Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Your About To Learn About The Best Unknown Graphic Design Artist

By Lucian Demoatan

Ever found out about someone or something that you know is going to be huge but you find it just ahead of the rest of the us? Well I know of one and he's just waiting for the world to notice. I know with such absolute certainty that he is going to be the designer of such cutting edge art that I need to tell the world about him, I feel that if you are someone who appreciates art and can handle people pushing the limits of art that you will be in awe of his work. My opinion is that the great artists always create art that is unapologetic and uncompromising. This great artist is Kaalum Ross aka. Rob Church.

When I first discovered his work I was blow away by the depth of symbolism in his work as I am very interested in symbols because they keep coming up in the greatest works in history. Take Michelangelo or Da Vinci and their great works. They're just full of symbols and they truly are the unconscious power that gets us in our guts. Rob/Kaalum's work has this deep meaning and he does it without trying, it's as if he's so in touch that he can't create anything that isn't deeply powerful. Of course he is also very uncompromising in his critics of various institutions and society's ideas.

It's in this honest and unapologetic visions of our world that Rob/Kaalum works hold such great value, this is something we need in the world more now than ever before. Our world is upside down, doctors destroy health, educations completely destroy learning and so on. We need people to wake us up from our deathly slumber in order for us to stop walking to our deaths without ever questioning why we suffer so.

Two themes of Rob/Kaalums works are women and the Christian Church, these two intense hot topics are ones that absolutely need more open discussion and critics. Women of course are still used as sexual symbols more than any other vehicle for subversive advertising. This destroys their important and needed roles other than the sex kitten or vamp, Rob/Kaalum makes sure you question your unconscious attraction to any female image. The other theme (amongst many) that he really gets into is the Christian Church. This is such an important thing to question that it almost is unparalleled in it's importance.

One needs to only look at the major historical events of the "holy church" and it becomes obvious that it has deep well of blood on it's hands. If you don't believe me just look at the Inquisition or the witches hammer or maybe the recent Native residential schools with their 50-60% death rates. Any artist brave enough to thoughtfully expose the dark side of our religious institutions is a splash of cold clear water to our hazy vision of the world.

In the end the basic thing to know is that there is an unknown brilliant artist just on the verge of exposing to the world his great and uncompromising visions and if you want to a part of this then you can contact him at the link below. I already know what going to happen and that I am very lucky to have known him before the world does. So if your looking for some amazing art and are willing to be open to the most honest visions you can get then you need to contact him before the line gets so long that you can't. - 15437

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