Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Photoshop Tricks Keyboard Short-Cuts

By David Peters

Selecting Colors from an Image Quickly To take a color from your image and turn it into the foreground color Press I to activate the Eyedropper Tool and then click on any color in your image. To take that color and turn it into the background color, press the ALT Key and click on any color in your image.

Change Brush Tip Sizes Quickly With a brush selected, simply Press the Right Bracket Key "]" to increase the size of your brush tip, or Press the Left Bracket Key "[" to decrease the size of your brush tip.

The Move Tool & the Arrow Keys You will want to get in the habit of activating the Move Tool with the keyboard shortcut, "V". Once the Move Tool is active you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge a layer or selection in 1 pixel increments. If you want to speed things up, press Shift along with an arrow key to nudge in 10 pixel increments.

Hide Your Palettes To hid all your palettes press the tab key once. You can press the Tab key again to bring them back. To hide all your palettes except the toolbar press Shift+Tab.

Zooming In & Zooming Out You can zoom in on your image by pressing CTRL and the plus sign "+" (Mac: Command and the "+" sign). Conversely you can zoom out by pressing CTRL and the minus sign "-" (Mac: Command and the "-"sign).

Navigating In Magnified Images If you've zoomed in on a large image and have lost your bearings you can jump quickly to specific views using these shortcuts: Press the Home Key to set the view to the top left hand corner of your image. Press the End Key to set the view to the bottom right hand corner of your image. Press the Page Down Key to move the view one full screen down. Press Command+Page Down (PC: Control+Page Down) to move the view one full screen to the right. Press Command+Page Up (PC: Control+Page Up) to move the view one full screen to the left.

Selecting Just The Pixels On A Layer An easy way to select an object that is on a transparent layer is to Press the Command Key (PC: Control key) and click on the layer with the object in the Layers Palette. This makes sure that only the opaque pixels (the pixels that are visible) will be selected with the marching ants, instead of the entire layer.

Tile Images for Better Visibility When open multiple files simultaneously in Photoshop they automatically cascade and it can be quite difficult to find the particular image you are looking for within all of the overlapping files. To avoid this problem you can choose Window> Arrange> Tile and all of your open files will rearrange themselves to be visible all at once. When you're ready to close the windows you don't have to spend time closing them individually, instead use the Close All shortcut Control+Option+W (Mac: Command+Alt+W).

Getting Rid Of the Welcome Screen - And Bringing It Back I am sure you are familiar with the Welcome screen that faces you when you first open Photoshop. If you are like me, at some point you might want to stop this screen from coming up. If you look you will see a check box at the bottom of the screen that you can click to hide the screen at startup. If, at some point down the road, you change your mind and decide that you want to have it show up again, you can temporarily bring the screen back by clicking under the Help menu and choosing Welcome Screen.

Cycle Through All Of Your Open Documents Sometimes you'll want to find one of your open documents that is hidden, but navigating using the Window menu won't help because you can't recall the name of the file. Instead press Control-Tab repeatedly (MAC and PC) to cycle through all of your open documents. - 15437

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