Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Maturing Body - Anatomy Of The Human Body

By Tommy Griffin

Its an fascinating notice as to why our older years are called the golden years. I think when 1 perceives what these years were earlier intended to be like, that may have been a proper description. The subject of the anatomy of the human body has proven that there are very distinct signals of the maturing body, far before we became consciously aware of it ourselves. Sure there's days that we wake up loaded with hurts and pains, but in the young to mid yrs we find an excuse for it. For good example, I played too much ball yesterday, or I raised too much at work. Then all of a sudden one day, when we wake up to the unchanged aches and pains, its because we're growing old.

The anatomy of the human body have got to be 1 of the most entertaining aspects present on earth. There is so many that we have come to acknowledge about it, but so believably as equality as much, that we do not know.

Perhaps if we made a personalized interest in acquiring what our bodies are all about, and what they are doing we could go back to relishing the golden yrs. The anatomy of the human body is although really complex ,also very easy to get to know if one requires the time. Young people in their twenties, are on top of the earth both mentally and physically with their whole life ahead of them in years hopefully , merely will it be in optimal wellness is the real question. To begin with the ageing procedure has started. We set out with more or less a billion neurons in our brain ,and by the time we are in our 20s they have led off to dwindle away. Within about ten years we could be suffering as much as 10,000 a day. At Present thats got to make some time of impact on us. From a medical point of view, this loss is affecting our memory, co-ordination and brain process. The anatomy of the human body is sure to change.

Children old bones replace themselves very rapidly, close to within a 2 year period. This is in reality the substitute of old bone material with new. In grownups this substitute can add up 10 yr. Up until the mid twenties bone denseness goes on to gain. After 35 bone loss begins, and the ageing process has begun.

Around fifty five our gut begins to become abandoned. All that good bacteria that's suppose to be there is evaporating. So at present the stomach irritations begin, and poor digestion becomes evident.

These are only a few of the aging processes that take place in our body, and we have the anatomy of the human body, to thank for bringing us into our golden years. - 15437

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