Thursday, November 6, 2008

Are You Using the Right of Plantar Wart Treatment Medication?

By Rashel Dan

The plantar wart is a common type of wart that infects feet, primarily, while also appearing on other parts of your body. Its external appearance resembles a hardy little cauliflower with little black dots clustered in the middle. It can be spread in gym communal showers, around public swimming pools, and by sharing shoes, socks and clothing. So it is good that looking for the best plantar wart treatment is easy. Read on and know more about some of the many effective types of medications for plantar wart treatment.

Plantar wart treatment medication can come as over-the-counter medication meant for home use and self-medication. The most common types are the salicylic acid or silver nitrate-based medications. These plantar wart treatment medications are readily available at your local pharmacy. They come in two applications: The solution-coated adhesive tape variety, and the diluted solutions type. Most plantar wart treatment packs include instructions for their use and application. To be sure, consult your doctor, or at least your pharmacist, for the correct application and dosage.

A Salicylic acid-treated adhesive pad is a popular plantar wart treatment since it's easy to use. Simply cut a short length of the adhesive tape and cover over your plantar warts. This plantar wart treatment should be applied regularly over a period of time. Be diligent and patient; plantar wart treatment may take over two weeks to a month, or even extend even up to three months. When changing your salicylic acid-coated adhesive tape, wash the affected area, and dab it dry before putting on a fresh length of tape. This ensures that your plantar wart does not have a moist environment to spread in.

A diluted solution is also another type of plantar wart treatment that could work for you. You have two choices: The diluted solution of salicylic acid and silver-nitrate-based medication. Depending on the size, severity and location of the plantar, there are specific instructions for the application of these plantar wart treatment medications. It's best that you ask for advice from your doctor, or the local pharmacist, at the very least, on how use these plantar wart treatment medications to their fullest effect. And remember that applying these medications requires a strict regimen that will require your diligence patience. Plantar wart treatment may take place over a period of time, anywhere from two to four weeks, even up to six months.

Another plantar wart treatment you look up is prescribed medication. There are three types: Imiquimod, Podophyllin and Podofilox. This type of plantar wart treatment requires a doctor's prescription, which is a good thing, because your doctor will be able to diagnose whether your infection will require a stringent and stronger plantar wart treatment, or another medication that would be more appropriate.

One highly-recommended medication for plantar wart treatment is the Imiquimod. It is a wart medication that most doctors would prescribe to patients who are suffering from plantar warts, because of its know effectiveness against this type of what. Imiquimod stimulates your body's natural immune system to attack the plantar warts on your body. Podophyllin and Podofilox are two plantar wart treatment medications that are applied externally, as well. But unlike Like Imiquimod, care should be taken in using these two plantar wart treatment medications, especially for pregnant women.

If you are pregnant or expecting pregnancy, you should avoid using either Podophyllin or Podofilox, at all. These three plantar wart treatment medications are applied on the warts and the skin surrounding them, and therefore, are absorbed into your skin. Both Podophyllin and Podofilox can cause severe and irreparable birth defects in your unborn child. So stick to another plantar wart treatment if you suspect you could be pregnant, or if you are on the family way.

When it comes to plantar wart treatment, it is always advised to follow application instructions, to exercise caution, and always, consult your pharmacist -- or better yet, your doctor. Attempting these plantar wart treatments without proper understanding of the instructions, or going against your doctor's advice could only make your wart worse, or injure healthy skin and tissue along with your wart and leaver permanent scarring. Remember that plantar warts are very contagious and will easily spread in warm and moist surfaces. It is caused by a viral infection called the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), and is so contagious that the slightest contact is enough for it to spread. So be sure to stick to your plantar wart treatment so that you can get rid of your wart sooner and faster. - 15437

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