Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Herpes -Are You One Of 50 Million?

By Harold Ulvaeus

Genital Herpes, having a bit of social stigma attached to it, may not be something openly discussed. The truth is that Herpes is much more common than most people think.

Being diagnosed with Genital Herpes can be a challenge. Feelings of isolation, shame and unworthiness are common. And the subject of how to date when you have Herpes is a common one.

The statistics show that if you are diagnosed with herpes, or if you think you may be, you have a lot of company. Take a look at these statistics:

Genital herpes infections occur in about one of every four women in the United States. Men have a slightly lower rate at approximately one in every five men. That means we have about 50 million individuals in the US with genital herpes. That number is rising quickly with an estimated one million new cases per year.

Herpes is more common than all other viral sexually transmitted diseases combined. Possibly one reason herpes is spreading so quickly is that about 80% of those infected are completely unaware of having herpes. So, 80% of those 50 million Americans are unknowingly putting their partners at risk of contracting herpes.

While the disease is more contagious during an outbreak, the virus can be spread when there are no symptoms present at all.

Once the initial episode has passed, not everyone will ever have an outbreak again. For those infected with HSV-2, about 80% will have additional outbreaks, and those infected with the HSV-1 will have a 50% risk of having additional episodes. Typically, the number of outbreaks is about 4-5 per year.

While getting the diagnosis of genital herpes can be distressing, it is important to get a proper diagnosis which involve the proper blood tests by a medical practitioner. - 15437

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