Saturday, November 8, 2008

Depression -Do you Feel Like This?

By Harold Ulvaeus

Most of us know at least one person who has been diagnosed with depression. Maybe you think that you may have depression? Do your emotions fit the criteria for depression? Clinical depression affects millions of people. Understanding what depression is can be a first step towards getting the right help. Let's look at some of the facts.

Feelings of sadness are normal. Everyone experiences a blue mood once in a while. But when feelings of sadness become your only feelings, and when a blue mood turns into a persistent black cloud, you may be suffering from depression.

Depression is not a mood that can be alleviated by will power. Depression is a mental disorder that can change how you think. It changes your outlook on life and the future. It affects your beliefs and how, and if, you want to interact with others.

So how can you tell the difference between actual clinical depression and normal feelings of sadness. Essentially it's about intensity and time. The feelings associated with depression are much more intense. Your character and your ability to cope with reality become severely affected. It becomes almost impossible to function on a daily basis.

Typically, the threshold for diagnosing depression is about two weeks. When we experience negative events, it is normal to want to withdraw, and to feel sad. If after a few weeks you are still withdrawn and there is no relief from the sadness, it is possible that you have entered a depressive episode. Untreated depression can last for months to years.

The great news is that depression is very treatable. Traditionally, a combination of therapy and medication is really quite effective. Today an entire range of alternative therapies have shown impressive results at relieving even long standing, serious depression. Some alternative therapies very effective for the treatment of depression are: Emotional freedom Techniques, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Chi Gung, nutritional supplements and a simple thing such as walking are just a few examples.

Depression can happen to anyone. It is not an affliction of those who are weak. Strong people can get depression as well. if you suspect that you may be suffering from depression, remember, the sooner you get help, the sooner you will feel better. - 15437

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