Saturday, November 29, 2008

How To Halt Hair Loss

By Don Pedro

More and more people want to look younger the more wrinkles they discover on their face, the more they think about hair loss the more they facilitate the loss of hair. Hair loss is one of the key signs of age which most of us don't want to see happening to us.

Before shedding a hair gets into a phase, which is called a telogan, phase. In this phase the growth is paused and the hair getting weaker and weaker till its shredded. Some factors influence the number of hair that is in telogan phase, and increase the loss of hair thereby. Mental stress is one of the most common causes to do so. Definitely, keeping free of mental strain is not only beneficial for the health for many reasons; it also helps us fighting baldness.

We all know that genetic factors are responsible for the lifetime of our hair. Besides some hormonal factors are also present there. One of the main male hormones is dihydrotestosterone.

There are some major causes of hair loss, which we are all aware of, like genetic factors and the aging process. But apart from these, the imbalance in the dihrotestosterone level in male is also responsible for hair loss in mail. DHI or Dihidrotestosterone is a hormone, derived from testosterone, which improves the blood circulation in the hair follicles. So a reduction in the level of DHI causes rapid hair loss.

For female hair loss is common during the time of pregnancy or after menopause, some may also experience increased rate of shedding hair just after puberty. But in general, males are more prone to hair loss than females.

Those who need to undertake chemotherapy have greater chance to lose hair. The chemicals are extremely harmful to the hair. So even though chemotherapy saves life for cancer patients, they have to bear with hair loss.

To treat hair loss, hair restoration surgery can be quite handy. But one must consult the dermatologists before deciding for the surgery. He needs to be physically and mentally fit for the operation. A dermatologist will also suggest you where to go to undertake the restoration surgery.

But make sure that you consult and make appointment with the professional dermatologists who are skilled in that surgery. You will never need to worry about hair loss again. - 15437

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