Friday, November 7, 2008

Discover 6 Facts About The Human Digestive System

By James R

We all visualize that the digestive system is plainly the process that our body practices to reap the profits of the nutrients we take. Some knows more than others , and that frequently occurs from the type of teaching we are exposed to. 1 example. pupils that took biological science will perhaps know a lot more than an a mortal who took a trade about mechanics. There are many things about the digestive system that are just plain fascinating to know. For good example

Did you know that;
In our stomach the food and liquids we take in are mixed with digestive juices. These are all mixed together within the stomach until they are tiny enough to be ingested into our system. The amusing part is that everyday this all totals up to about 11.5 liters which runs through the digestive system. Out of that whole amount only approx. 100mls is of no value to us, and ends up being passed through the bowels as feces.

Did you know that;
The stomach has to break down the various types of solid food we ingest. One of these being protein. To do the job the stomach releases enzymes and hydrochloric acid. The stomach is so effective at its task that between two-six hours after it is wholly emptied of its contents and is prepared for the next batch. Now you know why youre hungry.

Did you know that:
You liver is a food inspector? One of the tasks of the liver is to check the nutrients that are on the way to go to our bloodstream. Its job is to supply detoxification by getting rid of the impurities. This helps the digestion procedure. That's is why you have to preserve your liver good.

Did you know that:
That by our nottaking care of our digestive system properly we could be hurting our financial economy? Well leastwise indirectly anyways. Digestive troubles cost Approx $50 billion every year in America, in both direct costs and individuals suffering from these troubles who cannot work.

Did you know that:
We may be capable to aid control indigestion by the way we cook?100 of enzymes of over different sorts is essential to the right way disgest the food in our stomach. There are enzymes in our food, but we demolish these when we cook our food. So because the body requires them it is forced to construct them. After a while our body may get weary of doing all this supplementary work, so it will go on strike and not acquire a competent quantity. Then once that happens, you better start aiming for the antacids, because you are in for a bout of indigestion. With the germs and pesticides and other things that foods are revealed to, unfortunately we really dont have a alternative but to thoroughly make our foods.

and leaving the best for the last

Do you know;
You could stand on your head and the food would still travel down to your stomach? Now we really urge that you dont do this. The reason it will get down there, is because the esophagus is about 25 cm., long, and our muscular tissues will compress in waves to force the food down these 25 cm..

These facts that we have merely addressed are very interesting to most people. By listening to them or learning them, you have provided yourself with much pretty primary knowledge about the digestive system. Imagine that, being able to study something about the human body without going overwhelmed or drawn. Now that is engrossing! - 15437

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