Monday, November 3, 2008

Donating Body Parts To Others - Human Anatomy

By James R

With the furtherance of modern applied science in both practice of medicine and scientific discipline, its not surprising to hear that we can survive and operate quite comfortably without several of our organs. Personally I choose to keep all of mine. There are times though that removal of an organ can really spare a life, for instance, if the organ is diseased. Many individuals ask so if you can survive and function without numerous of the organs why would we have them in the first place? Furthermore, they have their own areas in our body.

Some organ removals are quite ordinary and some of us have already known this. There is the tonsil and adenoid removal that seems to be a childhood occurrence rather than in adulthood. The function of the tonsils is to help to prevent the invasion of bacteria from getting in through the mouth and nose, where it can sometime go on to do harm to some other regions of the body. The adenoids assist to prevent it from coming in the nose. Sometimes these organs get so loaded, and became sick from being incessantly inflamed so they cannot do their job right. So the most feasible answer was to plainly get rid of them. In todays medicine this is not done so freely as it once was. The human anatomy is being looked at much closer by many scientists.

The appendix is other organ that appears to be unremarkably removed. If you were to talk to an individual who has had a bout of appendicitis ,before getting the appendix removed, they will tell you they dont miss it all. Acute appendicitis is very very awful. The task of the appendix for numerous years was never clear. After all they were part of the human anatomy and thats all that seemed to matter. Now in recent surveys medical scientists believe they may have obtained the very reason and purpose of the appendix.

They now trust that it is the appendix job to construct good bacteria that must be found in the gut. This good bacteria is very essential to keeping good health and body functions. There are times when the gut gets stripped of the good bacteria, perhaps through unwellness or disease. This is where the appendix comes in, to multiply the good bacterial so in re enters the gut and brings it back performing normally once again.

Other ordinary organ removal, amongst women is the removal of the uterus. Sometimes in this procedure, the ovaries which are a portion of this may be remain. Then on the other hand, at times the ovaries are removed and the uterus left. We all know that these are productive organs and formerly they have served their aim, its no trouble removing of them. This is not in reality entirely true. This organ play a remarkable part when it gets to female internal secretions, and affects the menopause stage a woman goes through.

So you can see that these are several of the more ordinary organs that can be rather easily removed and our bodies still operate without them. Then also you can see that they all do serve a very essential purpose. This raises an interesting question. Although we are well without them, would be all that more in even better health, if we still had them? - 15437

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