Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Finding Your Style for a Backyard Wedding

By Renee G Stephenger

When it is time to plan a wedding there are a million details to consider. Aside from selecting a date, what is the number one consideration? Location, location, location. Have you considered a backyard wedding?

One thing is for sure, a backyard wedding can save you a fortune in church and reception hall costs. We're not talking about scaling back your event either. A backyard wedding can range from a simple menu prepared by family members to a catered event under the stars.

Your theme selection should be a reflection of the couple exchanging vows. Choosing a theme that carries through their personalities and tastes will add a touch of realism to the event, making the wedding more eventful and memorable.

One popular theme is the western wedding. I attended one of these wedding events a few years ago, and it was a wonderfully planned ceremony. A salmon smoke took place in one area, far enough away to prevent smoke interference during the ceremony. The groom and best man rode in on horseback, and everyone was dressed in traditional western clothing.

Having a backyard wedding can be as simple as the casual wedding theme. Dress can be color oriented, like a spring green wedding. Be creative as you want with this theme, and let your vows take the forefront instead of your dcor.

Some considerations for your backyard wedding are the number of guests, seating, and the reception. Landscaping and decorating costs should be considered. Let's not forget parking for all your guests. Weather can also be a concern. What will you do if it rains?

Last but never least is verifying the code for your area. Check with your local law enforcement to see if there are any restrictions, and if you live in a community with CCR code you should verify that an event such as a wedding is permitted.

One thing for sure, a backyard wedding is a wonderful way to celebrate the joining of two through love and commitment. A backyard wedding keeps things close to home, quite literally! - 15437

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