Friday, November 21, 2008

Pheromones: All You Should Know About Them

By Andrew John

In short, pheromones are hormone derivatives that are used by our bodies to send chemical signals inducing sexual interest in all member of the opposite sex as well as many more interesting information such as the status of your immune system and your ability to have children... While they play an important role in many areas, their main role is targeting the members of the opposite sex and cause attraction and make them ready for love even if the signals have not been yet processed by the conscious mind!

Once in the air, the pheromones are detected by a small organ inside our nose, known as Vomeronasal Organ. This part of the nasal passage acts independently of other nerves and is dedicated only to detect and decode messages brought by the pheromones. Thanks to that the response does not rely directly on any identifiable smell - for all practical reasons, the pheromones have no specific smell - its strength relies only on purely chemical reactions.

How come I haven't heard about this interesting new sense organ and human pheromones before? Because it's a recent discovery! Although you may not have heard of pheromones and the sixth sense yet, you will: They're fast becoming household words. Do we give off pheromones naturally? Absolutely, we are chemically communicating with each other all the time. These pheromones that we give off are the base for most pheromone cologne style products.

If we have our own pheromones, why do we need a pheromone cologne? Because of our cultural habits... What do we do first thing in the morning, every morning? Take a shower. Then we apply deodorants and maybe lotions or aftershaves that further mask our real body chemistry. Next, we tend to dress from head to toe, thereby covering 90% of the very skin that releases pheromones into the air. Some studies have also shown that through evolution, our natural pheromone production has gradually decreased, as civilizations have turned to social customs and norms when choosing a mate. When you put on a pheromone cologne like Nexus Pheromones, you're not only replacing pheromones you've washed off, covered up or lost, but adding a chemical miracle brew that will work on most women. By replenishing and even boosting your lost pheromones you can really "get back to nature," and re-establish chemical communication with people around you. People respond without even understanding why. They just know they like you.

Pheromone colognes work quite long - the scent will probably not disappear before nine hours since application. The body chemistry, natural pheromone levels, product's brand name and even the kind of spots you applied your pheromone cologne to may and will have a noticeable effect on the longevity of its effects. That's why it is extremely important to buy only highest quality products such as Nexus Pheromones or other products that: (a)contain pure concentrate of androsterone, (b) are sold under a money-back warranty, and (c) are cost-effective - some pheromone colognes are sold at competitive prices, but the bottle is less than 10ml. Also, keep in mind that you need to make sure that the delivery will be 100% discreet. Otherwise you will risk receiving impolite comments from your neighbors - and that's precisely what you would like to avoid.

While it is said that self-confidence is the best aphrodisiac, pheromones can help you more than a bit. First, they will give you an edge. As they make others perceive you as more attractive and the opposite sex reactions will become more positive, your self-confidence will be boosted to levels you have never dreamed about. Then, as pheromones attract members of the opposite sex, you can expect receiving more than a usual share of attention. This will result in increased number of dates which in turn will increase the chance of sexual intercourse. Then, as pheromones cause arousal, the quality of lovemaking from both partners' sides will skyrocket. And last, but not least, pheromones will effect in you being more popular than before helping you in your everyday life. - 15437

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