Thursday, November 13, 2008

Maternity and Dieting, What to Do to Lose Extra Pounds

By Ricardo d Argence

Many women spend a large portion of their pregnancy stressing about how much weight they're gaining and how quickly they can get it off afterwards. It's especially hard when you're trying to care for a brand new baby. Just as it took you 9 whole months to gain the weight, you should not expect that it will melt off in 9 days.

Unfortunately, our society tells us otherwise. Magazines have articles dedicated to celebrities who look as slim as ever a mere month after giving birth. They praise them as if that is what we all should aspire to. However, healthy weight loss takes time. If you lose it too quickly, you are probably not keeping yourself healthy and there's a good chance you will gain the weight back eventually.

The best way to lose pounds is to breastfeed. Your body retains additional calories to nourish you baby after his birth, which is why you gain extra weight during pregnancy. Breastfeeding burns 200-500 extra calories a day. That is how mamma nature helps you to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy. As all mothers are not lucky enough to breastfeed their babies, there are other methods which could help you to get back in to great shape.

Eating healthy is not only important for weight loss but also if you are breastfeeding. You want your baby to be getting the most nutritious meal possible. If you are not eating properly, all the nutrients from what you are eating will go into your breast milk, leaving very little vitamins for you. Try eating 4-5 smaller meals throughout the day instead of 3 larger ones, this will boost your metabolism and keep you from being hungry.

Drinking a lot of water is very important, even more so in women who are breastfeeding. Drink 8-10 glasses a day. This way, you can get rid of the toxins accumulated on your body during pregnancy. You will most likely eat less when more water is drank.

After giving birth, exercise is important for a few reasons. The most important thing is that breastfeeding is not hindered as is the case with dieting. In addition to this, exercises can improve the level of endorphins in your body and this would in turn prevent the occurrence of postpartum depression.

Women who do lose the weight gained from pregnancy sometimes discover that their figure is not what they remembered it to be. Your muscle tone will be lax and you your skin, once stretched so taught, will appear loose and flabby after you lose the baby weight. You can gain a firm and fit body and toned muscles by proper exercising.

It is important to remember to start out very slowly with your exercise regimen. Give your body time to rest, heal, and use this time to bond with your baby. When you do start exercising, start out slow with 10 minutes of exercise, and gradually increase the time, as you feel stronger.

Pregnancy has a powerful impact on your body. Don't allow your worries about your weight to cloud this precious time with your new baby. You can lose weight any time but babies aren't babies forever. - 15437

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