused by real medical problems. Sometimes though, taking control of TMJ makes sense because your real problem might really be stress. If this is the case, surgery or heavy medication may not be useful at all.

Should you further need the help of a doctor, make sure you choose a reputable doctor. Part of taking control of TMJ is also making sure that you get second and third opinions before choosing a serious medical procedure.

Non-Harmful Solutions May Work

Methods such as meditation, behavior modification, yoga, stress reduction programs and special diets and exercises can also be considered when trying to take control of your TMJ. All these could break your routine of stress and tension that may be contributing to your TMJ problem. - 15437

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Is There a Cure for Shingles?

By Rashel Dan

Having shingles can be a very debilitating and painful experience. This is probably why many people are interested in knowing if there is a cure for shingles. What is the truth about so called shingles treatments?

Cure for Shingles

At present, experts are divided on whether there is really a cure for it or not. The truth is that the term "cure" may be a little too strong to use. Experts say that there is no real absolute cure for shingles. There is however, no need to despair because shingles can be treated and controlled.

There are already medications that can shorten the period of the condition and those that can help alleviate the pain. Studies also show that even though there is no cure for shingles, treatment can limit a person's chances of suffering from complications like post herpetic neuralgia and blindness.

Medication for Shingles

Experts don't consider a good anti viral as a cure since it cannot properly kill the virus. Proper medication however will step up the crusting and healing of shingles blisters by a number of days. Doctors usually prescribe anti viral medication combined with other pain relieving medications.

The earlier the treatment is administered, the more effective and the sooner it can work. It is recommended that medical assistance be sought within 48-72 hours after the first signs of shingles emerge. The first signs are usually pain and some rashes.

Shingles Vaccine

In the past, chicken pox immunization was the solution to reduce the risk of getting chicken pox. Recently, researchers have come up with a solution not as a cure for shingles but as a way of preventing it in people over 60 who have had chicken pox but not shingles.

A new study of a vaccine, however, shows that it can lower the incidence of shingles. This vaccine works best with the elderly and with people who are 60-69 years old. Nonetheless, the vaccine did not prevent shingles 100% in all the participants of the study. Science is still far from discovering a real effective cure for shingles.

Controlling the Spread of the Virus

The virus is not spread by mere contact alone. Contamination takes a direct contact with blisters by persons who have not had chicken pox and have not been vaccinated in order for. Common sense should therefore tell you that you should avoid direct contact with infants, children and pregnant women. In a lot of people who have had chicken pox, there is no need for direct contact with someone who has shingles to get shingles. A poor immune system is enough to trigger shingles.

Supporting Your Immune System

Although a good and healthy lifestyle don't directly prevent shingles, it can strengthen the body's immune system against the disease. Make sure that you cut down on smoking and drinking too much alcohol. You should also cut your stress levels since stress can affect your immune system. It would also do your body a lot of good if you exercised regularly and ate a balanced diet with foods rich in vitamins and minerals. - 15437

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A Closer Look At The Human Skeletal System - Anatomy

By Thomas Green

It in truth is essential to understand why your body performs the way it does. You may sense like your body is in exact form, and you are in perfect wellness. So on the other hand you maybe will be a little under the weather. In either 1 of these events you want to be tuned into what your body is making. A model is ,if you are car owner, you know elementary matters about your car. You know it needs gas because that gets it run, it needs oil and transmission fluid to maintain those parts in exact working order.

You have most likely prepared yourself to listen to your car. You know just by the way it's performing, if it is in great shape or something is getting wrong. If you didn't acknowledge the basic principle, then you wouldn't be able to distinguish this. It's the identical with your body, being capable to distinguish that something is not rather correct, yet before you get to the point of feeling ill, can make a big difference to your health.

So you may be initially thinking that your skeletal system isnt all that important. I imply everybody gets hurts and pains, and other than accidental breaks, there is genuinely no need to pay a lot of aid to it correct? Well that actually is not a great way of thinking.

Lets first search at the fundamentals of what the skeletal system does or is suppose to do.Of course we all acknowledge that it's fundamental job is to support us from being a big blob on the floor. It's what saves us walking tall. It's what allows to move. As you in all probability know our backbone is made up of different vertebrae. At Present every last individual one can only move a little bit, but when you placed them all unitedly, then you get good fluid movement in your spine. Up To Now, what we have discussed about is fairly familiar knowledge correct?

Now let's take a look at some facts that are not so unremarkably known, unless you have had numerous interest in the human anatomy and have read up on it. Do you acknowledge what the curves in your spine are for? Most people simply say it is so we can move side to side. Well yes thats partially right, but the important factor is, it allows the spine to support and balance the body on just 2 legs. Which means that if you are suffering foot troubles, is it because there is a problem in the back?

Foot troubles are normally blame on shoes, so when our feet hurt we just kick off the shoes, and on go the slippers. Not giving the feet another idea until tomorrow when they start to pain over again. And So we ll merely blame it on the shoes once again, even though we re wearing some other pair. Hence why do they give up hurting when we remove the shoes? Because this is usually at night, when we have been standing a great deal, which means our spine has been doing a lot of work, and at night we are getting the stress off the spine.

And So for you foot sufferers, is this getting you thinking about maybe having your spine looked at? This should at present make you very careful, that by having several primary knowledge of the skeletal system can be very beneficial in helping you distinguish small problems that could be as a answer of more important matters. - 15437

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A Simple Way Keep Allergic Asthma Manifestations Away

By Carrie Woodhouse

Allergic asthma usually starts as a simple allergy. Then it evolves, the symptoms worsen, especially the respiratory ones, until one day you find yourself in difficulty to breathe. This is not a joke, but a serious disease, so you should consider it as such and go for a medical check as soon as possible.

When you are diagnosed with allergic asthma, it is very important that you keep yourself away from getting in touch with the substances which trigger your respiratory allergic reaction. These substances, called allergens, can be anything from dust to feathers, latex gloves or even foods.

An efficient prevention requires that you know precisely what are the allergens your body's immune system reacts to. There are standard tests such as the Rast and the Eliza, which indicate accurately enough the most active allergens for your situation. Tests are not painful and they are rather cheap. Check with your doctor and maybe he'll tell you more about that.

Airborne allergies, like the allergy to birch pollen are dangerous especially during spring time, when all trees and flowers blossom and their pollen spreads in the air. You can prevent your respiratory symptoms by staying indoors and by taking antihistamines for at least a few weeks. ASk your doctor for advice in this respect.

Allergy to food is easy to keep under control: read the labels carefully and do not buy any product which contains the foods that cause you allergy symptoms. There are cases of people who got almost killed by peanut traces in chocolate.

Don't give away your dog or your cat when you find out that you are allergic to animals. Keep them in the house, but maintain a very strict hygiene, with daily vacuming and steam cleaning. Throw away your carpets and do not clean the pet yourself. Somebody else should do this. Do not kiss your lovely pet and try not to pet it too often. Just enjoy its presence and that's all. - 15437

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Locate Free Divorce Records

By Ben Dave

There must be occasions when you wonder about people's marital history and wished there was a way you could know instantly. Well, there is and it's called Public Divorce Records Online. They come in two versions: free and fee-based. Both could work but the question is which one suits your needs better? Time and money, that's basically what's at play between Free Online Divorce Records and paid ones. With a little research, understanding divorce records becomes easy.

Online Divorce records are regarded as one of the principal vital records. Together with Marriage, Birth and Death Records, Divorce records are at the core of Public Records departments across the country. Most states have had them centralized since the mid 60's. Prior to that, they were generated and maintained at the respective district offices of the county where the divorce was granted. County Divorce Records are known to date back hundred over years.

On the back of the Freedom of Information Act of 1966, divorce records became public domain, as with all public record categories. What that means is since then, except for records sealed by court orders and those which qualify as private divorce records, public records can be obtained at government departments tasked with the service. The various ways to request them are in-person, telephone, fax, mail and online internet. It must be noted that the use and application of divorce records in certain states may be restrictive although their retrieval process is liberal.

With the advent of the computer age and internet, websites are now a standard feature by government agencies tasked with this function. They make up the largest source of Public Divorce Records Search. These records are basically scratch and firsthand and are thus accurate and up-to-date but tend to be raw and scattered. State Divorce Records are not linked between states. Hence, assembling the complete divorce history state by state can be tall order especially if the subject has resided in multiple states.

Paid Divorce Records is a no-brainer option if you can come to terms with paying even for public records. Find the right provider and it's 'mission accomplished' within minutes in professional fashion every time. Without doubt, these record providers tap from public sources but they also have access to proprietary databases and private network. It's a good idea to make use of review outfits or other info-sharing sites to point you to the more tested and trusted ones.

Ultimately, whether you go with free or paid Online Divorce Records will depend on whether you're up to the task to DIY the free records and the purpose of the search. If there's no need for professional standards and you have the bandwidth and spirit to go it yourself, then why waste hard-earned money? But then again, if leisure is preferred over the savings and your pocket is deep, why not? The important thing is to go in with your eyes open. - 15437

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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Creates Blocked Tubes and Infertility

By Sandra Wilson

Pelvic inflammatory disease can be the cause of all your heartbreak due to infertility caused by blocked tubes. In fact, it is the leading cause of things that create infertility that can be prevented. It is the scarring caused by the inflammation and infection of this pelvic inflammatory disease that lead to the blocked tubes that mean the end of your dreams for a child.

The number of women who suffer from this disease is very hard to know. After all, it is called a silent disease because the symptoms can be so mild that no help is sought or a woman doesn't even show symptoms. Then there are the women with acute pelvic inflammatory disease. The CDC reckons that number at about 1,000,000 a year. How many really suffer from this disease? Who knows? But it is much more than the one million acute sufferers.

Infertility happens in about 12% - 20% of women due to scarring that causes blocked tubes. Women can get PID more than once with the rate of infertility going to 50% after three episodes according to So we have at least 2 million women each year with this disease and of those at least 12% become infertile if they have only one occurrence of PID. That comes out to 240,000 women a year who become infertile. With no numbers on how many women have three or more cases each year, we can't add to that number. But you can guess as well as I that the actual number of women becoming infertile each year due to pelvic inflammatory disease is higher, maybe much higher.

The highest risk group of women for pelvic inflammatory disease is those under 25. This is explained by the fact that the cervix is not fully mature in this age group. The cause of PID is bacteria and other organisms getting through the cervix and entering the upper reproductive organs. This bacteria can be introduced by STIs, by douching and by some gynecological exams or surgeries.

Pelvic inflammatory disease by virtue of the infection and inflammation causes scarring on the reproductive organs affected. This scarring leads to the blocked tubes that leads to infertility. PID can also be the reason behind ectopic pregnancies and abscesses as well as chronic pain. However, it is easily treated with antibiotics even if it is not easily diagnosed. This is why it is so important to get regular exams and to talk to your doctor if anything seems wrong.

While all this information is good to know, what happens if you already are infertile due to blocked tubes caused by the PID? Your first course will most likely be checking in with a fertility specialist. His recommendation will most likely be to have IVF if you still want a child. However, there is another possibility that is less expensive and not as time consuming as IVF. That is to have tubal surgery and have the blocked tubes repaired.

A tubal surgeon will go in and remove the damaged portion of your fallopian tubes. Then he sutures the remaining good sections of tube together. You can have your own child the natural way and keep on having kids for as long as you want. While this is not a 100% infallible method (is any?), the success rates are higher and it is less costly than IVF.

Take all the precautions you can against this horrifying disease. Be safe in your choice of sexual partner and get regular exams. If however, it is too late and you are now suffering blocked tubes caused by pelvic inflammatory disease but still want to get pregnant, then seek out a well qualified tubal surgery specialist. Get your dreams back. - 15437

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Untamed Heart, Untamed TV

By James Gilbert Pynn

Before the popularity of crime lab shows, like CSI and Law and Order, it was not very fashionable to be a forensic geek. All it took was the sheer power of Hollywood and Jerry Bruckheimer to make the lowly lab tech into a glamorous profession. There was a day being the cop was where the cultural respect went. Then came Quincy and it all started to go to pot. This is not to diminish what real lab technicians and scientists do, but I suppose were a bit programmed to think whats on TV is whats acceptable.

But I digress. Anyway, the forensics we see on TV is not really what happens in the lab. What happens with forensics is heavily based, I think, on a process called chromatography. See, that doesnt sound so sexy, does it? Its like most scientific things " they dont sound very appealing unless its David Caruso saying it in a raspy voice. And, I suppose its not really whats said but how its said. He could say the cause of death was blunt trauma from a bologna sausage and wed all nod and creep closer to he screen.

After a cursory glance on Google and Wikipedia, it looks like theres a lot of chromatographies. I know thats a misspelled word, but there is gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography " there are more chromatographies than you shake a stick at. What the process allows for, essentially, is the precise separation of complex chemical mixtures using a color-coded matrix. How about them apples?

That means, in layman's terms, that the process associates a specific color with a specific chemical compound. Say, for this example, that the chemicals in lipstick turn the chromatographic paper blue. You take a swab of the poor victim from Central Casting and lo and behold, David Caruso gets to say something like this: The evidence is consistent with the presence of cosmetic ingredients. Presto: Hollywood magic.

And so the show must go on and we all, despite our better judgment, go on believing that lab techs are hip and cool and that David Caruso is a good actor. Ok, ok, I know, that was a cheap shot. Still, its a good lesson on how we perceive things the way the culture wants us to. If Hollywood says lab techs are cool " by Jove, theyre cool! How about Hollywood makes a series about busboys or security guards. Wait, I think they already may have. Does Christian Slaters Untamed heart count? - 15437

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Laser LASIK Eye Surgeries - A Few Basic Points

By Shannon Bobbitt

LASIK eye surgery is a procedure which uses a specialized laser and treats refractive errors of the eye. After the surgery, you can expect to have improved vision without the need for spectacles and contact lenses. This is the overwhelming reason for most people who think about having the procedure, because their occupation or way of life is compromised by wearing glasses. In some occupations, you are disallowed if you need to wear glasses or contacts.

Some of these people can be helped with Lasik surgery, but not everybody is suited to the procedure. Refractive errors occur when the lens and the cornea, which together are responsible for focus in the eye, are not in correct alignment. People with this condition have a prescription for glasses calculated by an eye doctor so they can see properly. The Lasik procedure is designed to permanently correct this error.

The Wavefront Lasik treatment, using a Wavefront laser, is effective in reducing the side effects that were common with conventional Lasik surgery. It is the latest and one of the most popular of the different types of Lasik eye surgery and bases its calculations on the patient's prescription and the curvature and thickness of the cornea. This means it has more accurate results, though some side effects can still occur.

This question of side effects is often the first thing potential patients ask about, because it is of concern to them. Thousands of people have successfully had Lasik surgery with pleasing results, but there remains a possibility of side effects and risks, as with any surgical procedure.

These side effects can include things like sensitivity to glare and light particularly at night, seeing a halo around objects, hazy vision, and some patients report having developed a Dry Eye condition, a worsening of their vision after the surgery or results that were not permanent.

Lasik eye surgery is performed by specialist eye doctors and eye clinics that have been established to offer this procedure. Prices vary greatly between Lasik providers. It is important to know exactly what a quote covers; and whether there are extras to be added. Generally speaking, Lasik eye surgery will cost from $1,500 to $2,400 per eye.

To find a doctor to perform Lasik surgery, you will be best advised to do some research into the various eye clinics that specialize in the procedure. There are many quality clinics and doctors' around and you need to go and see more than just one to find the doctor who is right for you. Look for a surgeon who has performed many Lasik procedures and who has a good reputation. Ask as many questions as you need and request the procedure to be fully explained to you. - 15437

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Weight Loss Surgery Abroad At An Affordable Price

By Michael Dunage

A growing number of overweight concerns within the U.S. is now becoming an epidemic. Thousands are turning to weight loss surgery as an alternative to diet and exercise. This is an easier option for most.

The procedure, however, is not covered under all insurance plans and not everyone has health insurance. Due to the high cost of such a procedure, many people are left without many options. One good option is to have ones weight loss surgery abroad. This involves visiting any one of several countries for weight loss surgery.

Turkey, Costa Rica, Mexico, India, Thailand and Turkey are some of the countries a person can choose from to have marked reductions in the cost of their surgery. Surgery costs can be up to seventy percent reduced from the same surgery in the U.S. This makes weight loss surgery abroad a cost effective way to lose weight. Weight loss surgery abroad is also extremely safe and offers many amenities you wouldn't even find in a surgery performed in the U.S.

When it comes to weight loss surgery, Mexico is one place where weight loss procedures are done. One can have the Lap Band procedure, a newer procedure, or the more traditional gastric bypass surgery. The first step is to contact a medical travel facilitator and look up weight loss surgery Mexico. They will likely have programs that are all inclusive, except for the flights.

There are luxury hotel rooms available for the patient and family, surgery, hospital stay and the services of a personal assistant who will take care of the details such as transportation for the stay. The flights are arranged and the patient and family or friend head off for weight loss surgery. Mexico is not as far away and the flight actually goes fairly quickly and you end up in one of the larger cities of Mexico.

You meet your personal attendant and check into a luxury hotel room nearby the hospital where you will be having weight loss surgery. Mexico hospitals used for this purpose are modern, clean, and have state-of-the art facilities and equipment. You will meet your surgeon who is board certified in weight loss surgery. Mexico may be their choice of practice, but many have trained in the Western countries on modern techniques and have done hundreds of weight loss surgery procedures.

Costa Rica is also a great nearby location for receiving weight loss surgery. They offer modern facilities and treatment centers that are in line with the U.S. facilities. There are special medical travel programs for weight loss surgery abroad available for those wanting to travel to this destination. The process is fairly easy, you travel to Costa Rica and are greeted at the airport by your English speaking personal assistant that will transport you to your hotel accommodation prior to meeting with your surgical team and doctor.

Turkey is a destination that offers top quality medical hospitals and the rooms are comparable with those in a five star hotel. The medical team and nursing staff will take care of you throughout the process before and after receiving your weight loss surgery procedure. The experience is actually the same if not better than you would receive in the U.S. You will be given personal attention at each and every stage of your treatment. - 15437

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Heart Jewelry - Just what she wants!

By Kellie Wilkenes

How to Buy heart jewelry

Diamonds are not the only best friends of women. In fact, any piece of jewelry is bound to put a smile on any women face. Sometimes, however, there are certain pieces of jewelry that look extremely spectacular but can be quite disheartening on the part of plus size women for the sole reason that they simply cannot find something the right size. Not anymore! heart jewelry pieces are now available in many jewelry stores found in the mall and over the Internet. If you are looking to purchase your very own heart jewelry, here are a few things you to help you in your search for that perfect heart jewelry piece over the Internet.

Get your measurements

This is especially important if you are purchasing your heart jewelry over the Internet. Since you are unable to fit these jewelry pieces, it would be crucial to know your measurements for to get the perfect fit for necklaces, bracelets, and rings. Even when you purchase plus size earrings, you will need to take the measurement between your earlobe and your shoulder. This is to ensure that whatever heart jewelry piece you will be getting, this would provide you the perfect fit which would give you the flattering look that you are looking for.

Know what you want

With so many designs and styles to choose from, it is important to know what particular style you would want when looking for a heart jewelry piece. heart jewelry designs range from the simple and classic to the ultra-modern and hip. If you are unsure what you are looking for, you can browse through magazines and websites for the latest trends and styles to give you ideas on what you want. Some of these websites would offer quizzes and self-evaluation tests that would allow you to figure out the kind of style that would suit your lifestyle and overall fashion sense. You can also ask suggestions from the jeweler attending to you for suggestions as well.

Get extensions

Many jewelry shops would often include extensions and extenders as part of the package of their heart jewelry pieces for necklaces and bracelets. Some however sell these separately. It is highly advisable to get a couple of extension clasps and to make sure that you would be able to wear your heart jewelry for a long, long time.

All in moderation

Just like any form of jewelry, heart jewelry pieces should be to accentuate your face and flatter your body. Getting the right size of stones and chains for your heart jewelry would make all the difference. Getting extremely thin chains and small stones can actually work even for plus size women. Just make sure that the size is the right size. You would not want your heart jewelry to highlight things that you would like to hide. The same holds true with accessories with large gemstones. Not all of the designs with humongous gemstones would work well for everyone. A best bet is to try out the heart jewelry piece and judge how it would look. If you are not satisfied or feel awkward about how it looks, look at something else. - 15437

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Working With Your Camera

By Dan Feildman

Experiment with exposure Digital cameras usually work best in sunlight, just like film cameras. When you move indoors, or into dim light, things get much trickier -- just like film cameras. So experiment.

One thing you can do is try to shoot your subject from different angles, using a variety of different lighting. If your camera allows you to do so, try turning your flash off. If your camera allows what is called "fill flash," I recommend you try that as well. You will find that every once in a while a flawlessly exposed picture is made even better using fill flash. Also, from time to time turning off the flash and leaving the subject somewhat underexposed can add drama to the shot.

One thing you should do on regular basis, if you are looking for the perfect shot, is take the same picture three different ways, with three different exposure options; you are guaranteed to get three radically different pictures -- and all of them will look good. But you must experiment.

Try bracketing your shots, one shot somewhat underexposed, one slightly overexposed, and one "just right." Some digital cameras do this automatically, but even then you need to practice. If you are expecting the camera to shoot one frame and it ends up shooting three your camera is bracketing.

Special features Many digital cameras have some interesting in-camera special features. Some will allow you to take short QuickTime clips, some will allow you to record sound annotations, and some will allow you to experiment with special effects, such as shooting black and white or sepia-tone images. Ignore the special features until you learn the basics.

Keep in mind that some of these special features can be accomplished with photo editing software, such as black and white or sepia-toned images. Simply open a normal color image in Photoshop and, in a few minutes, you can have perfect black and white or sepia-toned photos. Basically, if you can easily accomplish it in Photoshop, you might be better off concentrating on taking a good color photo, and worrying about special effects later.

However, there are some features you should try out. For instance try panning your camera to track a car moving at high speed; the car will appear in sharp focus however the background will be blurred, making an attention-grabbing picture. Or you can try and do the opposite: focus on a particular stationary object -- a child flying a kite, a freshly-painted fire hydrant -- and allow a speeding car to enter the frame. You'll then have a sharply focused center of attention with the added benefit of motion.

Silhouettes are another nice special effect. Try taking a photo with your subject in shadow, eclipsing a brightly-exposed object in the background. The reverse -- a brightly exposed subject against a dark background -- can be just as interesting. Getting a good silhouette with film is expensive: you shoot a lot of frames with little or no reward. With a digital camera, however, the only cost is your time and patience, and your patience will be rewarded. - 15437

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Fundamental Info On Homeopathic Yeast Infection Cures

By Jane Lewis

Systemic yeast infections, thrush, or otherwise known as Candida can be extremely hard to detect. There are many causes of this and it is hard to figure out why you continue to get this overgrowth of yeast within the body. Taking antibiotics are one way to get a yeast infection. If you do not have to take antibiotics, it is best not too.

Fortunately, there are some home remedies for yeast infection that have been passed on from generation to generation. One of these is to apply yogurt using a tampon internally to the vaginal area. It also is helpful to take it orally. However, please be aware that you need to get yogurt that has no preservatives or sugars as this will only aggravate the condition.

Also having routine hygiene everyday can also prevent this from happening. You can also use some vinegar and water to place in your bath to bathe in. You may perhaps in addition utilize this as a douche. One added technique is to eat unsweetened yogurt. This helps a lot with the reduction of the bacteria.

Maybe you have been dealing with some minor aches and pains, and you probably don't really think about it too much. But often these chronic, low-level problems wind up having their origins in a yeast infection that didn't manifest itself in the classic way the we normally expect.

What can you do to wipe out this embarrassing, re-occurring issue? For one, check out some of the homeopathic solutions that are finally re-appearing on the market to get rid of your yeast infection both today, and for the future as well. You get rid of the current problem, and prevent a recurrence from ever happening again.

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. So instead of suffering from a yeast infection, it is better to prevent getting one. Take antibiotics only when prescribed by a doctor and be ready for the possibility of a yeast infection because of these antibiotics. Diabetics have to maintain their sugar levels as much as possible so they are prone to suffer from yeast infections with fluctuations in their sugar levels. - 15437

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Download California Divorce Records

By Ben Dave

If there's been a divorce, all the information would go into the database. This is not optional. Personal particulars of both the divorcing parties and those of their children if any, other details such as time and place of divorce, filing number, alimony, child custody and visitation arrangement, final decree, certificate and so forth are standard information in Public Divorce Records.

California Divorce Records are readily available these days and people make use of them for a multitude of purposes. Top on the list is for verifying that previous marriages have been formally annulled when divorcees apply to re-marry. Other uses are checking background, establishing biological relationship and researching genealogy. Restrictions may apply when employing information of others.

The California Department of Health Services (CHDS) has recently reorganized into the following two departments: The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and The California Department of Public Health (CDPH). If it's public records of Californians you are after, CDPH is the responsible department. One of their services is maintaining a central registry of California Marriages and Divorces. This task is undertaken through their Office of Vital Records under the Certificate and Licenses Unit.

The information attached in a Certificate of Record includes the names of the divorcing parties, the county it happened at and the divorce court case number. This applies to divorces that were never finalized in court and the average processing time is 6 months but exceeds that easily during peak periods. It's also important to note that a Certificate of Record does not constitute a Divorce Decree. It merely indicates that a divorce was filed.

With a population of 36 million and 58 counties, it can get laborious contending with government procedures in a California Divorce Records Search. Fortunately, unlike state repositories which are not linked, commercial databases are crossed and networked. That makes life a whole lot easier for people searching for records. They come in particularly handy in certain states where this public service is slack which California is clearly one in this regard. - 15437

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Sciatica And Where It Comes From

By Jim Fillsons

Several years ago I had to endure a flair up of sciatic nerve pain: sciatica. To be perfectly honest, it was one of the worst years of my life that I had to live with it. But where did this sciatic discomfort and annoying pain come from. What could I have done to prevent it? Following is some basic information about sciatica and what brings it on.

Most people depict sciatic pain as sharp, achy, dull, like needles or pins pricking the skin. Many will say that its like experiencing electric shocks all up your rear end and leg. Other feelings related with sciatica are numbness, tingling, and burning sensations that never seem to stop and increase with stress and anxiety.

Sciatica is caused by any number of reasons but the main one is from physical strain over the years of one's life. Some of the more common ones are bad posture both in sitting and sleeping, muscle strains from sports or other strenuous activities or other physical maladies. All of these add up to extra stress on the sciatic nerve and surrounding tissue which can cause the flair ups. For the most part, it is the nerve itself that is normally being irritated, where from tumors, pregnancy or other factors.

In many cases, the pain is brought on by the constant and ever present contraction of the muscles in the rear end where the nerve is located. The nerve resides below the piriformis muscle which is positioned near the lower spine and aids in the mobility of the hip. This muscle tends to be very susceptible to irritation from many outside factors.

The cause of the pain is really difficult to pinpoint sometimes, but your doctor will evaluate your medical charts and history, as well as give you a full physical exam. Sometimes x-rays and MRI are also needed.

These tests can aid to uncover probable contraindications to spinal changes and other chiropractic remedy. Take into account that a right analysis is the first move to get to the bottom of your medical disorder. There are any number of causes of sciatic nerve inflammation and pain.

There are ways to cure and completely eliminate sciatic nerve inflammation and pain. You will find that the cure does not come overnight, but if you are willing to do a little research, follow your doctor's advice, and make a few lifestyle changes, you can be pain free for good. - 15437

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When should you hire a Medical Expert Witness?

By A Nutt

In todays world, more often than not, and probably more often than necessary, a dispute of any variety will end up before a judge in a court of law. Car accidents, slip and falls, property damage and malpractice are just some of the reasons the countrys judicial system is so back logged with pending cases. If you are involved in and serious about winning a court case there may come a point where an expert witness could really solidify your testimony to the judge and jury " but at what point do you make the decision that its necessary to hire a medical expert witness?

Almost any court case can benefit from the testimony of a well respected expert witness, but only in certain cases is it necessary to have the testimony of a medical expert witness.

Medical Malpractice

This type of case lets you now that your side will be stronger with a medical expert in your corner right in the name. A medical malpractice suit takes place when you are alleging that a medical professional was either negligent in their duties or lax in follow up care to the point that you were caused physical (or in some cases emotional) damage as a result. If the environment you were operated in wasnt sterile and you ended up with an infection, if there was a sponge left inside of you after your incision was closed or if your doctor failed to give you the appropriate follow up care instructions " then your case is the perfect candidate for using a medical expert witness.

In any of the aforementioned situations a medical expert witness will be able to truthfully address the wrong doings of your doctor and explain how those wrong doings caused the situation that you ended up in at the time of the lawsuit. They will also be able to relay what the appropriate course of action should have been, and testify to the level of success of the same procedure in patients who received the proper care and appropriate after care instructions.

On the Job Injuries

If you have a case against your employer due to an injury that you sustained on the job, then it may be a good idea to contract a medical expert witness. Regardless of what the injury you have is or how you were injured, a medical expert witness testimony may help convince jurors to rule in your favor. In any case that an average person may have difficulty contemplating exactly how the injury came about, a medical expert witness may be necessary to your case " if you received a back injury due to the surface that you stand on, or nerve damage due to a repetitive movement, or anything that isnt customary or common knowledge to a group of your peers as far as injuries are concerned than your likelihood of winning without the testimony of a medical expert witness is slim.

Direct Fault Injuries

If you were hit by an automobile, were tripped up by your neighbors damaged walkway, had a box from a moving truck dropped on you or slipped on a wet tile floor in the mall - and a serious injury resulted, a medical expert witness could certainly help your case. There are so many of these lawsuits occurring every single day that juries arent very inclined to believe the victim " they often view the plaintiff as someone trying to get a quick payday with a phony lawsuit. If you actually have a serious injury and need your medical expenses paid for, a well respected medical expert witness can help to convince the jury of that and help you to win the decision.

A good medical expert witness will be a respected member of the medical community and widely recognized as an expert in the type of injury that your lawsuit is based on. He or she will be able to provide all of the facts and figures present in published reports pertaining to the injury or ailment that you are suffering from and will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the injury or ailment that you are suffering from is a direct result of the actions or lack of action of the cases defendant. - 15437

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Human Physiology & Anatomy Study Guide For Students

By Bobby Turner

Before we get into a debate about human physiology let's elucidate what it is . It is the operations of human beings in great wellness. Specifically associating to the biochemical, mechanical and physical operations. This includes the organs and the cells that represent these organs. So basically it s a study of the way the body functions, and anatomy is the subject of the form of the human body. Human physiology can be very entertaining and is not just meant as knowledge for the medical profession.

Hence to put matters in daily English or laymens terms, lets look at a few of the systems, their important organs and their procedures.
The brain, and spinal cord are 2 important organs of the nervous systems. It's from the brain that the unique senses like seeing, hearing, taste and smelling comes from. Then evidently there is some thing within us that gathers information about our surroundings and thats those common body sections such as the ears, eyes, nose and tongue. If you were to study this system, relating to the nervous system then you be learning neuro physiology which is a class of human physiology.

So there is another average system made up of the skeleton and the muscles. This is addressed the musculoskeletal system. The job this system has is to hold us together and make blood cells which is complete within the bones. Here your are analysing cell and musculoskeletal physiology .

The heart, arteries, veins and capillaries are all categorised together to build the circulatory system. The heart is dependable to pump out the blood to transfer oxygen and some other fundamental matters throughout the body. This entails cardiovascular physiology

We acknowledge that the lungs are the familiar organs of the respiratory system, but do not forget to include details such as the nose and trachea in there as well. Since you just study this you have learned numerous respiratory physiology. Just touching on these three systems has introduced you to learning the human physiology. It doesn t appear quite so complicated when you put it this way.

Indeed this is all very entertaining, but why does it actually matter to the layperson or the non medical person? I guess it all depends on your outlook on whats significant to you. With the shortage growing in the medical profession. the obligation is beginning to fall on you to be a little more enlightened as to what's going on with your body. Perhaps it could be appeared at as a preventive measure. If you recognize what your body is suppose to be performing, and so it doesnt look to be performing that, then you can have it checked before a insignificant problem becomes into a major one. That doesn't imply you should fall into the pits of self diagnosis, or turning a hypochondriac, it simply implies being informed.

Let me give you an/a instance. If you were in school taking a very primary class and it implied your entire futurelife to you, then apparently youre putting every thing you can into learning about it right? You are entirely dependent on your lecturer who provides you with the knowledge. At Present let's say the instructor can only guide you the time that he ordinarily was. Are you starting to quit the course, or are you going to get excess circular materials to assist you on?

Your human physiology is the most crucial thing to you, its because its your life. So if it's only getting say the medical aid it may need, then perhaps you can supplement it by becoming familiar as to its needs. - 15437

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Getting To Know Laser Liposuction

By Victoria Rowde

Just recently, the FDA approved the latest technology called laser liposuction as a method for removing fat in specific areas of the body. It seems that people no longer need to stick to the option of traditional liposuction. There is however, still a lot that we need to know about laser liposuction.

What is Laser Liposuction?

Laser liposuction is a minimally-invasive fat removal procedure wherein a very small incision is made into which a 1mm cannula is then inserted. The laser tip of the instrument then comes into contact with the fats, heats the fats up and breaks them down. The melted fat can then be removed from the body immediately.

The fats that are not removed from the body are simply flushed out through our lymphatic system. Laser intensity is low and can be adjusted as needed. A local anesthetic is all that is needed for laser liposuction.

What It Is For

Like other liposuction procedures, laser liposuction can only work on specific areas of the body. Although some may claim that laser liposuction can work wonders on all parts of your body, it can only really work on limited areas. Only smaller areas like the face, neck and arms can be subjected to this laser treatment.

Just like traditional liposuction, laser liposuction is also simply a body sculpting procedure. It is therefore not a solution for obesity and cannot be used for weight loss. The appropriate candidates for this new technology are people who are fairly healthy and who have only small fat deposits.


Since the procedure is minimally invasive, there is less swelling, bruising, scarring, tissue damage and pain. The incision is said to be so small that a patient no longer needs to be stitched up. This means that the rate of recovery is faster. Patients can get back on their feet in a day or two.

Laser liposuction also promotes the production of collagen as well as tightens the skin after melting body fats. This is a great improvement compared to traditional liposuction. In traditional liposuction, some patients end up looking worse because of a lack of ideal skin elasticity. Some doctors may use laser liposuction after sessions of traditional liposuction to help tighten the skin.


Not all areas of the body can be subjected to laser liposuction. Traditional liposuction may still be needed for wider body areas such as the hips and thighs. It is also still a very young piece of technology. Experts agree that more studies need to be conducted to determine the possible negative side effects of this procedure.

Retaining more fat fluid is also a more serious concern that should be given more attention by those who undergo laser liposuction. Of course, the FDA would not approve something that could be potentially dangerous. It is a fact though that the full long term side effects of the procedure cannot be determined yet until it has been in use for quite some time. Be on the safe side by asking your doctor to extensively discuss the procedure with you. - 15437

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Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Article

By David Peters

What are the differences between adobe photoshop and adobe illustrator? Produced by the same company, there are some that say the difference between the two programs is small. In actuality, adobe illustrator takes some key elements of adobe photoshop to the next level and beyond.

Adobe photoshop is a very popular program used by digital photographers around the world. The abundance of photoshop tips and tutorials make this a very easy program to learn and to use. Photoshop can be used to take any existing image and give it a professional, polished looked. Borders can be added and pictures tweaked to look better than any digital camera could make possible. Almost anything you can imagine doing to a picture is capable when using adobe photoshop.

Adobe Illustrator is an entirely different program. Illustrator is a vector-based drawing program that enables you to create your own unique graphics from scratch. Adobe Illustrator graphics can be used in print, online, in video, and even on your cell phone.

Both programs are vastly talked about on the web. You will find a huge array of photoshop tutorials and illustrator tutorials, illustrator and photoshop tips. Forums, chat rooms, and discussion groups that focus on both programs are also abundant on the web. Once you start looking, you'll find more and more information on adobe photoshop and adobe illustrator.

Drawing and vector art tools can be found on Photoshop, but these tools and their capabilities are nothing in comparison to those on Adobe Illustrator. A wide variety of templates are offered to help you get a project started and a number of different drawing tools are at hand to help you create your own personal artworks and graphics with Illustrator. While you can create unique graphics with Photoshop, you must start with a base image and your tools to work with are limited in comparison to Adobe Illustrator. For those in the professional field such as graphic design, the best choice would be Adobe Illustrator. However, for those with smaller drawing needs, Photoshop will work just as well.

Photoshop tutorials do not extensively cover photoshop drawing, and you'll have to look for some photoshop drawing specific tutorials to find truly useful information. Photoshop tips pages mention little regarding photoshop drawing and vector art tools. However, to make your digital images look perfect adobe photoshop is the perfect tool for you. Once you learn how to use photoshop to make your images perfect, you won't be able to stop yourself from "fixing" every digital image that you use.

Adobe illustrator is a different program. Where photoshop helps you create a unique look using existing images, illustrator helps you create your own brand-new images. In graphic design, adobe illustrator may be one of the best and easier tools you can use. The software is user friendly and tutorials to help you use illustrator better are all over the Internet. Whatever you need to learn about adobe illustrator, there's a tutorial for that.

There's no reason you cannot work with both adobe photoshop and adobe illustrator to create brand new images or polish existing ones. The two programs have some basic, shared components, so by mastering one you will already have a working knowledge of using the other. To make your images as stunning as possible or to create graphics that no one else has seen before, you can use both adobe photoshop and illustrator. There is no reason to pick between the two and use only one program if you have uses for both. Because the two programs and their uses are so different, it's probably preferable to use both adobe programs for your digital photography and image creations.

Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are sure to make great additions to your software collection. Both the graphic designer and the digital photographer will find many uses within these programs and no matter the project, both can deliver the most sophisticated images. Mastering these programs is easy thanks to all of the tips and tutorials found online for both Photoshop and Illustrator. The more you learn and experiment with these programs and their capabilities, the more you will expand on your own creativity. - 15437

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Add some Heat with Beach and Summer Wedding Favors

By Andrea M.

Giving favors at parties of different types is a rapidly growing tradition. Weddings are no exception. While not required, wedding favors are a customary part of the reception and people do expect to see them when they attend a wedding. Favors can be chosen to fit in with any theme chosen by the couple for decorating their reception venue. When couples marry in summer, it is customary to heat up their weddings with beach and summer wedding favors.

Beach wedding favors come in the shapes of anything normally associated with a trip to the beach. Photo frames in the shape of Adirondack chairs, beach ball bottle stoppers, and shells, seahorses, and starfish are among the common examples. All are ordinarily available through online stores at a reasonable price and can add a lot of fun to the party.

Summer wedding favors include all of the beach themed items as well as many other choices that represent the fun people generally have in summer. This is the season when people gather for outdoor activities and simply enjoy one another's company. Garden themed items make good summer wedding favors as well because they represent the growth that takes place in summer and symbolize the growth of the bride and groom's love for one another.

Marriage ceremonies can be very formal processes, but beach and summer wedding favors to the reception can make people aware that they can relax and have fun. These small gifts can add heat to the mood of guests and let them know that this is a party, not just a formal dinner.

Beach and summer wedding favors are one of the best ways to thank one's guests for their attendance and for making this one of the best days in a couple's lives. Sending out "Thank you" cards is still required by etiquette, but favors tell guests that their taking time out of their schedules is appreciated in an immediate fashion that means a lot to some.

Beach and summer wedding favors are keepsake items given to the guests to remind them of the fun and the love shared with the happy couple. They do not have to be big or costly, they should be chosen with care to let your guests know how much you appreciate their coming.

Couples should take some time when shopping for beach or summer wedding favors to give at their reception. Online shopping usually provides a wider range of items than local bridal shops and better pricing. Shopping for beach and summer wedding favors can also give a bride and groom a well deserved rest from worrying over more important and complicated details of planning their ceremony and reception. - 15437

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Candle and Elegant Wedding Favors create a warm atmosphere

By Andrea M.

People often want to enjoy themselves at a reception, after attending a formal marriage ceremony. It is traditional to have favors as gifts of appreciation for the friends and relatives that have taken time to present themselves on this day to support the lovely couple. A way to make the atmosphere calm and inviting at the reception is candle and elegant wedding favors.

The candle wedding favors illuminate the area, creating feelings of comfort and joy. It creates an atmosphere that makes people happy to be together spending precious moments with one another. These are traditional at most receptions and come in many shapes and sizes including but not limited to miniature cakes, bride and groom, or even fruits (pears are often used along with a caption including the word pair). The warm glow will spread a felling of warmth and sharing among the friends and love ones in attendance.

Silver and Glass are considered to be among the things that are elegant and stylish in wedding favors. Things such as champagne flutes and silver photo Frames are just some examples of the choices available. Silver and glass may seem cold but their association with marriages even anniversaries has helped them a more intimate atmosphere that helps people to enjoy the event. When toasting the happy couple it helps to enrich the shared feelings of happiness and love.

While wedding favors are not an absolute requirement at the reception, people have come to expect to see them. These small, relatively inexpensive items are given to guests because the couple truly appreciates the effort the guests put forth to make this special day work out. The gratitude they convey is stated in a stronger voice than a simple "Thank you" card can match.

Whether candle or elegant wedding favors are chosen, shopping in a variety of locations including online stores to see the widest range of items at the best prices. Most local bridal shops only offer a limited selection in their inventory and often charge more

The act of shopping for candle and elegant wedding favors can provide the bride and groom with a much needed rest from dealing with many of the more difficult and important aspects of planning their wedding. Checking out all the different items can also be a source of ideas when things are getting too hectic and people are running out of ideas.

Couples who want to create an atmosphere of warm intimacy should give serious consideration to the idea of including candle and elegant wedding favors for their guests. These items have a simple air about them that can draw people together in a closer group emotionally. - 15437

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Warmth and Atmosphere with Candle and Elegant Wedding Favors

By Andrea M.

People often want to enjoy themselves at a reception, after attending a formal marriage ceremony. It is traditional to have favors as gifts of appreciation for the friends and relatives that have taken time to present themselves on this day to support the lovely couple. A way to make the atmosphere calm and inviting at the reception is candle and elegant wedding favors.

Candle wedding favors may come in many different shapes and sizes. Some may look like a miniature cake, a bride and groom, or more whimsical shapes such as fruits (pears are often used along with a caption including the word pair). These items are very good to use because they are practical as well as beautiful. When lit, the light they throw is warm and intimate so guests will find that it creates an air of intimacy that can make the entire group feel closer together and happier in each other's company.

Silver and Glass are considered to be among the things that are elegant and stylish in wedding favors. Things such as champagne flutes and silver photo Frames are just some examples of the choices available. Silver and glass may seem cold but their association with marriages even anniversaries has helped them a more intimate atmosphere that helps people to enjoy the event. When toasting the happy couple it helps to enrich the shared feelings of happiness and love.

While wedding favors are not an absolute requirement at the reception, people have come to expect to see them. These small, relatively inexpensive items are given to guests because the couple truly appreciates the effort the guests put forth to make this special day work out. The gratitude they convey is stated in a stronger voice than a simple "Thank you" card can match.

Whether candle or elegant wedding favors are chosen, shopping in a variety of locations including online stores to see the widest range of items at the best prices. Most local bridal shops only offer a limited selection in their inventory and often charge more

The act of shopping for candle and elegant wedding favors can provide the bride and groom with a much needed rest from dealing with many of the more difficult and important aspects of planning their wedding. Checking out all the different items can also be a source of ideas when things are getting too hectic and people are running out of ideas.

Candle and elegant wedding favors should be considered by any couples who wish to create an atmosphere that is warm and inviting. These items have an air about them that draws people closer together emotionally and contribute to a happy time. - 15437

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Create an Intimate Atmosphere w/ Candle & Elegant Wedding Favors

By Aaron H.

Wedding favors are a relatively new tradition in the planning of a wedding. They are given as "Thank you" gifts to the guests at the wedding for attending and contributing to the happiness and perfection of the couple's wedding. Favors offer thanks in a clearer and louder voice than the old habit of sending out "Thank you" cards to the guests after the wedding.

One aspect of wedding favors that has aided in their growing popularity is the fact that there are so many different varieties on the market at low prices. Couples generally choose wedding favors that are a match with the theme of decorations chosen for the wedding and reception venues. Making the correct choice of wedding favors makes a big difference in the atmosphere of the wedding. Couples can create an intimate atmosphere for the wedding and reception with candle or elegant wedding favors.

Giving candle wedding favors and having candle centerpieces and lowered lights can create a romantic air of intimacy at a wedding reception. Because weddings are romantic by nature, there is already a mood of romance set during the ceremony that candles can help carry over into the reception. Giving candles as favors can help the guests remember this wedding and the happiness shared with their guests while offering a practical gift that guests may find useful later.

There is also a certain elegance associated with weddings that makes elegant wedding favors another item that helps to create an intimate atmosphere. Silver and glass crystal are two materials used in many of the most elegant of decoration items and wedding favors. These items may sound cold, but the years of having them as a traditional element of weddings have given them a warm intimacy that is unmatched by any other substances or types of favors.

Most silver and glass elegant wedding favors lend themselves to personalization with ease, adding to the intimate feelings they bring to the minds of the guests. Personalized items always form an intimate bond between the couple and the wedding and the guests that makes these items more valuable and unique.

Elegant wedding favors add a symbol of the solemnity of the occasion that does not make the whole affair feel more distant and cold. Elegance has a surprising effect on the atmosphere of the wedding that makes the whole affair seem classier while drawing people into the embrace of a loving and happy circle.

Combining elegance and candlelight can create an atmosphere of quiet intimacy that will make the guests remember attending this wedding more fondly than they might other weddings they attend in their lives because of the warm feelings inspired by the decorations and the candle or elegant wedding favors that are present at the reception.

Including candle and elegant wedding favors in the proceedings draws the guests into a warm and intimate circle that few elements can match to help make this day more special for everyone involved, as well as the bride and groom. - 15437

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Beach and Summer Wedding Favors - Create a Warm Ambiance

By Aaron H.

Some of the most festive weddings of the year take place in summer. Beach themes and bright colors are everywhere at summer weddings. Couples can enjoy choosing beach and summer wedding favors more because all the choices are warm and cheerful. Beach and summer wedding favors tend to create a warm mood.

Many couples choose to marry on beaches in summer. The setting, decorations, and themes associated with beach weddings tend to be life centered, seahorses, sea shells, and fish are popular choices for decorations and favors. Other items are extremely bright and cheerfully colored. Beach wedding favors often follow these same trends. They make great keepsake items that people can hold onto as reminders of the beach wedding and the incredible atmosphere created by the mild climate, the smell of salt in the air, and the love of the bride and groom.

All summer wedding favors are colorful and cheery. They celebrate life's vibrancy and change as things born in the spring of the year grow toward maturity, just as the love of the bride and groom has grown and matured to the point of being ready to commit to marriage.

Beach and summer wedding favors make excellent "Thank you" gifts for the guests that tell them how grateful the couple is to have their presence on the happiest day of their lives. This message is carried better by wedding favors than by sending out a simple "Thank you" card after the party is over. Being more cheerful by nature, beach and summer wedding favors mark better the cheerful feelings associated with this wonderful time of year.

It is customary to choose wedding favors that fit into the theme of the wedding decorations. Beach and summer wedding favors do this quite nicely and help form concrete links in the minds of the guests that connect the objects to the events so that memories of the wedding are recalled years from now when the items are looked at.

Shopping for beach & summer wedding favors is one of the more fun aspects of wedding planning. Given the wide array of beach or summer themed items that make good wedding favors, couples should take a little bit of time to make their choices so that the perfect items are chosen. Shopping online will open up a vast selection that is probably not available in local bridal shops. Online stores often have better pricing as well due to the intense competition on the worldwide market.

There is just something about getting married in summer that creates a warm, cheerful mood in couples that is not present at any other time of year. Giving beach or summer wedding favors to the guests at a summer wedding is one of the best ways to create that same warm mood in all of the guests to assure a perfect day for the bride and groom. - 15437

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