Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Benefiting From An Equity Release Loan By The Elderly

By Chris Channing

Sometimes a person will decide to take out a loan to get some extra money for personal use. The older generations with homes they own can use the equity in their home to get a special type of loan that is called an equity release. This is a wonderful way to make use of your home if you are without heirs or if you do not plan to leave any real estate for your heirs to receive.

Having money available with an equity release loan is one of the smart choices that those without heirs may wish to take. Going against the total equity of your home, you can take money for use in any of the applications that you see fit. You will still be able to live in your home until you pass away so you do not need to worry about being thrown out into the street. Properties that do not have heirs will just be taken over by the government anyways.

Qualifying for an equity release can be as simple as owning your own home and being over 55 years of age. Banks will be happy to discuss your options for equity release. You can even get a plan through the internet these days without having a lender view your home.

Using your money towards retirement is a great option when under an equity release loan. You can even use the money towards anything you please, even giving it to charity.

If you wish to leave less throughout your heirs or leave cash behind that can be divided equally instead of an estate, you can use an equity release to remove value from your estate, or to lower the costs of inheritance tax towards your heirs.

Benefits of taking an equity release on your home or estate are very broad. It provides a lump sum of tax free income for the holders of the loan. Many companies offer No Negative Equity Guarantee protection where if the value of your home goes down, the borrower is protected against the negative market values.

Closing Comments

Equity release loans can be used to get money to use for a number of projects that you do not need to worry about repaying. Being without heirs to your property may put your estate to waste if the government takes it. - 15437

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