Friday, November 14, 2008

Do You Want To Uncover Secrets Of The Human Skeleton

By Max Millwall

The case is a certain number of us are not curiosity seekers when it comes to the human body, specially the skeletal system. Maybe the total wisdom of what the ordinary mortal knows about this system, could be written in one paragraph. Let me shift to other topic for a while. Curiosity.. We are overcurious beasts by nature, and prosper on acquiring fascinating matters. It doesnt matter on what matter for the most part,if there is something interrelated to us, be it directly or indirectly, then we want to hear it. provided it is easy and can be easily made known.

Now back to the skeletal system. This is for certain wholly about us, in fact it is us. . Its not up to someone else to look after what belongs to us. The human body is not so complex as what it seems. That argument only makes true for those that are not practising an in-depth study of the body. In those events, yes it is intricate ,but not beyond visualizing. Its just a issue of how much knowledge is required for the role we need it for. So in the case of the person that wishes to go into the medical profession, he needs a lot more knowledge than the common person who just want to take care of what he has. Namely our body.

So not only are we going to talk about some amusing facts about your bones,we are going to teach you how to take care of your body properly. Do you know that you have been losing things from your skeletal system over the months?

You have 350 bones when you just come into this world. Now if you could glance inside yourself you would count around 206 or so. Thats 90 less then what you started with. You know damn well you havent had any surgery that removed 90 of your bones, and you also know that you were born absolutely fit. This truly is a secret, and now youre fascinated. Well actually it really isnt all that much of a mystery. Many of our bones just merge together throughout our lifetime. Part of the cause this happens is so those bones combining together, can do the works we need as adults, which we didnt require as toddlers.

Here is another point that may be of interest. Most of us reach our peak bone concentration or strength approximately the age of 20. So the adage that its all down hill after 40 is misleading. Now dont let this thought depress you, and lead you to believe that now that youre past 20 that you are past the prime of you life. It plainly implies that you want to insure you are taking care of your body. particularly your skeletal system right from that age on. Not holding back till you pass 40 before you start considering about whats effective for your bones.

There is one more fascinating thing. There are so many to pick out from its difficult to decide which to share with you. How about those starvation diets that many of us have suffer at some point in our life story. We visualize whatever damage they could make is temporary right? Not so. you are wounding your bones because they are not being nurtured the right way. Who knows what lasting effects this could have.

So a little bit of introductory wisdom about the body can imply a lot of good health through the years. You have to agree that some of the facts we addressed here were quite entertaining and did raise your oddity. - 15437

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