Thursday, November 6, 2008

External Hemorrhoids Treatment

By Sandy Rowde

Hemorrhoids have two types: the internal and the external hemorrhoids. Unlike internal hemorrhoids that have grown inside the anal canal, external hemorrhoids occur outside of the anal verge. This sac-like protrusion found outside the anus is often characterized by itchiness (pruritus ani), pain, irritation and swelling.

Usually, all tissue bulges or swellings outside the anal canal are called external hemorrhoids; however, there are some instances wherein internal hemorrhoids, due to its worst state, have grown terribly to the point that it protrudes until outside the anal canal (this is also known as prolapsed internal hemorrhoids).

There are various external hemorrhoids treatment. Some people are still more comfortable doing the "natural" method in treating hemorrhoids, while there are others who rely on the latest sophisticated equipment that the society has now in treating hemorrhoids.

One of the best treatment for external hemorrhoids is surgery or what is known as hemorrhoidectomy. In this surgical procedure, the swollen tissue is being scraped off using a scalpel. Patient who undergo this kind of treatment is being given an anesthesia (local or general - depending on the state of the victim). Based on testimonies of people who have undergone this kind of treatment, hemorrhoidectomy has a longer-effect despite the intense pain that was felt after the operation. Surgery is always being recommended to large-sized hemorrhoids that have already complicated to the point that it already causes so much discomfort and pain to the patient.

Another external hemorrhoids treatment in this modern age is the use of laser beam. Laser is also deemed by many as the fastest treatment among other treatments for hemorrhoids in terms of conducting the treatment procedure. Laser treatment is applicable to small and medium sizes of hemorrhoids.

Rubber hand ligation is also another treatment procedure for external hemorrhoids. This is the most famous non-surgical external hemorrhoids treatment since this can be applicable to both small and medium sizes of hemorrhoids. In rubber band ligation procedure, a rubber band is being wrapped around the sac-like protrusion. The rubber band will serve as an instrument that will restrict the flow of blood circulation in the affected area. Lack of blood flow in the hemorrhoids will help in its shrinking, and then, to its eventual healing.

Sclerotherapy is also another possible treatment for external hemorrhoids. A certain chemical solution is being injected to the affected area which help in the shrinking of the hemorrhoids.

There are also non-medical treatments for external hemorrhoids. Natural means of healing and prevention can also be applied which includes:

- changing the diet to include fiber-enriched foods that can soften stools and prevent constipation. A change in the diet also includes avoidance from meaty and processed foods. It also entails the inclusion of water intake. At least eight glasses of water per day should be consumed in order to sustain the smooth flow of digestion and easy defecation.

- wearing of comfortable under wears. Avoid wearing tight-fitting under wears because this will give no room for your external hemorrhoids and might increase pressure towards it, causing more pain.

- use lukewarm water for bathing. Sitting on a tub half-filled with warm water will help reduces swelling and gives relief from pain and itchiness. - 15437

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