Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Snoring, Eh? A Look At What Makes You A Snorer

By Harold Ulvaeus

So you are a snorer? Snoring is the butt of many jokes, but it is not that funny when you or even worse, your partner, snores.

Some of the factors affecting the amount of disharmony from snoring is how loud it is, and how long it lasts.

There are many devices, methods and contraptions on the market attempting to help the snorer. Some of them work, some do not work at all.One of the reasons for the lesser success rate is that people snore for a variety of reasons and you need a device or method that deals with the CAUSE of the snoring.

Products that aim at correcting the symptom of the problem such as chin straps or mouth pieces do nothing to get to the underlying cause, thus, the snoring will return as soon as the device is not worn.

Natural methods such as yoga, changing sleeping position, breathing exercises, not consuming alcohol prior to bed can all help to some extent, but they too are not cause oriented.

Addressing the CAUSE of the snoring which is usually A. A weak soft palate. B.Narrow nasal passages. C.Stuffy nose from a cold or allergies. D.Muscles in the throat are weak. E. Muscles supporting the jaw are too tense. And the most common reason: The tongue falls into the throat as you relax and partially blocks the airways.

What to do about these causes? A few minutes per day doing easy and very specific exercises can tone and firm your tissues and before you know it, you and those sleeping within earshot of you will enjoy peaceful snore free nights. - 15437

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