Saturday, November 22, 2008

An Abraham Biggs Rating System for the internet?

By Carey Richardson

An Abraham Biggs Rating System for the internet? It's time to take a stand and make the internet a safer place

TOLEDO, OH, November 21, 2008 My name is Carey Richardson and I'm a web designer and proud parent. I've been trying to "build" a new ratings system for the internet to be used worldwide. After the disturbing news of a young man's suicide broadcast over the internet I think it's time that we all step up and help with a company like mine's venture to increase online safety. If we had a worldwide system in place and every computer/browser had the system those chatting with Mr. Biggs could have notified authorities much sooner and those who shouldn't have been watching wouldn't have been with a system in place.

It's my opinion that building something like this will take time and a great deal of effort from many people and companies. However, we must start someone and we must have people of power help lead us to a safer internet. I've been in contract with companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Mozilla and others to begin putting together a team to pull this off. We don't need the government's approval or help to make the internet safer, however, it would really great to know that the FCC cares as much about profanity on television and radio as it does about the safety of internet users. Hopefully government officials and entities will get the message ASAP.

I think we can protect people from harmful items on sites like youtube and myspace. Also sites like need to be monitored. A simple enter your birth date or click to agree you're older than 18 years of age isn't enough. We don't need to remove these sites or their content. We just need to direct the content away from the members of the audience for which it's inappropriate. We can also protect children and young adults from chatting with people who haven't been "verified" or people who are unsafe. I have a plan that will increase safety on the web by an overwhelming amount. There should be a reason why anyone would be against a system like this. Adults who want/wish to look at certain items on the web will be able to. Assuming his/her rating, which they have received, allows them to view such content. Everyone has a credit score which has a great impact on his/her life why not start a system to allow people to view/post content on the web.

We can implement this as a voluntary rating system and then in time make it mandatory. Companies will boast they are members of the rating system until the system is mandatory.

I see all computers having each user setup with a "profile" and "rating" so that he or she is given a rating which they are allowed to view. Sexual predators will not be allowed to register and obtain a profile so they wouldn't even be able to operate a chat service which will comply willingly with such a rating system.

I'm currently working on a patent for my idea and a professionally written plan of action. I have a detailed plan of implementing the rating server and how it will all work. Someone with much more power than me needs to step up and work on this ASAP. This problem we are experiencing will only get worse so we need to take action immediately before this becomes an epidemic.

Please contact me and help assist me in creating a safer internet.

Fill out the form on my website and let me know how you can assist with this effort. - 15437

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